The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 679 Resource Holy Land

Chapter 679 Resource Holy Land
"Do you need anything else besides the bodiless pill?" Zhuang Zihan asked after seeing the jade cocoon.

"We also need some spirit stones with pure fire attributes, wood attributes, metal and earth attributes, spirit crystals, etc. Most of the various spirit stones and spirit crystals in the deep sea are water attributes, or a combination of water attributes Other spirit stones with impure attributes.

Maybe it can be used as a consumable energy envoy, but it is not very suitable for the cultivation of our human monks. "Hai Lingxian boldly put forward his request.

"You live in the deep sea, don't most of the monks have water-type spiritual roots or mutant water-type spiritual roots?" Zhuang Zihan asked puzzled.

"Although we live in the deep sea, we are a race from land after all, so our descendants still have a lot of spiritual roots that are not water-based. Before the spiritual energy recovers, we have a secret place to live in. After the spiritual energy recovers, Now that we can leave the secret realm, the cultivation of those children will become a problem.

We are not short of exercises, but we have resources for cultivation of other attributes. "

"You have exercises, can you copy some for us? As a trade item." Zhuang Zihan said.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then said, "You don't have any exercises?"

"It's because the exercises obtained are not very complete. As you may have known, our Chu family is a large family, with hundreds of thousands of members in the direct line alone. There are also some old relatives and old relatives, as well as those who appeared in the subordinate territory. Cultivate a genius and so on.

In other words, our family has nearly 300 million monks alone.

Obviously relying solely on the exercises that our family has stored up cannot satisfy the cultivation that some members of the family have.Therefore, collecting more exercises is also urgently needed by the family. "

Zhuang Zihan said to Hai Lingxian as if our family really had no choice.

In fact, the Chu family did not stop collecting various exercises.

Hundreds of exercises (including incomplete ones) from the Tongmai state to the Shentai state are hidden in the exercise building of the Chu family's main vein.There are even more than a dozen sets of exercises (including incomplete ones) that can be built to the Dzogchen in the Zifu Realm.Although the family does not have any monks in the Purple Mansion yet, the Chu family has already collected some cultivation techniques from Longshan.

Of course, Taohua still has a lot of exercises recorded in her mind.

But she will not take it out casually, only when the family has collected some fragments of this kind of exercise, she will properly sort out the complete exercise from the Tongmai state and the divine platform state, and put it in the exercise building .

In fact, many people in the family know that the Patriarch has many remnants of exercises.Therefore, the remnants collected by everyone are likely to be harvested from the Patriarch's complete exercises.So whenever they find a practice method, even if it is a broken page, they will give it to Bala.Then send it to the Patriarch, maybe you can see the new complete exercise in a few days.

Of course, if you don't see it in a few days, you have to keep collecting it, because the owner probably doesn't have any other fragments.

When the whole set is assembled, the owner will release them.

For a family official like Zhuang Zihan who is in charge of his own affairs, the collection of exercises is a request made by the head of the family at the family high-level meeting every year.

Hearing Zhuang Zihan's words, Hai Lingxian couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. 300 million monks! !He really deserves to be the Chu family!
Looking at the surrounding continents, which force has 300 million monks in its hands?It is difficult even for a country to have so many monks.This kind of strength is simply sensational.

"Why do you have so many monks in your family? Isn't the birth rate of spiritual roots in our human race only one-fiftieth?"

"Isn't it eight percent?" Zhuang Zihan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Hai Lingxian was speechless, what about being angry?

"The birth rate of spiritual roots on your continent is [-]%?"

After hearing Hai Lingxian's inquiry, Zhuang Zihan nodded. "The Baicao Pavilion of the upper realm gave statistics. It said that the birth rate of the spiritual roots of the human race on our mainland is [-]%. On the Yunzhou mainland, it is [-]%. On the Beiming continent, it is [-]%."

"I didn't expect the birth rate of spiritual roots to be so high in the Beiming Continent?" Hai Lingxian asked in surprise.

"Their land area is small and the total population is small. So even though the birth rate of spiritual roots is higher than ours, they actually don't have as many monks as us." Zhuang Zihan said.

Hai Lingxian was speechless again, thinking that all the people on the road were really good at showing off.Who doesn't know that each of your continents has a total population of at least tens of billions.

"We only have one-fiftieth, or two percent." He said with a bad face.

"That's probably because you didn't have the advantage when you competed with the Kraken and Sea Beast clans for good resources, and you didn't occupy better resource lands. That's why the descendants of the clan have fewer spiritual roots?" Zhuang Zihan immediately said sympathetically. . "We are also fiercely competing with the monsters and monsters on the mainland. Our family has a resource holy land with a fire attribute that was snatched from the monsters and other human forces.

For that resource land, we killed tens of thousands of monks. "

In that battle, although the prestige of the Chu family was established, it was also a heavy loss. Most of the few altar-level cultivators in the family died after the battle.In fact, the fact that the human forces and monsters dared not continue to consume the high-end fighters of the Chu family against the monks in the altar realm.

That's why they evacuated one by one, and the area over there was given to the Chu family on their own initiative.

Zhuang Zihan believes that if they have greater development in the future, they will definitely come back and strengthen the Flame Mountain and Fire Lake Holy Land with them again.

"You... you still occupy the holy land of resources on the mainland?" Hai Lingxian subconsciously couldn't believe it.Even though he heard people mention the Holy Land of Resources more than once. "Do you know what a holy place of resources is?"

"Why don't you know that a resource site that can produce various fire-type crystals worth millions of spirit stones, special fire-type crystals, etc. every three months can't be called a resource holy land? According to what I know, If it can produce treasures worth millions of spirit stones every year, it can become a holy land of resources." Zhuang Zihan said proudly.

"In addition to fire-attributed resources, our family also occupies a water-attributed resource land, which will produce a kind of clear water unicorn cub."

puff! !Hai Lingxian staggered and almost fell.

"What did you say? Clear water unicorn, that's a unicorn, why do you still have such water-type resources?"

"What's so strange about this is that our Chu family is an aggressive family, not a conservative and self-proclaimed family. As long as there are suitable resources, we will definitely fight for them." Zhuang Zihan said very seriously .

"Do you really have a place to produce the cubs of the Bishui Qilin? But why?"

(End of this chapter)

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