The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 680 Guangle Reef

Chapter 680 Guangle Reef

Hai Lingxian couldn't understand, "Kirin, that's a unicorn, even a hybrid unicorn is still a unicorn. I've never heard of any faction raising a unicorn."

"Someone must have raised unicorns before. Or is there a place to catch unicorn cubs from our house?" Zhuang Zihan spoke too irritatingly.

Hearing what he said, Hai Lingxian was so angry that he seemed to beat him.

"Then are you willing to trade us a unicorn cub? The terms are whatever you want."

Zhuang Zihan gave him the jade cocoon again without a word. "Do you think the resources of your level are enough to trade a unicorn cub? Like you said, the mixed-blood unicorn is also called a unicorn."

Hai Lingxian: "..."

"And judging from the list of transactions you gave me, your tribe is definitely not big. There are at most ten thousand monks. With this strength, it is very difficult for you to survive in the deep sea. What else is of high value? Things, trade unicorn cubs with us? It can’t be a skill or something? Even if we don’t trade with you, we can trade with other forces. But the unicorn, besides us, who else has raised it?”

Hai Lingxian complained in his heart, what you said is so annoying, I just want to beat you up now.

But let's not wait, Zhuang Zihan is really powerful, and he can see the strength of his tribe from the list.

"Hmph, I don't understand how you can tell that our tribe is small. This list is just for us to test you. You don't think we can trade with this little thing, do you?"

Zhuang Zihan couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard this.

"Just talk about your narcissus rice. What you provide is 50 catties. What is [-] catties enough for? It's not enough for the monks in my fleet to eat a day. The monks here consume [-] catties a day." low-grade Lingmi.

Mainly black pearl rice and green corn.

Not to mention the monthly expenses of the entire family. "

The Chu family consumes a lot of people, and the basic spiritual rice and other things consumed every month and every year are astronomical.If it weren't for the fact that every time the family gets a place, they have to open up wasteland to grow food, and the seedlings can basically emerge, a food crisis would have erupted long ago.

Where can it easily support so many people like it is now.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that the two sides of the big river that the Chu family opened diagonally across the Northwest Great Wilderness, as long as they can grow food, the Chu family will plant Lingmi and other low-grade and easy-to-grow foods. food.

With the branches of the Tianshui River, even the banks of the Great Wasteland close to the river can be planted.

Because of planting all the way, there are countless farmers and Ling Zhi husbands who are good at planting under the Chu family.This is the basis for the family to support millions of monks.

And it is difficult for other families to imitate.

Although there are animism everywhere now, and the aura has surged, but whether the seeds can germinate is really a sad event.

Hai Lingxian was not stupid, upon hearing Zhuang Zihan's words, he immediately realized that the amount of various resources listed in his own list was too small.Let the people of the Chu family see through their reality at once.His face darkened and darkened.There are still many items on his list that are only a few dozen.For example, there are only 68 sea soul flowers.Cough cough, if people can't understand it, then they are really stupid.

"Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have, just say whether you are willing to trade with us." Hai Lingxian said sternly.

"Trading, it must be traded. Don't say that we are all human races. Just say that your deep-sea resources are not the same as our land-raised ones, and we can still make some money. Who wouldn't be willing to trade some of them. Like this In the future, you decide the time and place, and it is best not to stray far from our waterway. How about I send a ship to trade with you at that time?"

Hai Lingxian "A boat?"

"It should be enough to trade with you." Zhuang Zihan said seriously.

Hai Lingxian: What the hell, they really don't think highly of us at all.

Zhuang Zihan: A small tribe with ten thousand monks, isn't one boat enough to hold the trading items?
The two looked at each other many times, neither of them willing to show weakness.In the end, Hai Lingxian said helplessly, "Then let's do this first. I will let you increase it later if necessary."

Zhuang Zihan said sharply, "Yes."

Hai Lingxian left the next day, and Zhuang Zihan also reported the results of his negotiations with Hai Lingxian to the head of the family in a secret letter.

After Taohua read the secret letter, she immediately replied to Zhuang Zihan.

No matter where the other party says to set the transaction location, you have to criticize.Then force the other party to choose the trading location in the Guangle reef area.

Zhuang Zihan didn't understand why the transaction must be located in the Guangle reef area?So write back and ask.

Tao Hua simply ran to Zhuang Zihan's side, and then plotted with him for most of the day.

With the opportunity of Taohua's face-to-face teaching, Zhuang Zihan immediately understood Taohua's mind, and patted his chest to assure that the Guanglejiao matter would be settled.In fact, he didn't even know where Guangle Reef was at the beginning.

Later, Taohua marked Guangle Reef on the chart.

"Is there really a reef in this place?"

Taohua marked him and said, "It's a flat-topped mountain-shaped reef. It's less than ten feet away from the sea. We can use it as a workshop with a little modification. The most important thing is that the nearby reef is not only the sea It is convenient to come and go, and it is also convenient to monitor under the sea. The bottom of the sea is flat.”

"Then is there a spiritual vein here?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

"No." Taohua shook her head. "It can only be used by setting up some spirit gathering arrays. Usually, the staff in the shop can only take the corresponding pills and spiritual objects for cultivation."

"Then this place is a bit miserable." Zhuang Zihan said.

"It's just a square market, it's a place to do business. If the spiritual veins are transformed, then the Sea Clan will not be able to do business with us peacefully. I'm afraid we will have to think about how to get the reef every day. "Peach Blossom said with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhuang Zihan thought about it again. This is indeed the reason.

It's just a place to do business with the Sea Clan, so what's so good about it?
"Then you have to send experts to sit in the town."

"That's natural. Whoever sits in the past can give double or triple worship. You can decide for yourself when the time comes." Tao Hua directly delegated power.

"Then let's change it to every fifth and every tenth of every month, do you think it's okay to trade with them?" Zhuang Zihan asked again suddenly. "In this way, we don't need anyone to sit there full-time. We just need to build the shop. Send a letter of the formation later, come over at that time, and open the formation at that time. Our shop can be used."

"It's okay. If you don't go, tell them in advance." Tao Hua said.

"It's just the people from the deep sea. Will other sea people really come out and take the initiative to trade with us?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

"There are many disputes between the human race and the demon race, but there are also demon race forces who are not willing to participate in this kind of battle. They have done business with humans a long time ago. Naturally, they know the benefits of doing business with humans. Don't worry, as long as the deep-sea human race While disclosing the news of doing business with us, we will appoint someone from the Sea Clan to come over and do business with us." Tao Hua said very firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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