The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 678 Deep Sea Human Hailing Xian

Chapter 678 Deep Sea Human Hailing Xian

The common people have made money, so they naturally want to buy various pills to improve their health and become strongmen.Then learn some martial arts, and then you can cooperate with Chu's monk army.Once the Chu Clan's monk legion takes a fancy to them, they can be recruited into the army.

After going to the army and accumulating enough military merits, you can exchange for various treasures that allow mortals to have spiritual roots, and then become a real monk with spiritual roots.

Most of the monks in the Chu family army did not have spiritual roots from the beginning.

Everyone knows about this.

In fact, there are not many treasures for regenerating spiritual roots, but they are not so extinct that only the Chu family has them.But the Chu family has a lot of resources that can be used by everyone.

Just talking about the blood spirit dew, which can have the blood spirit root after drinking, maybe other families also have it, but who can take out millions of copies at a time.

The Chu family can.

This is also the main reason why many mortals wholeheartedly follow the Chu family and serve them wholeheartedly.The opportunity to change one's life against the sky is right in front of one's eyes, who doesn't want to be a monk, even a low-level monk is fine.

"Actually, I don't want to watch the sunrise, I just want to see more of this golden waterway run by the Chu family." Shang Luo sighed. "I have seen many powerful people, and when I was young, I followed my father, who was still a prince at the time, to visit those empires in the center of the mainland.

But to be honest, although they put a lot of pressure on me, they don't make me feel powerless like Chu's. "

Shang Luo sighed.

The young monk following behind him didn't understand, and only frowned slightly when he heard this. "The Chu family is a new family. There are not so many obstacles. It has some advantages in the initial stage of spiritual energy recovery, and it is not surprising that it develops faster."

Shang Luo turned his head and glanced at the young monk beside him speechlessly before saying. "Actually, I'm not worried that certain forces are developing faster and stronger than our Lishan Kingdom. But the Chu family is different. As other forces develop, I can think of ways to target them and cut off their rapid development momentum.

But the Chu family is different, so I have no way to start. "

The young monk thought for a while before agreeing with Shang Luo's words, "It seems that the Chu family doesn't care much about the territory on the mainland. They will not take the initiative to compete with the Song royal family. But if they are beaten, they will fight back very much. Sharp and terrifying.

I get the feeling that they seem to be focusing their development on the sea. "

"Well, I also have this feeling. Although the revival of spiritual energy has brought all kinds of precious resources to the monks in the mainland, but compared with the ocean, those resources are not enough. The Chu family probably focused on it from the very beginning. Nailed on the ocean. The key is that they succeeded in attacking in advance.

If they hadn't formed so many sea legions early on, and rebuilt so many islands.Based on the dominance of the Yaozu now, they would never be allowed to do it. "

"Your Highness, you have forgotten one more thing. That is, when they fought on White Crab Island, they actually had the upper hand. It should be said that they won. That's why they forced the White Crab Monster Race to compromise and completely gave up White Crab Island. "

After hearing this, Shang Luo frowned deeply.

I couldn't help but secretly said in my heart, it's really too strong.It's too early to start.

With this scheming alone, he has reached the cusp of the major forces in the mainland.As long as they continue to maintain this momentum, there will definitely be a place for the Chu family in Yun'an Continent in the future.

"After I go back this time, I have to talk to my father about it. There should be some changes in our Lishan Kingdom." Shang Luo looked serious.

The young monk nodded silently.

"As long as His Highness thinks it is right, do it. I will escort His Highness."


Just as Shang Luo and their fleet passed through a certain sea area, another huge formation of large ships sailed past them leisurely.Zhuang Zihan looked at the person in front of him in astonishment. "Are you really a deep-sea human race? Why do you look similar to us?"

The young man gave him a blank look.

"Can it be different? They are all human races. Our deep-sea human race is nothing more than adapting to the high water pressure environment on the seabed."

"Come, come, sit down." Zhuang Zihan quickly threw him on the guest seat.Then I stopped taking the chief seat, and quickly pulled a chair to sit next to him, and then I just looked at it.

Well, it was him who made the arrangement, and other Chu officers were also watching.

The young man was looked at like a monkey, feeling all kinds of anger in his heart.Although he was angry in his heart, he didn't show it on his face.In fact, this land-based human force called the Chu family has been included in their observations for several years.

This strength has grown too fast. In just a few years, he has managed such a large sea route.

And it can also make An Xin's monster tribe and some monster tribes that have been broken don't dare to fart.This is ability.Of course, the most important thing is that he has seen the other party's ship, it is really a good ship.

"What's your name?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

"My name is Hai Lingxian. My family was originally a human on land, but later moved into the sea, and has been multiplied and passed down for more than ten generations." The young man said humanely.

"The deep sea humans have inherited a lot?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

"That's natural. Before the spiritual energy has recovered, we humans in the deep sea can only hide in some secret places. We dare not come out until the spiritual energy recovers. Speaking of which, we have lost contact with the human race on land for 1000 years. up.

I don't know how the inheritance of the human race on land is preserved. Anyway, the ancient forces and ancient surnames of our deep-sea human race have always been passed down in an orderly manner and have not been lost. "

Hai Lingxian said with a little pride.

"Some of the inheritances of the human race on our road have been preserved, some have been incomplete, and some have been developed in another way. In the future, our two races will have more contacts, and naturally you will know the specific situation on our side." Zhuang Zihan said in his heart. We also know your real situation.

"Then you agree to trade between our two clans?" Hai Lingxian asked with raised eyebrows.

"Naturally. Our Chu family started as a business, so why not do business. But what can you all trade? What do you want to trade?"

"We want to trade a lot of bodiless pills, do you have any?" Hai Lingxian asked.

"Yes." Zhuang Zihan said bluntly. "But what are you going to trade with? Reborn Pill is a restricted item for trading. It is especially useful for us humans."

A bodiless pill is equivalent to a god stage.

The bodiless pill is naturally very useful.

"You can take a look, these are the resources we can trade with you. Although they are all low-level for the time being, the aura has just recovered now. Unless some relics are hollowed out, no one can have many high-level resources. .” Hai Lingxian said as he handed a jade cocoon to Zhuang Zihan.

Zhuang Zihan roughly checked the side. There are spiritual plants and spiritual mines, as well as various spiritual objects, crystals, precious jade, chalcedony, all of which are needed by the family.

(End of this chapter)

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