The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 677 Sea Road

Chapter 677 Sea Road
Every time the Chu family finished working on an island, a large number of mortals and monks would migrate from all over the place.One is to develop and manage the island's resources, and the other is to reserve population, hoping that the transformed Spirit Island can give birth to more children with spiritual roots.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about Tao Yangcheng of Chu Dashan's family. Three or four out of every ten new children born in the past year are spiritual roots.

And they all lean towards wood spirit roots.

If this birth ratio of spiritual roots were placed on the mainland, it would be shocking.But in the sea, the monsters don't care whether the human newborn is born or not.On the contrary, it is not conspicuous at all and is hidden in the invisible.

The existence of Xinjian still centers on the Chu surname.After the land is divided, the new village chief manages the affairs of the entire village.The annual tax is only collected once in autumn.One year's tax is collected.

Because of the continuous relocation of the scattered ethnic groups to the sea islands.As a result, except for some large branches and married daughters, the weak branches of the Chu family were basically dismantled into scattered households and groups, and then they were relocated to a certain village to manage the new village.

These weak branches were placed on the sea islands and took root, which not only facilitated the Chu family's power to penetrate to the bottom.It also helps to spread the branches and leaves of Chu's blood.

Most of the people who came to Jinkui Island this time came from Zhang Yu Mansion and escaped.

There are also some from the Great Northwest Wilderness, who fled from other countries. They really couldn't adapt to the way of life in the Northwest Wilderness. After the Chu family found someone to settle on the island, they all flocked to sign up.

The last part comes from the Northern Underworld Continent.

The Chu family's big ship is like ants moving their house, moving the population of the Beiming Continent to the Chu family's territory little by little.Originally, there was a vast ocean between the Yun'an Continent and the Beiming Continent. Even if there were a few small diamond-shaped islands in the middle, it was uninhabited, and there was no fresh water.

But since the Chu family started to develop this route.Along the way, arrays were arranged to lift the island, and fresh water was dug to form small lakes and streams that circulated on the island, and then the spiritual veins were cultivated to build villages, towns, and cities.

There are simply two island chains on the sea.The people on the island chain open up wasteland and farm land, are self-sufficient, and can find what they need from the sea boats passing along the way.

The only downside is that the sea is rough and there are too many monsters.Sometimes it will raid the island.

However, the Chu family’s fleet is not a vegetarian, they will appear immediately when there are monsters raiding the island, they will not only slaughter the monsters that land on the island, but also track the group of monsters, and destroy the small ones directly. The big ones were followed and sent away.

Moreover, there are many island chains on the sea, which also attracts many casual cultivators from the two continents to come to sea to seek life.There are also infinite treasures in the ocean, and you can get huge benefits just by killing sea beasts.

Every island in the Chu family can be used as a supply station by them.

This led to the route from Yun'an Continent controlled by the Chu family to Beiming Continent. Although the circle was small, it was unusually prosperous.

Some casual cultivators even found some uninhabited islands near the Chu family's island chain to open up their own caves, and even arranged medicine gardens and so on.All of them looked like they planned to settle down and start a career.

On the other side, although the sea route from Yunzhou Continent to Yun'an Continent is shorter than the distance from Yun'an Continent to Beiming Continent, it has several routes.Although one end is to take the Longshan underground waterway, the Jinkui Island side, but the other side faces many waterways, all of which can reach the coast of Yunzhou mainland.

In fact, if the Yun'an Continent is not completely blocked by the Wanji Mountains in the northwest, starting from the Yunzhou Continent, one can reach many coastal places in the northwest of the Yun'an Continent.It's a pity that there is the Wanji Mountains to cut off here. In addition to taking the underground route, everyone has to climb the Wanji Mountains.

That place is too weird, it is said to be an ancient battlefield.Even the demon clan hidden inside did not dare to move around casually.Not to mention their human race.

After the spiritual energy revived, the Wanji Mountains became even weirder.Not only does the area gradually expand outward, but as soon as you get close to its edge, that piece of mortals will also be summoned away by you.Once you go in, you can't come back.

However, if it is a large fleet with a lot of supplies, it can also go around for more than a month, bypassing the Wanji Mountains and entering the other side of Yun'an Continent.Anyway, you can't go to the north, and you can't get through there.Can only go south.

Many countries in the south have heard that they like the large caravans from the Yunzhou mainland.Every time I give them a very low discount on their products, it is to encourage them to come a few more times.

Even if they frantically give discounts to those big caravans from the south, many big caravans are unwilling to go for the second time after going there once.The main reason is that there is no one operating the waterway there.Not to mention the danger of the waterway, monster beasts often come and harass.Sometimes unlucky encounters with large groups of monsters, the entire fleet has to lose at least one-third or half of the ships before they can escape.

When I go back to my own account, throw away the losses, and wait for others to run such a big circle, in fact, I can't make a few more money.There will also be a loss of a large number of good sailors and magical weapons.In the long run, it is simply a loss to lose pants.

Many large caravans settled down completely after passing through the country over there, and even actively cooperated with the various actions of the Chu family to clear the waterway.For example, provide the sea beasts you own, the dynamics of monster races, etc.

Don't look at it as a sea route, but having a fleet in charge and not having a fleet in charge are two different concepts.

One can sleep at night with peace of mind, one eye has to be opened in the middle of the night, and the body has to be in a state of tension that can kill the enemy at any time.

Shang Luo went to Yunzhou Continent with a caravan three years ago, and then followed the big caravan there to many places in the south of Yun'an Continent, and finally returned to Baixie Island, Longshanfang City, and then set off to After staying in Yunzhou Continent for more than a year, he returned to Yunan Continent again.

He is probably in his early 20s, with a beautiful appearance, fair and amiable.

Following Shang Luo all the time was a young monk who looked about ten years older than him.

"In the past few days, I have seen His Highness running to the bow of the boat to watch the sunrise almost every day. Your Highness seems to like watching the sunrise on the sea very much?" asked the young monk following Shang Luo.He was handsome and tall, with one hand on the hilt of his sword hanging from his waist.The whole thing has a posture of facing the abyss and holding still.

The master and servant did not come from ordinary families at first glance, so the attitude of the Chu family who entertained them on board was also very respectful.Of course, unless they are pissed off, the guys from the Chu family have always judged people by their appearance and clothes.

Although the Chu family is a comprehension family, their family has always liked to make troubles.Building cities, building carriages, building islands and running sea routes, etc., all kinds of livelihoods are more than willing to recruit obedient and willing people.

(End of this chapter)

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