The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 667 Tier 3 Scarlet Phoenix Fruit and Tier 2 Mutated Flame Tree

Chapter 667 The third-order red phoenix fruit and the second-order mutant flame tree

"What? The Iron Armored Army rides monster beasts and big horses. It's not a problem to travel a long distance in a day. It can reach the northwest from Anxia in a few days." Fan Yan said with certainty.She had seen a small unit of the Iron Armored Army arrive at Zhang Yu on business, and the tall monster horse left a very deep impression on her.

It is said that those monsters can come to Zhang Yu in just a few days, and ordinary monsters dare not compete with them!
"What are you thinking, one hundred thousand demon horses are equivalent to a large tribe of monsters. If they want to reach Zhangyu from Ansha, it is equivalent to a tribe migrating from Anxia to Zhangyu. It is such a long journey, and there is still a long way to go. Through countless mountains and rivers.

Through countless monster tribes, if you want to migrate smoothly, you can only fight bloody.

You look forward to those 10 people, and I will count them as capable if they can really survive to make it to [-].Of course, this is because I counted their speed advantage with the help of the monster horses.Otherwise... huh.I still want to arrive in a few days, and it would be good if I can save most of the troops and go to Zhang Yu in half a month. "

Chu Shinian has been fighting monsters since the rise of the commander of the Chu family.From Xiongshan to Xifengshan, from Tianshui to Xifeng Lake, Bibo Lake.

From land to sea...

Fighting every day, fighting every year, claiming to be a little familiar with monsters.

This kind of large-scale tribal migration, it is impossible not to hit the head and break the blood.

Not to mention anything else, their family's fleet at sea has taken advantage of the migration of this large monster tribe many times.It was like being attacked all the way, and they followed behind to pick up the corpses all the way, and they could also get some other tribal monster materials by the way, which was a lot of money.

Fan Zhang and Fan Yan looked at him in shock.

"If you don't believe me, go investigate for yourself."

"But even the [-] Iron Armored Army is still cavalry, and it is the cavalry that controls monsters. Don't look at your Chu family's army of one million monks, but when it comes to the front, your army of one million monks may not be one hundred thousand monsters. The opponent of the Beast Rider." Fan Zhang asked puzzledly.

"Thinking too much about you, who would face a group of monster knights? We are mostly airships and carriages. As long as we hang giant crossbows, giant trebuchets, stone cannons, and bronze cannons on the airships and carriages, we can't beat them." One hundred thousand monster knights, to put it bluntly, as long as the one hundred thousand monsters are killed or scared away first, what is one hundred thousand knights?"

Fan Zhang was still a little puzzled, after all he had never seen the scene of a large-scale war, but Zhao Ru at least knew about it.So his face suddenly paled.

"You are crazy, that is the legion of the royal family of Anxia."

"So what about the imperial family? After destroying his [-] armored army, even the emperor would not dare to stretch out his claws casually." Although Chu Shinian said it casually.But in fact, he had a careful understanding of Anxia Emperor Song.That's an old maniac.

It is also possible to fight with them desperately when the wind comes up.

If the Chu family hadn't discovered his current size a few years ago, he would have been a little worried.After all, once you encounter this kind of old maniac, once you get entangled, it is really annoying.The key is that it is not good to suffer.The old emperor is the kind of old man who can drag the Chu family to his death.

Chu Shinian didn't want to confront him first.

But that was in the past, even if the Chu family met him now, it wouldn't be a big deal.At most, it was the first to light the flames of war.

This war was bound to happen sooner or later in Chu Shinian's future plan.

"You really have the heart of disobedience, you want to betray Song State." Fan Yan questioned fiercely.

"It's as if Fan Zengduo is loyal to the country. Don't talk about the second brother. Everyone doesn't want to stand on their own. Only the royal family of the Song Dynasty is stupid enough to think that everyone wants to continue to be their dog's leg. Now it is the world of monks, and the royal family counts. What, I heard that the emperor of the Song Dynasty took a lot of pills, and now he is only at the third level of Tongmai Realm.

A third-level emperor in the Tongmai state, everyone with low strength can't stand it, how can he deter the entire territory? "

As soon as Chu Shinian finished speaking, Fan Zhang's expression changed, and he even glanced at Fan Yan beside him.

Chu Shinian smiled, it turned out that Fan Yan belonged to the royal family.

Fan Yan's lungs were about to explode when he heard this.These traitors! !

"Okay, let your father take the line of Lingshan to open up the Great Northwest Wilderness. I won't lend him the way here. You go back and tell him to let him stop making trouble for me. Otherwise, I will really piss me off. It is really necessary to send Zhang Yu to the soldiers and kick him out of the house."

The expressions of Fan Zhang and Fan Yan changed drastically again.

Too arrogant, too irritating.

The two felt that they had come slowly and sincerely, but who knew that the other party was so arrogant and domineering and rejected their request in one gulp.

I really don't know the times.

"When the Iron Armored Army comes and wipes them out, Jiangyang will be ours, so we can leave as we want?" Zhao Ru whispered angrily as he left the Chu's City Lord's Mansion, looking at the majestic gate.

Instead, Fan Zhang sighed faintly.

I am not optimistic about the Iron Armored Army coming from afar.

His father's occupation of Zhang Yu's mansion seems to be well managed, but it is just a false prosperity.The foundation of their Fan family is not solid, although they also recruited many monks to form a legion.However, their legion lacks experience in bloody battles and team battles.

As early as in the battle for the lake of fire, he was beaten to the ground by the Chu family.

However, the Chu family was able to sweep away their human race, and also swept away the monsters on Xiongshan Mountain, and they still have the Huoyanshan and Huohu in their hands.

I heard that there are more and more fire-attribute spirit creatures growing there.Recently, a mutated flame tree actually grew out of Huoyan Mountain.The whole body is red and flowing, and it is a rare mutant spiritual material.It is said that there is a second order just after it appears.It should continue to grow and improve in the future.

The Chu family saw that the flame tree was growing very well, and even relocated more than 6000 red phoenix trees in their own family and planted them on the Flame Mountain.The red phoenix tree of the Chu family had never grown fast enough, nor was it very good.It has grown without fruit for many years.Fan Yan basically relies on cuttings to branch.

As a result, as soon as they settled down in Huoyan Mountain, more than 6000 red phoenix trees were bearing fruit on the big trees.There are twenty or thirty small fruits on each big tree.The starting point is the third-order spirit fruit.

Look at other people's resources one after another, and special products one after another.

Looking at their Fan family, with just such a little property, even the Lingdi farm was able to control it with the help of other local nobles.Several good caravans were controlled by the Zhao family and their in-laws.His father is awe-inspiringly good at planning, but he is really not as good as Chu Shinian in terms of managing the territory.

Look at how well Chu Shinian manages his own land.

(End of this chapter)

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