The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 666 It's So Lively

Chapter 666 It's So Lively

Gophers evolved.

Under their continuous attack and hunting, the gophers evolved.They began to learn more ways to hide, such as one-way connections, thirteen cunning rabbit caves, and various secret small bases in places rarely visited by humans.

They even developed mortals as their intelligence personnel, counter-reconnaissance upper realm forces and their affiliated forces.

The two sides have been fighting for more than ten days, and their upper realm forces were killed by more than 100 people in reverse.These are all hard work from the upper world.

What the hell, it's a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

The first reaction of many upper realm forces is that it is impossible, and they absolutely do not believe it.

But the loss of personnel is real.

Wait until everyone sits together again.Some twenty people were silent for a long time.Only then did someone ask, "What's the matter? When we blocked the mainland before, we didn't see them so powerful?"

"It's not that I haven't seen it, but this time the fusion of the world's will is a bit too favorable to the human race. Not to mention the sons of luck of the human race who have risen this time, there are also a lot of arrogance. They are too weird. I have met a human race Tianjiao, after killing him, I started to have bad luck one after another. Not only did I fail to kill his family members, but I also let his two younger brothers go. The worst thing is that their two younger brothers are more talented than him.

Now I don't know where those two boys fled. If they escaped from Beiming Continent, they will come to seek revenge on me sooner or later. "The one with the cold tone said again.

"Ah, you've lost your defense." Someone lost his composure in astonishment.

"Yeah, if there is any benefit in killing that Tianjiao, of course there is. At least it saved me three years of training time. This is still a person's flesh and soul. Especially his spirit, the quality is simply excellent .

You also know that since I found one, I will never let his blood family go.It's a pity that after I killed him, I was unlucky one after another.I almost lost my mind when I practiced, fell into a crevice when I was walking, broke my teeth when I was eating, forgot to bring paper in the last latrine... Wait, I wanted to arrest someone, but happened to leak the news, and happened to be discovered by the relatives of that person, so I brought him Going to arrest people, happened to encounter a wave of beasts, just entered the city, and learned that the old and young family had already escaped through secret passages and so on. "

"I'm going, what the hell is this? Does it have this ability from the fusion of previous worlds?" Someone asked in surprise.


"Such a strong expression of likes and dislikes, what is the will of the world?"

"I reported it to the Zongmen. One of the Zongmen's elders who often fought in foreign lands said that it is likely that the will of this world has undergone two fusions, which has strengthened its foundation. It has made it stronger, so it will treat us It's full of malice." The man in black said helplessly with a cold tone.

"It's so bad."

"It's so lively, we're going to be miserable."

"Okay, anyway, everyone can't do anything about it now, everyone should think about how to pay off those gophers who are becoming more and more powerful."

The quality of human beings in this world is really good, and the spirit is super good, but there are too many thorns.

"Come on, let's make suggestions first, we can't let the gophers be so arrogant..."

"Then let me tell you first..."


Ling Yanshu passed the latest news from the Beiming Continent to the Chu family in the rear.

Taohua received the letter early in the morning, just after breakfast, the young couple started to get busy again.Chu Shinian was busy dealing with various general affairs within and outside the clan, and then ran back to Miryang to meet other members of the faction who came to visit him.

The reason he had to go back this time was also because Fan Zeng had sent his second son here.

It is said that there is something important to discuss.

In fact, Fan Zeng's second son, Fan Zhang, not only came by himself, but also brought his wife Zhao Ru, disguised as his staff, with him.After years of hard work, Zhao Ru has firmly established herself beside Fan Zhang.

Fan Zhang still relies on and trusts her.

But Zhao Ru and her father killed Zhu Yongnian back then, so she didn't dare to enter Chu's territory in person.

She changed her name to Fan Yan.

Chu Shinian received Fan Zhang and his party in the living room.

"What important news does Fan Fucheng have for you to bring me?" Chu Shinian said bluntly.

The domineering Chu Shinian, at this time, makes people feel a sense of oppression at the first sight.

"My father intends to expand to the Great Northwest Wilderness, and wants to take the opportunity to visit the Jiangyang jurisdiction. Of course, we will pay you accordingly." Fan Zhang took a deep breath and said.

"It's impossible to go to Jiangyang. You can go to Lingshan." Chu Shinian vetoed it.

Fan Zhang immediately frowned.

The road to Lingshan is full of ditches and bumps all the way, which is far less convenient than going to Jiangyang. "We'll pay for it."

"I'm short of your money?" Chu Shinian asked back.

Fan Zhang: "..."

"Actually, if we develop the Great Northwest Wilderness and go to Jiangyang, it will also be of great benefit to the Chu family. The materials transported back and forth through the Tianshui River every year can make Jiangyang a lot of money." Fan Yan stepped forward at this time. debut.

Just by hearing the voice, you don't think he is a woman.

But who is Chu Shinian? As soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Shinian heard the violation.However, he still kept his composure and said arrogantly, "We have a big river connecting Longshan and Jiangyang, and we can also flow against the Tianshui River to reach distant countries. At this time, both Jiangyang and Chengyang are developing extremely prosperously.

How much can you earn by relying on your own government to develop and sell goods? "

After hearing this, Fan Yan said again, "At least we can cooperate with the Chu family to seek common development. Is it better to gain an ally than an enemy?"

"If Fan Fucheng wants to tear my face apart, then you can let him come. There is no benefit, and you still want to borrow the way to go to my Jiangyang, is your brain flooded?" Chu Shinian shook his head after saying this. Sleeves are going away.

"Wait. Master Chu, are you really unwilling to cooperate with us? You know, the royal family of the Song Dynasty has sent [-] armored troops here, just to slaughter your Chu clan." Fan Yan said loudly.

"One hundred thousand Iron Armored Army?" Chu Shinian frowned slightly, "Are you looking down on me? Why are there so few?"

Fan Zhang and Fan Yan stared at each other, how can this number be so small?
"One hundred thousand Iron Armored Army is one hundred thousand Iron Armored Army. Only those whose cultivation level is above the seventh level of Tongmai can be selected for the Iron Armored Army. The Iron Armored Army is one of the few last cards of the royal family. And the one hundred thousand Iron Armored Army are all riding monsters. The knight of the beast horse is very mobile. It can reach your Chu family's land in a few days."

"Damn, it's good that they can come here in half a month, and it's only a few days away, haha." Chu Shinian sneered mockingly.

(End of this chapter)

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