The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 682 Red Dragon Coral and Deep Sea Demon Eye King Flower

Chapter 682 Red Dragon Coral and Deep Sea Demon Eye King Flower

A flower pot about one foot high was carried out.

The big turtle didn't pay attention at first, because he saw a fiery red coral in the flowerpot.

It's an old turtle, what kind of coral haven't you seen yet?

Originally, it was still thinking, why is this Zhuang Zihan so good at giving gifts?Wait until another glance.Immediately, he lost his composure and let out an exclamation, and then hurriedly ran over with two feet zigzagging.

"Is this Red Dragon Coral?"

It turns out that the supporting coral is a mass of coral at first glance.But if you take a closer look, it is actually a random red coral dragon with coral branches all over its body.This coral dragon closed its eyes, sleeping in the flowerpot, and seemed to be able to wake up at any time.

"It's the red dragon coral. And it's a sealed and very intact red dragon coral. This treasure is rare even in the deep sea. The only regret is that it's too small." Zhuang Zihan said.

"It's not small, it's not small. It's more than a foot high. It's really not small." The attendant, who didn't dislike it at all, took the flowerpot from his hand, and laughed smirkingly.

"It's still a little small. Such a small red dragon coral, five or six times bigger will be enough for you, Brother Chi." Zhuang Zihan continued to regret.

"Me? I'm so old, it's useless to use it. This kind of hundredfold is best for the younger generation of my family. It happens that I have a grandson who is only four or five months old. The talent is outstanding, and it is just right to use it." Big Turtle Road.

Zhuang Zihan immediately understood.He just said, why did the Patriarch take out this treasure, and then pointed out to him that this thing is too small for him to be used by serious sea clan powerhouses.At that time, he didn't understand it, so what gift did he give?

Oh, it turned out that it was specially given to the younger generation.

The head of the family has nothing to do with this scheming.

"Since you have given me such a precious gift from Chi Zhanhai, I am also embarrassed not to give you a gift in return. In this way, this is for you. This thing is called the Flower of the Deep Sea Demon Eye King. Only when it is sealed in the ten thousand-year ice marrow It can be preserved. When you eat it, remember to eat it together. It will let your juniors directly obtain the super-grade ice spirit root and the spiritual wisdom far beyond ordinary Haitong."

Da Gui carefully handed a small silver strip to Zhuang Zihan with a painful expression on his face.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Zihan quickly took out a sealed jade box from his storage ring, and directly sealed the small silver strip.

My God, such a baby is too rare.

It is not ordinary to see the red dragon coral sent by the owner of the house.

With the gifts from both parties, everyone was very satisfied with this transaction, and the goods brought by Dagui were given a very favorable price.Except for the three shipments that Zhuang Zihan brought were traded to the Shen Human Race, the rest were taken away by Da Gui to Bao Yuan.

Of course, Zhuang Zihan's selling price was also very generous.

Chi Zhanhai took the last bite of Zhuang's brother, and Zhuang Zihan pretended to be close to him.Then I saw the twitching of the corners of the eyes and the corners of the mouths of the guys from the deep sea human race.

It's impossible to make him laugh in his heart.

In fact, can he not know what Chi Zhanhai is?

If he hadn't guessed, Chi Zhanhai was designated as a rare old guy among the monster beast group who could survive from the last aura era.Such an old guy, maybe squatting somewhere, has survived the cold winter of spiritual energy.

Finally, the spiritual energy revived again.

Because they are not monsters, and because although they have a long lifespan, their real combat power is not very strong.That's why they were able to escape the harsh seal of the world on them.At this time, it is already possible to do activities in the sea area.

However, Zhuang Zihan felt that Chi Zhanhai at this time should not be the full-body posture of his peak period.

He has heard from his Patriarch that the will of the world, that is, the will of heaven, has restrictions on the upper limit of the cultivation of living beings.The Great Perfection of the Divine Stage Realm has not been relaxed.

Of course, he is still some distance away from the Great Consummation of the Divine Platform Realm.Ahem, even if he reaches the Great Consummation of the Divine Platform Realm, he still has to wait.It's better to practice slowly.

After sending off the big turtle first, and after finishing the transaction with the deep-sea human tribe, Zhuang Zihan invited several representatives of the deep-sea human tribe to board the boat for dinner.

When the few people had eaten enough, Hai Qishan took the initiative to ask, "The Chu family is not as simple as a new family that gets angry only after the spiritual energy is revived, right?"

"Aristocrats shouldn't be as simple as a weak tribe of [-] people, right?" Zhuang Zihan also asked with a smile.

Ahem, Hai Lingxian was speechless and almost spit out the wine from his mouth.

But Hai Qishan and Bo Sanqian still looked old-fashioned and calm.Seeing Hai Lingxian envy and yearn for it.

"It's not easy for anyone to live these days." Hai Qishan said.

"That's right, there's nothing I can do." Zhuang Zihan continued to persuade him to drink with a smile.

A gleam of splendor flashed in Hai Qishan's eyes.Sure enough, there are no worthless people under the reputation! !It is by no means easy for this Chu family to be able to vent their anger so quickly.

"Is it possible for our clan to send some clansmen to live on several islands in your ministry?" Hai Qishan asked.

"Are you planning to open a shop?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

"Can you?" Hatch Hill asked.

"Of course it's possible." He simply called for an attendant to bring over a set of shop introductions. "There are shops in many places under our Chu family's jurisdiction. You can choose a few."

After a while, an attendant introduced the shops of Bora with several large brochures.

Cough, cough, there are more than 100 places and tens of thousands of shops in the sea alone.This does not include the two large shops on the land that another attendant carried.

"How much territory does your family occupy?" Hai Qishan's face began to jump.

"The territory our family occupies is really not that big. It's our owner who wants to open up wasteland. She occupies a place and always develops it to be prosperous and productive. So although our Chu family has a small population, we can still live well. "Zhuang Zihan smiled implicitly and explained to others.

The envy, jealousy and hatred in Hai Qishan and others' hearts.

What's okay?

Who doesn't know how rich your family is, with the strength of your family, you have resisted the wave of sea beasts summoned by the entire White Crab Monster Clan for so long, and even forced the White Crab Monster Clan to compromise and retreat directly.You are all so rich, and you still say that your life is just okay.So what have we been through?
Are all struggling under the line of food and clothing?

Do you really know, how many deep-sea races say you are rich nowadays?
But the Chu family has too many shops.

Their tribal population is not large.There are not many resources.If too many clansmen are released to go ashore to do business, I am afraid that those who are released will not come back.After all, life is much easier on land than in the deep sea.

There is no need to be oppressed by other sea beasts and sea monster races.

Therefore, the shop must not be opened too much, otherwise the hearts will be scattered and the team will not be easy to lead.

"We only need three shops." Hai Qishan quickly selected three shops in Dafang City, Yanbo Island.

(End of this chapter)

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