The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 661 9 Dragon Club

Chapter 661

The Chu family expanded the recruitment of the population of the Beiming Continent. Because the expansion was very strong, it not only aroused the vigilance of some major forces in the Beiming Continent, but also attracted the attention of many forces from the Yunzhou Continent.

Yun'an Continent, Yunzhou Continent, and Beiming Continent are three continents. In terms of population, Yunzhou actually occupies the first place.But in terms of prosperity, Yun'an Continent still takes the first place.Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the number and quality of monks. Most of the Yunzhou mainland is still a piece of sand, but Yun'an mainland has a million-level monk army.

This is not just peach blossom.The re-established empires in the center of the mainland are not as prosperous as before, but they can easily pull up a million-level monk army.

Of course, they were able to easily pull up such a huge team not because of anything else, but because of the existence of Longshanfang City.In less than ten years, they quickly accumulated a huge army of monks.

Even those upper realm forces didn't expect this to happen.

It was just one wrong step, one wrong step.

In the first year of Longshanfang City's establishment, it was established only a few years earlier than the last integration, and the business was only slightly better.In the second year, it was more than a little better, and the trading of various cultivation materials was crazy.In the third year, it was difficult to even contain it, and it was completely out of control.

What?It doesn't matter if you don't sell it in the upper realm.When I go out and turn around, there are always similar substitutes that can be sold, it just depends on whether my bid is appropriate or not.

What empty dharma boats, what royal sea battleships, what floating monster carts, as long as there is need, various commodities and objects can appear.The variety of varieties and the meticulous knowledge of the quantity have shocked the major business forces in the upper world.

In the seventh and eighth years, if the upper world produces something good, the major merchants below will imitate it.

From elixirs to magic weapons, from ordinary to rare, from rune weapons to various rune bed crossbows.

What's even more frustrating is that in the world of Shenting, from pills to magic weapons, as long as someone releases the first case, you can have at least ten years of exclusive rights.Any imitations can only appear after ten years.

If you are more powerful, you can even suppress other merchants from doing similar business.

But in the lower realm, I don't understand what you say, I can't hear it.Then as soon as you came out with new products, it didn't take long for me to get out the imitations.

What are you afraid of if the effect is poor, come more.

Besides, my price is cheap, only a fraction, or a tenth, of your original product.

Still can't find a buyer?
I think back when the worlds of higher grades merged, the lower realms also imitated all kinds of good things from the upper realms, especially pills.But at that time everyone was stealthy, small-scale imitation.But now they are shameless, imitating on a large scale from the beginning.And not just one family.

Although the lower realm now only imitates about [-]% of the upper realm's low-level pills.But this group of wicked people almost imitated all the common pills that low-level monks needed.The other pills that they don't imitate are either the spiritual plants on the recipes that they don't have in the lower realm, or they don't use them at all for human monks.

If you want to say who is the hardest, those sect forces that are about to go down to the world and are famous for refining pills are the hardest.The pills and pills that they can use to make a fortune and plunder resources have been imitated.

How pitiful is this, look at the constipated faces those guys pull all day long! !
Because their own development is so good, as for many countries, they have built regional large-scale square cities in their own countries after imitating Longshan Fang City, and they are also doing business very quickly.The Chu family also followed these markets and extended their business to every corner of the entire continent.

Today, the reputation of Chu's Chamber of Commerce is not much worse than that of Longshanfang City.

It is because its name is too big. On this day, its headquarters in Longshanfang City, which is the second half of the service area of ​​Longshanfang City.

The first half is the management and service area of ​​Longshanfang City. You can go to the first half to search and consult if you have anything to do with the merchants or any list you want to see.The second half was originally closed because it was temporarily unavailable.Later, it was designated as the headquarters by the Chu Chamber of Commerce.

Zhu Kangnian was very surprised when he received the invitation, "Are you really the Kowloon Club?"

The confidant in charge nodded very simply.

"The largest chamber of commerce in the Hongwu Empire, the Nine Dragons Association? That big chamber of commerce that is said to have the royal background of the Hongwu Empire?"


"They don't interfere with us, what do they come to visit us when they have nothing to do?" Zhu Kangnian asked in confusion.

"My subordinates don't know either. Besides, when we say that we don't violate the water in the well, do you believe it?"

After Zhu Kangnian heard this, he took a deep look at Chu Zi'an, the tall, thin and careful steward in front of him. "There is some truth in what you said. You can receive visitors with me tomorrow."

Chu Zian wailed immediately. "I can finally have a day off tomorrow. I haven't had a day off for four months."

"Young man, what's the point of doing some work? Take a rest, I haven't rested for six months, do you see what I said?" Zhu Kangnian said angrily.He was only in his twenties when Longshan was built, and he is in his thirties now.

So, it was just right to teach Chu Zian a lesson.Who made him a junior.

"Brother Kang, can we not do this? You are a workaholic, so don't get involved with us, okay?" Chu Zian begged for forgiveness.

"No." The die-hard Zhu Kangnian insisted on dragging Chu Zian into the water.

"Brother, how can you do this?"

"Brother, why can't I do this?"

Chu Zian was completely speechless, his small eyes were resentful, but resentful.

In fact, just because his name is Zhu Kangnian, he can drag Chu Zian into the water.Just because he and Chu Shinian are of the same generation! !
The two principals of the Kowloon Club this time are new elders of the Kowloon Club.Xu Feilu and Lu Xuangan.

The two actually met in the cave house they bought.Xu Feilu said to Lu Xuan with a serious face, "Junior Brother Lu, you just came from the Yunzhou mainland, and you may not know much about this Chu Chamber of Commerce. Have you seen the jade cocoon I sent you yesterday?" ?
There is detailed information about the Chu Chamber of Commerce. "

Lu Xuangan directly stated that he had finished reading it.

"Now the person in charge of Longshanfang City is called Zhu Kangnian. In fact, this person should be called Chu Chu Kangnian, who comes from the Chu family's secret guard system. He is not only of the same family as Chu Shinian, the helm of the Chu family, but also a member of the secret guard system. Brothers of the same generation.

If we search according to this generation, perhaps we can also find other members of the Chu family's secret guards. "

When Xu Feilu heard this, he immediately laughed. "Junior Brother Lu, what you think is very interesting. But the Chu family dared to put them on the stage because they were not afraid of exposing them. People who are afraid of being exposed will not expose their own weaknesses in their names."

(End of this chapter)

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