The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 669 Offending

Chapter 669 Offending
Anhua Mansion is the mansion closest to the hinterland of the Song Dynasty. Its capital is called Rongqing City, so it occupies the largest area among the six Northwest Mansions.

Anhua Prefecture also has the largest population among the six Northwest Prefectures.

However, there are many mortals here, but it is not the place where the monks from the six northwestern prefectures gather the most.The place where the monks gather is now in Myitkyi Prefecture, which is within the control of the Chu family.The old cities in Myitzhi, except Qingyang, were almost all rebuilt.

The reconstruction, or the newly built city, has been specially upgraded by the Chu family.Various infrastructures suitable for monks to survive, live, and practice have been built in the city.In particular, the various training rooms are extremely well received by low-level monks.

So Guo Ji's conscription office was set up for ten days, and recruited a dozen monks to join the army. It was a rhythm of recruiting one a day.Too bad.

This caused Guo Ji's face to turn dark and frightening recently.

Meng Zan also rushed to ask him when he could leave.

"What to pull out? No new recruits have been recruited, so I will use less than 8 people to fight against the Chu family. In the end, I can get back [-], or [-]. Are you planning to cripple our Iron Armored Army? ?” Guo Ji said very arrogantly.

"Don't forget, sending troops is an order from your emperor. The Iron Armored Army is also the army of your Great Song royal family, not your own. Even if they are all dead, they have to go to the Chu family to complete the task for me.

What you eat, drink, and live in is not provided by us.Don't be ashamed. "Meng Zan was also angry.

What the hell, don't think that we need you to send troops, you just treat yourself as a dish.

When he got angry, Guo Ji calmed down instead.

"Sorry, I lost my temper. Recently, I have been unable to recruit more people, so I am a little anxious and have a bad attitude." Guo Ji simply admitted his mistake.

As soon as he admitted his mistake, Meng Zan softened his tone.

"I also know that you have lost a lot of people along the way, and you haven't recruited new recruits in Anhua. This is what I didn't expect at the beginning. There are so many people in Anhua, how can it be possible that tens of thousands of monks can't be recruited?" Meng Zan Also very puzzled.

Guo Ji also smiled wryly, "I don't understand either. Could it be that the treatment I gave is too low? It's not low, we all receive the same treatment for the soldiers of the Iron Armored Army."

"Wait, I'll inquire about it for you." Meng Zan didn't bring up the matter of soldiers after finishing speaking, but went out to inquire directly.

Guo Ji looked at his receding figure, his eyes were full of resentment.

Damn, there are so many soldiers and horses under the emperor's old man's command, you just got me out.Appointment is uneasy kindness.

Yes, Guo Ji lost soldiers and generals along the way, and his mentality was about to collapse.

In his heart, Baicao Pavilion had appointed some conspiracy to drag him into this big mud pit in the northwest.Maybe it was the prince who discovered his relationship with the prince, so he was thrown into the pit in advance.

If he really can't go back this time, he won't let these bastards go.

Meng Zan himself is the big cabinet in the northwest of Baicao Pavilion. The year when the spiritual energy recovered was the third year of Yuanwu, and this year is the 12th year of Yuanwu.Baicao Pavilion has been operating in Northwest China for almost ten years.Ten years have allowed Baicao Pavilion to establish some foundations in the northwest.

In fact, as long as there are spirit stones, they can build a foundation in the northwest.

So Meng Zan quickly found out the reason.Someone stopped the monks from going to Guo Ji to apply.

Meng Zan hurried to the hinterland of the family.

This man's surname is Zhang and his first name is Fu.

He is the patriarch of a very powerful comprehension family in Anhua.

When Meng Zan saw Zhang Fu, he was very angry.He asked sharply, "Why don't you let the local casual cultivators join the Iron Armored Army?"

"I heard that you are going to deal with the Chu family?" Zhang Fu didn't pay much attention to the other party's questioning tone.Still asked kindly.

"That's right. Are you going to tell Mrs. Chu about this?"

"Do I still need to tell you this? As soon as you set off from Anxia, ​​someone passed the news directly to Mrs. Chu, okay? There are six or seven pieces of news passing by me." Zhang Fu took a sip of tea.It's a little hot.

Meng Zan's expression turned ugly instantly.


"You don't think that the Chu family is entrenched in Myitkyin Prefecture in the northwest, so they don't know anything about the outside world, do you? They changed their business to Yun'an mainland, okay?" Zhang Fu looked at Meng Zan's face Big change, said helplessly.

Hearing this, Meng Zan couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth.

"Actually, you also have flying boats in Baicao Pavilion. Why don't you send more flying boats to transfer these 10 people? It's very easy, from Anxia to Northwest Myitkyi Prefecture in one day." Zhang Fu is still a pair of He said in an unhurried manner.

But Meng Zan couldn't take it anymore.

"Where can we get so many flying boats on Baicao Pavilion?"

"Including people and horses, one flying boat can transport at least five or six groups of people and horses. 10 people, at most [-] flying boats. Not many." Zhang Fu raised his eyelids in surprise.

"What are you thinking? We have the materials, and there are not so many people who can refine so many finished flying boats." Meng Zan said weakly.

"Could it be possible for you to order from the craftsmen of the Song Dynasty imperial family. I remember that their craftsmanship has always been good." Zhang Fu asked.

"It used to be good. But after the spiritual energy recovered, they still did the original things, learned less new things, and refined less.

No one gave pointers, and the craftsmen were not active.Basically, they are all abandoned, and no one has refined a finished flying boat until now. "

"What? Ah?" Zhang Fu was too surprised this time. "Impossible? The craftsmen in the former imperial capital were the most powerful craftsmen in the Song Dynasty."

What Meng Zan didn't say was that the Song Dynasty's own court was corrupt and depraved, and the craftsmen had always adhered to the principle of doing more mistakes, doing less mistakes, and not doing good work for their wives and children.The bureaucrats above may fool the emperor and let them eat and wait to die with peace of mind.

What new things to learn?

Isn't refining things the job of refiners?
In fact, in the Upper Realm, these matters of refining flying boats are really the work of the craftsmen.But in the lower realm, there are artisans who inherit it.Many batches of refining large-scale objects, although there are also refining masters jointly refining, but most of them are done by full-time craftsmen.

Refiner and craftsman, these two professions actually have many overlaps and commonalities, but there are also many differences.Even inheritance has its own characteristics.

"It's a bit of a waste, it's raising 10 people for nothing." Zhang Fu said with emotion.

Meng Zan didn't want to continue talking about it.

"Why don't you forbid people to go to the Iron Armored Army to apply." In fact, Baicao Pavilion and Zhang Fu of Rongqing City have always had a good relationship, and the two families cooperate to control the medicinal material market in Anhua.

"I can't help it. Chu Shinian sent me a letter to warn me that if I side with you, he will get rid of me. I dare not offend him."

When Meng Zan heard this, he immediately stood up angrily.

"Then you dare to offend our Baicao Pavilion?"

"I don't have to worry about my life if I offend you Baicao Pavilion, but I can't survive three days if I offend Chu Shinian. This is Northwest." Zhang Fu smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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