The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 676 The White Crab Island was transformed into the Golden Sunflower Island

Chapter 676 The White Crab Island was transformed into the Golden Sunflower Island
Bai Xingxiu and other monsters opened the treasure house in front of the ground of the Chu family, took away a large number of supplies that belonged to the monster clan and were not used by humans, and then kept the other half of the resources that were not so rare even though they looked precious. Gave it to the Chu family.

It is some deep sea wood, sea spirits, deep sea pearls, deep sea agate, deep sea tourmaline and other deep sea spirits.

What sea soul stone, sea yellow stone and other deep sea minerals have also accumulated a lot.

In particular, the number of colorful sea stones, seven-color sea stones, and nine-color sea stones is the largest.There are millions of catties.

Although the quality is not good, but the quantity is really a lot.

These are the collections of the former White Crab Monster Clan, but this time they have to give half of them to the Chu family for nothing.The more Bai Xingxiu and Bai Xingdou looked at each other, the more ugly their expressions became.My heart is about to bleed.

Chu Shinian asked the Chu family's young man to move the things away quickly, lest the White Crab Monster Clan be distressed later, what if they broke the agreement?
"Patriarch Chu, we will meet again in the future. Hmph." After saying this, Bai Xingxiu left with her monster and things.

They walked in a mighty way. After all, they carried so many things. Even if the human beings didn't attack them, there would be their old enemies on the Yaozu side who might make a move.So they prepared a large number of master demons to escort along the way early in the morning.

The Yaozu took away the spirit veins, and also took away their small world.But there are still two newborn small worlds in the leylines here that have not been dragged away by the monster race.Taohua immediately summoned array masters and craftsmen to transform White Crab Island one after another.

The white crab island that had just had its spiritual veins taken away directly collapsed into a part of the sea.

The entire island has also changed from the original uplift, a few feet above sea level, to at least one-third of its area below sea level.

The drawings for the transformation have been handed over to them.

Therefore, the formation masters and craftsmen got started very quickly.

While renovating White Crab Island, they planted a large number of golden sunflower trees in the area reserved for the formation of White Crab Island.This kind of spiritual wood is specially used to absorb the monster energy and the flesh and blood of the monster race on the island, and transform it into a golden sunflower fruit that can transform the physique of a mortal.

Eating it directly can turn ordinary people into strong men with blood rolling.

Of course, there are many spiritual trees that can improve the physique of mortals. The Chu family planted golden sunflower trees because of the transformation effect of golden sunflower trees on the environment. Wood.

The golden sunflower has just been planted on hundreds of acres, and the planting of the golden sunflower in certain areas on White Crab Island has changed the smelly, cold and sticky feeling of the past, the air has become fresher, and the land is no longer sticky.

As for the cold feeling, there is still some, after all, too many monsters and humans died on White Crab Island.

The body fragments alone have accumulated many layers.

When people step on it, their feet are weak.

However, as the white crab island is planted with golden sunflower trees, the environment will definitely become better in the future.

And with the construction of the Chu family, the topography of White Crab Island is also changing.In addition, part of the bottom of the sea was lifted above the sea surface, which directly expanded the area of ​​the original White Crab Island, which made the White Crab Island look more like a big whale when viewed from the sky.

After the big whale was built on the main island, Taohua got three whale suction pillars successively.Erected in three places on the island.

With the Whale Suction Pillar, within ten days, the spiritual veins under the White Crab Island will directly advance to the first level.

Of course, this is also because the originally revived spirit veins were taken away earlier, without rushing to the earth veins. This time, the earth veins helped White Crab Island re-condense the spirit veins and completed its accumulation very quickly.

In less than ten days, a new first-order spiritual vein was re-condensed, even if Chu Shinian objected.As long as the fact that 30 spirit stones are in vain is acquiesced.

In fact, with the help of these three whale suction pillars, White Crab Island can recover to the level of the second-order spiritual vein in more than a year.After all, it is not a promotion from a low level, but a recovery.

"The name White Crab Island is a bit unlucky, let's change it." Chu Shinian suggested to his wife beside him.

After the war ended, many casual cultivators and sect cultivators either left or joined the Chu family.

So now White Crab Island is very deserted.Many building boats and other support services outside White Crab Island also left for other islands.

It was rare for Chu Shinian to stroll on the island with Tao Hua, so he naturally wanted to take a stroll with his wife.

"Then call it Golden Sunflower Island. Anyway, golden sunflower trees will be planted all over here in the future." Golden sunflower wood is a spiritual tree that exists in Yun'an Continent itself, but its level is low, and the golden sunflower fruit produced can only improve the health of mortals. Qualification and vitality.

In such a big environment where everyone is cultivating, even if you become a transformed Qi and Blood Hercules, it is useless.

If it weren't for the fact that the Chu family had started to collect the seeds of the golden sunflower early on, and temporarily let a group of Lingzhi husbands cultivate a large number of golden sunflower saplings.Everyone still doesn't know that golden sunflower has the ability to transform the environment polluted by the monster race.

It was because of the great renovation of the White Crab Island of the Chu Clan that the people on the Yun'an Continent realized the role of the Golden Sunflower.

Now the saplings of golden sunflower have quietly become popular in Yun'an Continent, and many forces are openly buying its seeds and saplings secretly.It's a pity that almost all the saplings and fruits that were on the market were taken away by the Chu family.

This makes it almost impossible to find a seedling in the market.

So someone secretly approached the Chu family, offering to buy saplings or seeds.

The Chu family: "We don't have many families anymore. The saplings are one hundred spirit stones. They are three feet high. Each seed has five spirit stones, and there is no guarantee of sprouting."

Well, the little golden sunflower tree, which is only a low-grade spiritual root, was actually sold by the Chu family for a sky-high price.

People who got the news complained about Chu's black heart, wanting Lingshi to death.

But within two days, the saplings and seeds of golden sunflower from other merchants also raised their prices one after another.Each of them is either on par with the Chu family or at a higher price than the Chu family.

Anyway, you don't have to buy it.

Some forces are in urgent need of golden sunflower wood, so they can only hold their noses and buy it.

And the golden sunflower saplings of the Chu family almost planted the entire golden sunflower island.

Even if golden sunflower trees are planted everywhere, it is impossible for the entire golden sunflower island to completely eliminate the influence of the monster race in a short period of time.But it is already available for mortals and monks to live in.Jinkui Island also began to build a city and a pier.Purify small lakes and streams and creeks throughout the island.In fact, it is to pull the net to clean up all kinds of monsters that cannot coexist peacefully with mortals and monks.

Other marine and freshwater creatures are fine.

A large number of demon fish, demon shrimp, demon crab cubs, and various demon turtles and other marine life have been cleaned up in the rivers and lakes of the entire Jinkui Island.

As long as it's not thorny, I think about cannibalism every day.Just let it go.

Love to squat there squat there.

But if those who want to eat people all day long, they have to pull the net to kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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