The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 670 Trumpet

Chapter 670 Trumpet
Meng Zan gritted his teeth.

"As for?"

"As for you, you are the big cabinet of Baicao Pavilion in the northwest, but you often stay in Ansha, so you don't have a deep feeling for the power of the Chu family. But I am different. My family and myself are both in the northwest, and I always Feeling the pressure from the Chu family.

They want to get rid of our Zhang family, and now it is as easy as crushing an ant. "

Meng Zan stopped talking.

"I think if you continue to plan to bring the Iron Armored Army into the Northwest, you'd better clean up your Baicao Pavilion's shops in the Northwest. You understand." Zhang Fu gave him a look that you understand.

"He dares?" Meng Zan immediately said angrily.

Zhang Fu didn't speak, just looked at him silently.

In fact, he had already discovered that Meng Zan and his fellow monks from the upper realm looked down on the monks from the lower realm very much.But so what if he is a monk from the lower realms, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.The monks from the lower realm gathered to a certain extent, but it is still not something that the monks from the upper realm can casually destroy.

These people really underestimated Chu Shinian.

"Okay, without you, I can still recruit people for Guo Ji." After speaking, he shook his sleeves and left.

Zhang Fu looked at his receding figure and smiled coldly.

Within seven or eight days, Meng Zan did make up the [-] monks to Guo Ji.It was a casual cultivator he recruited from other prefectures in the Northwest and the hinterland of the Song Dynasty.The salaries of these people are three to five times that of the original Iron Armored Army soldiers.

This immediately made the soldiers of the Iron Armored Army complain.

Oh, we ran to the Northwest desperately, and killed so many comrades in arms, but the salary was the lowest.Even a group of casual recruits are taller than us.What's the matter, the brothers in the same military camp, the money for everyone's hard work is actually different?
Well, you are very kind.

After the armored army was recruited, they trained together for three days, and then the army set off again.

As a result, they were harassed one after another along the way.Sometimes it was attacked by the attracted beasts, and sometimes it was miserable by various traps.Sometimes the meal was attacked by a small group of people, and everyone went after the small enemy group when they couldn't eat.

But in five or six days, one person was exhausted.

As a result, when they stayed at Funiu Mountain overnight, the large cavalry of the Chu family ushered in at midnight.Heavy armored cavalry rushed down from the top of the mountain. 1 people swept [-] iron armor.

At dawn, only hundreds of people including Guo Ji and Meng Zan fled overnight.Others either surrendered and were captured, or were killed, and their bodies sank in the mountains.

The young general Shao Wenhua pushed the visor to the top of his head.Looking indifferently at the mountains and fields with corpses in the frontier, he calmly told the surrounding soldiers to quickly collect all kinds of spoils.

To be honest, this battle was a typical harassment war.

It is said that Guo Ji should have been keenly aware of the arrival of Chu's troops when he was first harassed.However, although Guo Ji was also on guard, he was not very strict and fearful.He was probably too confident, confident that even if he was really attacked, he would be able to stop the attack and maybe fight a defensive counterattack.

It's a pity that his personal sergeant quality does not represent the scattered Iron Armored Army.

Even though he personally reacted and began to worry about the soldiers defending and counterattacking, the soldiers under his command were too slack and had no intention of actively counterattacking at all. They procrastinated until the end, and they were completely defeated by their heavy cavalry of the Chu family. .

No wonder the Grand Commander Chu Shinian would explain to him like that when he came out with troops.

Shao Wenhua still remembers that the commander-in-chief called him over ten days ago. "During the Battle of the Lake of Fire, you performed well, which is remarkable. This time, I will give you a task. Lead ten thousand Chu family troops to kill the invading one hundred thousand armored troops."

"Ah?" Shao Wenhua was taken aback. "Ten thousand against one hundred thousand, can I do it? And I heard that the Iron Armored Army is very powerful."

"Now this Iron Armored Army is not the previous Iron Armored Army. You will know when you go there, and then you can use your brain, and this little thing can be done."

Shao Wenhua still remembers the panic he felt the day he led the army to go out on an expedition.

There is also the anxiety in my heart when I first came into contact with the Iron Armored Army.But after fighting, he realized that the Iron Armored Army was so weak.He was really led by the nose.So his formation became more and more open, and at the moment when he finally defeated the Iron Armored Army, he felt that his whole body had been sublimated.

From today onwards, he is also a general who can lead troops independently.

In the past, only Zhuang Zihan, Ling Yanshu and the Grand Commander Chu Shinian were able to independently lead troops in the Chu family.

The annihilation and disappearance of the Iron Armored Army caused a sensation in the entire Northwest and the entire Song Dynasty in less than a day.

A Song Emperor was so angry that he vomited blood and fell into a coma.

A small Chu family, he has never done even a small Chu family.How come their Great Song is so weak here?

Song Huangben's body was hollowed out because of years of smoldering in his heart.After vomiting blood this time, it was even worse and completely hurt the foundation.Now he can't even get up and deal with government affairs.

He had no choice but to let the crown prince supervise the country and handle state affairs on his behalf.

Anxia's political situation is indeed a bit chaotic, and even the prince is a little bit powerless.Besides, he lost the Iron Armor who had shown his loyalty to him.So Prince Song's temper has been erratic recently, yelling at anyone he sees.


The former princess, who was rescued from the prison by Chen Gong, but refused to leave Ansha desperately, Shao Yuntong, who insisted on revenge, was looking at the man in front of him with a gloomy face.

"Are you leaving me too?"

"When I left, I didn't notify my father. If I don't go back at this time, then I will really be kicked out of the house by my father just like my elder brother." Chen Gong smiled wryly.Because of his love back then, he ran all the way back to save her.He wanted to save her, so he left by himself.

As a result, she was kept by her side all the time, unable to return to Qingyang, he didn't know how his father would be furious.

Shao Yuntong didn't want to let him go at all.Let him go back, Chen Dazhi will not return him to her again.Apart from Chen Gong, she will never look at other men again in her life.

After thinking and thinking, Shao Yuntong said, "Okay, then I will send you off personally tomorrow."

Chen Gong felt a little lost, but he still nodded seriously.

In the end, he didn't leave the next day, because the night before yesterday, Shao Yuntong insisted that he was depressed, and then took Chen Gong to drink, and drank until he was under the covers.In the end, Chen Gong still decided to stay by Shao Yuntong's side.

Chen Dazhi got a letter from his youngest son, telling him that he married Shao Yuntong outside.He simply and neatly expelled his youngest son from the house.

What the hell, no one regards Lao Tzu as Lao Tzu.

They are all useless accounts. Fortunately, I caught two more trumpets to keep them.This time, he absolutely can't develop a useless account, he must strictly require two trumpet accounts.

(End of this chapter)

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