Chapter 668
In fact, Fan Zhang was right. Just as Fan Zhang and Fan Yan returned to Zhangyu in disgrace, the men and horses of the Iron Armored Army encountered a large number of monsters when they passed a big mountain.

In the end, 5000 men and horses were left behind before we took a look and rushed out of the encirclement with a large force.

They have been out for more than ten years, almost unable to move an inch along the way.The closer the place is to the mountains and rivers, the more it will be attacked by monsters.

Walking along the way, dead horses and people die along the way.If it weren't for the continuous distribution of supplies and spirit stones to everyone, the army's morale would have been lost before they reached the place.

But even so, everyone is still panicked and tired.

The Iron Armored Army General's face was livid, and when he set up camp, he was so angry that he couldn't even eat.

His 10 troops are the new army he recruited monks to form based on the old foundation that was defeated by Di Kingdom.It was so easy to reorganize into an army, and they were constantly attacked by monsters on the way from Anxia to the northwest, and people died almost every day.

Only halfway through this journey, tens of thousands of people have already died.

Then when they reach the northwest, it is estimated that there will be no more than 8 people left.

How could this not make his flesh hurt.

Meng Zan coughed a couple of times outside the big tent, and was informed before he walked in.I saw Zhonglang Jiang Guo Ji's cold and serious face.I saw that he didn't even lift his eyelids.Not only did he have a serious expression, but he also looked sad.

Meng Zan was also very helpless.

With so many of you moving, you always have to pass through mountains and rivers along the way. Now the entire mountain and forest area in the Song Dynasty has been transformed by spiritual energy, which is not much worse than a barren land.It is also true that there are more monsters than humans.

So isn't it normal for you to lose some people?

In Meng Zan's view, these are normal wear and tear.

"Actually, you can continue to recruit and supplement when you arrive in the six prefectures of the Northwest. General Guo, you don't have to worry about the horse. As long as you recruit, my horse will definitely be delivered. Besides, in two days, our People will send military supplies over again, which will be [-]% thicker than in the past.” In fact, Meng Zan also had a toothache.

Their Baicao Pavilion has received investment from other forces, hoping that they will win over the Song royal family and kill the Chu family.

However, the abundance of spirit stones does not mean that monster horses are easy to get. The Yun'an Continent does not produce a large number of good horses.It can only be collected a little bit from all over the mainland, and then transported to Dasong.

Emma, ​​he didn't even want to think about the transfer fee.If it hadn't been for the intervention of external forces, who gave them a large sum of spirit stones from Baicao Pavilion, they would not be able to spend them on their own.

Just halfway through the road, they are still fine, but the chief general of the Iron Armored Army is starting to get discouraged.Who doesn't feel bad about this kind of thing?

Hearing that there are people, there are horses, and let him continue to recruit people.

Guo Ji felt a little comforted in his heart.

"Recently, I feel so sorry for the lost soldiers in the army." The expression on Guo Ji's face finally began to ease.Some people have supplies and horses, so he can feel at ease, and his armored army can still be kept.

Meng Zan nodded in understanding.

"There is another one. We are tired soldiers from afar, and the Chu family is a local householder. They have deep roots and luxuriant leaves. If we want to attack them, we must uproot them as soon as possible. It is best to go to the northwest first." They repaired and camped in a farther mansion, recruited monks and replenished equipment.

Then find someone to check the residence of their main direct branch.Then the army sweeps first to destroy their main branch, and then kill their branches.When the Chu family is gone, their property will naturally become His Majesty's. "Guo Ji said confidently. "The key point is to be quick, so that they are caught off guard and can't even mobilize the army. "

Meng Zan immediately nodded and praised, "What the general said is true."

They didn't know at this time that someone had already forwarded their news to the Chu family in advance.

In fact, as their army got closer and closer to the six northwestern prefectures, Chu Shinian was able to receive more information about them every day.

What is it about the battle against demons, and how many people were lost in the first battle.How many equipment supplies have been obtained from Baicao Pavilion on a certain day, a certain month and a certain year.In particular, Baicao Pavilion has been collecting monsters and horses recently.As a result, the price of monster horses in the horse market has more than tripled.

Chu Shinian took the opportunity to sell a batch of monster horses that he had knocked out and could only be used as pack horses and cart horses to them.He made hundreds of thousands of spirit stones in the name of merchants from mainland Yunzhou.

The main reason is that the Chu family's stud farm is overpopulated. Among the ten newborn monster horses, only three or four are suitable for military horses, and the rest can only be used as pack horses and cart horses.

Nowadays, people who don't own cars rarely raise horses.

They have ducks to ride when they go out, they live in both waterways, and they are good at flying into the water.By the way, I can lay eggs.For ordinary people, a duck is a car, and a monster horse is a high-speed rail.Usually around the house, ducks will do.

It doesn't take much to keep.It doesn't take much effort to carry a basket and a heavy load of one or two hundred catties.

The mouth is strong, and you can feed it by cutting any fish.

Therefore, the draft horses eliminated by the Chu family are generally sold to merchants on the mainland of Yunzhou, and resold at a low price.There are more plateaus, grasslands, plains and lowlands.There is a great market for horses there.Of course there are horse dealers there too.Also sell good horses and come to Yun'an Continent.

However, the Chu family's takeaway horses are cheap, so horse dealers can also buy a large number of low-priced horses to send back.

It was through these big Malaysian merchants that Chu Shinian made money from Baicao Pavilion again.Baicao Pavilion has not discovered what is going on at all.

Of course, apart from buying from the Yunzhou Continent, the Chu family also sells to the Beiming Continent.

The terrain of Beiming Continent is more open and more suitable for all kinds of horses to walk.But they are too poor.Therefore, the Chu family's business scale in Beiming Continent is far less than that in Yunzhou Continent.But even so, it is not a problem to sell tens of thousands of horses every year.

The six prefectures in the northwest are Myitkyi, Zhangyu, Longyun, Anxi, Anbei and Anhua.You can know Myitchi just by the name, Zhangyu and Longyun are the three outer prefectures, the closest to the Great Northwest Wilderness and the Wanji Mountains.

Among them, Myitzhi depends on both the Great Northwest Wilderness and the Wanji Mountains.

Long Yun is close to Wan Ji, and Zhang Yu is close to the Great Northwest Wilderness.However, from their direction, you have to go through more than a dozen mountains to enter the Great Northwest Wilderness, and there is no direct road.It's all mountains.

Anxi, Anbei, and Anhua are the three inner prefectures, close to the middle belly of the Song Dynasty.The royal family is stronger.

Guo Ji and Meng Zan did not leave after they arrived in Anhua.

They have to recover, and the staff will be reduced by two at once, and the morale of the army will be lost.

As soon as they arrived in Anhua, the news was passed back to the Chu family.

(End of this chapter)

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