Chapter 684
"What do you mean I told his mind to live? His mind has already lived by itself. I just play a guiding role. Even if there is no me, there will be other people to guide him on the road. Our family The sea route business is too attractive. There are too many forces and individuals joining now. It is really a contention of our own clansmen at home."

"Ah, hahaha." Hearing this, Zhuang Zihan burst out laughing. "It's just a sea route, and what kind of contention did you make, hahahaha."

"It's not what I said. I'm also learning from others. I also heard what those little fellows said." Chu Ziyan said with a playful smile.

"Oh?" Zhuang Zihan looked at him in surprise, "What did those little fellows really say that a hundred schools of thought are contending? About our family's waterway?"

Chu Ziyan nodded seriously. "That's not true. Speaking of which, they were the ones who encouraged our Chu clan and the people of other islands to form a fleet to run merchants. They were all black-hearted. Some saw with their own eyes that our Chu clan did not prohibit them from forming a caravan. Simply relocate the family and form more and larger caravans.

I heard that at Wanghai City, more than 200 distant sea ships are moored a day to more than [-] distant sea ships every day.Damn, I heard that Wanghai City was forced to start building.

That guy Ling Yanshu has complained every day recently that the six cities over there are not easy to manage, there are so many things, and they are very trivial.There is also a large group of guys with ulterior motives who secretly find fault with him all day long, and life is always sad. "

Hahaha, Zhuang Zihan laughed out loud.

"That kid is all alone, why is he still so fond of complaining?"

"Yeah, I haven't noticed how this guy likes to complain and nag before." Chu Ziyan had a horrified expression that Emma only discovered.

But the laughter that made Zhuang Zihan laugh louder and louder.

"By the way, why hasn't the second-tier refining furnace that I've been applying for for a long time been delivered?" Zhuang Zihan immediately remembered the business after laughing, and hurriedly asked.

Chu Ziyan was speechless, "How do I know? Why don't you write a letter to remind Chu Shinian?"

"Isn't it the same to urge you? Do you think I don't know that Chu Shinian uses you as a generalist?" Zhuang Zihan said.

Ah, Chu Ziyan wailed for a while.

"You don't have to shout any more, hurry up and rush me to the second-level refining furnace. The deep-sea cold iron on my side is short of enough second-level refining furnaces. Oh, by the way, we are still short of sea wood recently, no Ten thousand years, eight or nine thousand years I can make do with it.

can you get me some "

"Where are those thousands of years of sunken wood? Are they all used up?" Chu Ziyan asked in surprise.

"Yeah, you didn't see how many magic weapon ships we have built. Besides, we no longer build ordinary sea ships, and now we build all magic weapon sea ships. Sea sunken wood consumes a lot of proficiency. Now there are only It’s a little bit lower, and if we don’t make up for it, the shipyard will stop working.”

"You are also consuming too fast. There are so many, such large sunken woods, with a total of 10,000+ roots, and they are about to be consumed? Oh, that's not right, the number of ships you send out is the same as that of sunken woods. The quantity is obviously not right." Chu Ziyan made a rough calculation, and there was something wrong, the sinking wood was consumed too fast.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Not every piece of sunken wood can be used to build a ship when it's dragged ashore. Moreover, it's impossible to make a big ship with a magic weapon in one fell swoop when engraving the formation script, and sometimes the wood is damaged. So we can only refill it. "Zhuang Zihan explained with a bad face.

"I'm really speechless on the formation master's side. Is the manpower trained so bad?" Chu Ziyan couldn't help complaining.

"They have tried their best. Whoever can make a Dafa boat from the very beginning doesn't mean that practice makes perfect. In this process, it is good to only waste a few more materials." Zhuang Zihan said realistically.

"Then you guys will reorganize the whole thing and report it. I suggest that you better investigate secretly, whether there are any pirates and sellers of the sunken wood. It is best to investigate the ins and outs of the sunken wood even if it is waste.

Don't let Nian Tou take the initiative to ask you to do this. "

Zhuang Zihan immediately nodded in understanding.

"I'll arrange for someone to do it right away."

"In the future, whenever such expensive resources are involved, you'd better know what to do, do the investigation as soon as possible, and dispose of the black sheep if it happens, and report the process immediately.

Self-examination is very important.

Ever since something happened in Tishan City, both Tishan City and Fushui City have reported the results of the self-examination every once in a while.But I have never seen anything like this sent up here. "Chu Ziyan nodded at the other party.

Zhuang Zihan hurriedly said, "I will do the same in the future."

"Anyway, you just know it in your heart. Whether it's our age or our Patriarch, we know the flow of various resources in the family." Chu Ziyan said.

Especially the Patriarch, who the hell started out as a commodity.At a young age, the family's private business flourished.

Don't make the mistake of being able to deceive her with delusions.

"I see." Zhuang Zihan nodded.

Chu Ziyan said in his heart, you'd better take it to heart.He has seen how the Patriarch gave up on Zhu Yongnian.Not to mention anything else, if the head of the family is willing to beat Zhu Yongnian himself, how dare he go down the mountain privately for a woman?If he didn't go down the mountain privately, could he die?

Zhu Yongnian is of the younger generation, and he was the first generation that the head of the family promoted back then.

Of course, the Patriarch not only gave up on Zhu Yongnian, but also the elders and younger generations of the family.

If it weren't for the night of the riots in Changyang, such people would not have died in the direct line.

In fact, the Patriarch doesn't even have to choose to deal with you, as long as she chooses to give up on you, that would be a scary enough thing.In particular, many members of the family do not feel that they are under the protection of the family or the head of the family.

But once this kind of protection is gone, it is very likely that a little carelessness will be fatal.

Don't think that the outside is a peaceful and prosperous world, the cruelty outside is far beyond the imagination of the current clansmen.

"Then I'm leaving. I will report the matter of Hai Shenmu as soon as I get back."

"Thank you then."

After Chu Ziyan was sent away, Zhuang Zihan continued to come back to review the documents.But as he was approving, he suddenly thought of Ling Yanshu.Then he quickly wrote a letter to Ling Yanshu.Let him do the same as himself, and mark the ins and outs of the consumption of those expensive and expensive materials in the future.Then report the self-examination results at regular intervals and so on.

It doesn't matter what other branches are like, what they like, anyway, if something happens, the impact is limited.But he must pay attention here, if something happens, the impact will be extremely bad.Not only did he have to ring the alarm bell, but he also paid more attention to Ling Yanshu's side.

Otherwise, Chu Shinian's vicious and mean mouth would definitely not spare him.

After all, Ling Yanshu was the one he recommended for promotion.

(End of this chapter)

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