The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 665 Gopher

Chapter 665 Gopher
"There is no other way, let's go the old way ahead of time." A group of humans in black clothes and white ghost-pattern masks gathered together in an inexplicable place.

They sat around a huge round table, and the distance between each seat was more than half a meter.There are a full 20 people.Six seats more than the same period of the previous world fusion.

"It's so embarrassing. It's just a small indigenous family. Why should we be forced to this point?" Someone said in a nasty voice.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you have the ability, you can get a million congregation members? With just a few hundred people in your hands, can you deal with the Chu family's millions of monks? Don't say anything else, they have a fleet Come on, it is an army of 70 monks.

We harassed people day and night and at most killed a few people.But once the bounty was offered, all our affiliated forces suffered heavy losses.There are also some affiliated forces that were simply killed and retreated, out of our control.

It's fucking disgusting. "

The other one slapped the table with hatred and yelled.

"In the final analysis, the number of our descendants is too small. The world's restrictions on us have become stricter." A voice with a calm and cold tone said.

"What are we, bad aliens? What are we, sons of the world. This is not the first time you have conquered the world, and it is not the first time you have encountered this kind of treatment. There is nothing to complain about. When there are complaints, It's better to think about how to keep the Northern Underworld Continent from being eroded by others." Another short man in black said.

"Blocking the mainland is not impossible, but it consumes too much. We don't benefit much every year, and we need the support of our sect from the upper realm to maintain the ring of gray mist. Last time we sealed off the entire continent, but we don't need the support of our sect every month. When it was time to resupply, which time was it not ridiculed by the people of this sect with guns and sticks." A woman's voice came out.

"But if we don't follow the old road of blocking the mainland, sooner or later, all the human races on the Beiming Continent will be stolen by the people of the Chu family." The one who was angry at the time said again.

"Beiming Continent is the smallest of the ten continents. But it also has nearly 100 billion human races. How many people can the Chu family want? It won't take long for them to eat the limit. It's just a family. How many people can they support? They are not even a country.

From the very beginning, I disagreed with you insisting on rushing to touch Mrs. Chu's brow.Anyway, they were just playing around in the corner of Beiming Continent.Why bother to get acquainted with them. "The woman said again.

"But the loss of tens of millions of people every year is too much." The person who spoke with hatred said again.

"It's simple, just get some cheap food and offal, fish heads and other offal meat can feed a large number of people. Then encourage them to have children, male fifteen, female thirteen let them get married and have children, one child a year, one child A woman can have more than a dozen children in ten years.

In 20 years, the population of the mainland can increase by more than ten times. The initial population of 100 billion can directly become more than 1000 billion, why is it not enough?I think it is enough.Even if the Chu family can eat some people, how much can they eat?Can his small indigenous families support hundreds of billions of people?Let them die, and it will never be completed. "The woman said again.

"You have a good idea, but what about the population we need for cultivation and the population that the higher-ups need us to pay?" the person with a cold tone asked again.

"It's simple, or it is to divide the safe area and the cultivation area. You can make the training area whatever you want. The safe area is free of population." The woman said.

"It's not impossible."

"It's feasible, so we don't have to spend so many resources to build a blockade. And the annual maintenance cost is too high."

"However, even if it is cheap grain and cheap offal meat, if the quantity increases, it will consume a lot of resources."

"You can let them grow by themselves, and hunt and kill wild animals and sea fish by themselves."

"Okay, I agree."

"Wait, in this way, the Beiming Continent will be completely exposed to other forces. Maybe they will keep coming to steal our population like the Chu family."

"Everyone take advantage of this time to develop your own power. Not every power that comes over is as strong as the Chu family. For small powers, just kill them directly." The woman said again.

"I really didn't expect you, sister, to be so smart. The idea you came up with is much better than the old way we thought of before." Someone praised the woman.

"What's the brains, it's not that I've been beaten by the superiors too many times, I just racked my brains to find a way. Those who can be kicked down, everyone is not someone who is valued by the superiors. Last time we put Bei Ming The mainland was too messy, and in the end, I couldn't even hand in enough people. I was severely blamed almost every year.

Several times I was almost killed by the brothers who came down from above.

This time, let's start lightly and develop sustainably. "

Her words caused everyone present to be silent.

Everyone is having a hard time.

Now that I have the opportunity to come back, I really need to change it.

"However, I think everyone still needs to pay special attention." The man in black said in a cold tone, "The native monks on the Northern Underworld Continent are a bit too active. Everyone should pay attention to clearing them up. Don't let them expand their power Too fast. These guys are like gophers, no matter how many times we have cleaned them up, they are still all over the place."

"That's right, aren't those gophers who dare to strangle our affiliated forces now? Do you want to strangle them together again?"



There was a sound of agreement from all around.


Ling Yanshu led the fleet to wander back and forth in the waters of the six coastal cities. Since the hunting order was promulgated, demons and evil cultivators have suffered a lot of killings.All kinds of human heads flew into the Chu family like snowflakes.Chu's settlement is also faster.As long as the inspection passes, all kinds of resources will be sent out as if they don't need money.

There is even a feat of exchanging a coastal city for a warehouse of [-] square meters in one night.

The realization of powerful financial resources is that the heads of a boat were all sank by Ling Yanshu to a certain island to feed fish and shrimp.No one will be able to go there to fish in the future.

Eating fish is afraid of having nightmares at night.

However, this crazy run, but persisted for ten days, and then began to fall off a cliff.By almost a month, not many people have come to trade heads.

The news that many local aboriginal monks were hunted and killed continued to reach Ling Yanshu's ears.

Ling Yanshu thought about it, then secretly contacted a few local monks, and then got together with them at night.Afterwards, certain upper realm forces began to suffer from headaches.

(End of this chapter)

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