Chapter 681

A few days later, Hai Lingxian sent another message, telling the time and place.

Zhuang Zihan let it go for two days, and then he wrote back the letter to Hai Lingxian.In the letter, the time and place chosen by the natural family made several mistakes and omissions, and then mentioned the location of Guangle Reef.But the time is still up to the other party.

People probably don't know about Guanglejiao, so it took nearly a month before news came from there again.It is said that after on-the-spot investigation, Guangle Reef is fine.

Time to trade again.

When the better days came, Zhuang Zihan personally brought three large ships over there, but only one ship approached Guangle Reef, and the remaining two ships naturally cruised in the nearby sea as protection.

This time, Hai Lingxian brought an old man, a middle-aged man, and an old turtle who stood up and waited for Zhuang Zihan and others to disembark.

Zhuang Zihan couldn't help laughing when he saw the big turtle standing like a human.Xin said that it was still guessed by the head of the family.

"Mr. Zhuang." Hai Lingxian was the first to greet him. "Grandpa Patriarch, Uncle Bo, and Grandpa Chi are surrounded by Mr. Zhuang from the Chu family."

Zhuang Zihan thought of his Patriarch's description, and immediately performed an ancient ritual to the three of them in a serious manner.

The other party was a man and a beast, all startled.They all returned an ancient gift in a serious manner.It really surprised Hai Lingxian who didn't understand.Others froze directly on the spot.

"It's a great honor to meet you, General Zhuang, a distinguished guest from the land. I'm Chi Zhanhai from the Guhe Department." Big Turtle said first.No one thought that it was Da Gui who made the introduction first.

Zhuang Zihan's eyes flickered, and he saluted again immediately.Reminiscent of his own Patriarch telling himself about the division of power of the Sea Clan.He immediately understood that it turned out that the upper race who contacted him and attached himself to this deep-sea human race was this Turtle Race.

"General Zhuang, I am Hai Qishan, the patriarch of the Moye Haiyuan tribe. This is the number one master of our tribe, Bo Sanqian."

"My surname is Zhuang, Zhuang Zihan. I am currently the commander-in-chief of the Chu family's 130 million sea corps."

"Three-star general." Dagui said with a look of astonishment and surprise.

"Yes. Hehe. But a three-star general of a small family is not worth mentioning." Zhuang Zihan smiled modestly.Going to a three-star general, if it wasn't for the face-to-face instruction given by the Patriarch before his arrival, he wouldn't even know what a three-star general is.Fortunately, the owner of the family has collected all kinds of information from the last Reiki era.And told him these ways.Otherwise, he didn't know how to fool the big turtle in front of him at this time.

"What is not worth mentioning? The sea within 30 miles near us can't be counted by three stars. And I have never seen any of them, and I have only heard of their reputation. I have only seen one today." A living three-star general. I am really lucky to be born." Big Turtle said bluntly and bluntly.Lead ten thousand people, one star general.One hundred thousand people, two-star generals, one million people, three-star generals.These are the divisions of monks and generals by creatures in the last Reiki Age.

It is not easy to train such a general who has cultivation base and can command a large number of soldiers and horses.Under normal circumstances, there are not many outstanding ones from one race and one era.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Zihan hurriedly said a few more words of humility.He wouldn't take what Big Turtle said seriously.To know the sea area of ​​30 miles, that includes more than half of the air route from Yun'an Continent to Beiming Continent, but in fact, how many tribes and populations the Sea Clan has is much larger than humans.How could there be only less than one Samsung general?
Hey, whoever believes is stupid! !

Seeing that Zhuang Zihan was very calm and chatted with Da Gui, and greeted each other.Both Hai Qishan and Bo Sanqian had joy in their eyes.It seems that their compatriots from the mainland are not a fuel-efficient lamp.In fact, as early as the other party chose Guangle Reef, and then the two of them brought people over to survey the Guangle Reef and the surrounding sea conditions, they knew that the other party was powerful.

The choice of Guangle Jiao is really excellent.

The surroundings are endless, and there is no place to hide in the slightest.

In such a place, no one really can count on anyone! !

It's really good, it's wonderful.Fortunately, they were able to find such a place.

"I heard that you are planning to trade with the Seaman tribe under my command. I wonder if you can also trade with us along the way. Our Guhe tribe also has a lot of various deep-sea specialties, and we need some resources on the road." Turtle said bluntly.

"Yes. You can trade with anyone. As long as it is a special product from the deep sea. Besides, I know that your Guhe tribe is a big tribe with ancient inheritance. The quality of the various deep-sea special products you sell is probably better." Zhuangzi Conduit.

"That's natural. We have often traded with the human race before. Naturally, we are very confident in our own products. But there are some human beings in your human race who like to deceive us with fake things." Big Turtle suddenly thought of it. some bad memories.

"Yeah, our human race is somewhat similar to your tribes in the deep sea. Some small tribes, such as Dingkou of the small San tribe, are not authentic. Not only do they not like Ansheng to guard their own resource land, but they also try their best to cultivate their own various products and improve their production. Quality. I also like to do some swindling tricks. The key is that they are few in number, so they can escape easily, and they can’t be caught if they want to.”

When Dagui heard this, Emma thought to herself, why did this seem to have entered my heart.It's the same with us.

"Oh, don't mention it. You will be in tears every time you mention it." Big Gui also said in great distress.

"How about this, we won't reveal any news from your side, and our Chu family will come here every five and ten every month to trade with you. After our transaction is completed, if you want anything else, you can order it in advance." List, we will bring it to you the next time we trade. We will tell you in advance what we need, and you will bring it to us the next time we trade. How about it?"

"Tribe against tribe, don't you disperse the deal?" Big Turtle immediately understood.

"Let's make a big deal, so that our two families can earn some price difference from each other? It's just a hard-earned money. It really doesn't make much. What do you think?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

What hard money?Even if it's a couple of per cent cheaper, if it's really a big deal, how much will the pianist cost?
The small abacus in Da Gui's heart crackled.

"Success." He shouted loudly.

"That's it. So we came here, and we didn't expect to see you, Brother Chi. It happened that my family received a strange object in Longshanfang City, and I gave it to Brother Chi as a decoration." After finishing speaking, he took a few shots in a row start.

(End of this chapter)

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