The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 685 Original Chapter

Chapter 685
On the platform at the core of the formation in the depths of the Mingyue Palace, a large amount of rich water aura forms a vortex for a while, and then the vortex disappears suddenly, and a large or small piece of water-attributed spar and Or Lingshi.

Especially near the Qianyuan kettle, there are more vortexes, and sometimes several vortexes can appear at the same time, condensing several pieces of special spar or spirit stone of water attribute.

Secondly, near the surrounding cups, various spars frequently appeared.

The condensed water-attribute spar and spirit stone finally fell with a thunderbolt onto the platform full of formations, the steps, and the ground.

If the formation masters who walk in don't make up their minds, they can step on it with one foot.The soles of the feet can be crushed through the soles of the shoes.

The Chu clan's auxiliary formation masters stationed in various resource secret places are all trusted clan members or disciples of the disciples.They will routinely inspect the situation in the underground palace every few days.First check the operation of the formation and the situation of suppressing spiritual objects.

If it's all right, then pick up the big broom and sweep away the piles of small crystals and spirit stones.Yes, no need to put it away.Put it near the suppressed spirits and pile it up into a mountain. As the Qianyuan Juke continues to gather water and spiritual power from all directions, and absorbs the water source energy from the earth veins and the void outside, the various spars and spirit stones around it will continue to grow.

A few young formation masters took big brooms and swiped at various spars and spirit stones, teasing each other at the same time.

"Oh, I saw a Xuanshui stone, which is as big as an egg. Oh, I am drooling. If I have this stone, I will be able to open the seventh level of meridians in this retreat." A newly promoted formation mage boy said pitifully .

There is a Xuanshui stone just under his broom.

"I said Brother Xiaofan, don't drool on it, you don't need Xuanshui stone at all to promote from the sixth level of Tongmai to the seventh level of Tongmai. Just a first-level crystal will do it."

"Yes, it doesn't need to be too big. A piece the size of a pigeon's egg is enough. You can exchange [-] merit points for one piece."

The other two young formation masters also joked.

"I'm so pitiful. I sweep so many crystals every day, but it's a pity that none of them belong to me." A certain broom boy complained pitifully. "Let me watch it every day, but I can't take a piece of it."

"If you really take it, something will happen to you, we can't save you." Another little formation mage said.

"No, you'd better take it easy. Tishan has just dealt with a group of refiners, and they haven't left any sympathy for them." The other one also said.

The three of them are responsible for inspecting and cleaning the formation masters of the underground palace this time.

Shuashuashua, some pitiful little array mage swept a pile of spars to the spar mountain.Only then sighed.So many crystals. "No wonder the outside world says that our Chu family is rich."

"Wealth is rich, but our family has a large population. It takes a lot of money to raise troops, boats, and people, and maintain these resource-rich places. Let's just say this underground palace. There are several similar resource-rich places nearby. A resource treasure site usually has at least 1 formation masters stationed there, plus their disciples and other apprentices. The formation masters here need to pay more than [-] spirit stones for a month or a month." A little pudgy-looking mage said.

"Yan Xiaopang, how do you know?" Babyface, that is, the pitiful little formation mage at the beginning asked.

"Of course I know, because my master is responsible for counting the attendance of each formation master every month and issuing monthly reports."

"Huh? I remember that your master wasn't in charge last month? Your master has been promoted?" Babyface asked in shock.

"Yeah, I just got a promotion, and I have to be responsible for issuing the monthly report. It's simple. My master is so annoying."

"Then your master is now the formation master in charge of our resource area?" Babyface asked.

"It's the vice-in-charge. The master-in-charge thinks that my master's personality and skills are not bad, so he is promoted." The chubby master-former said.

"That's really a happy event, congratulations, fat boy."

"You should congratulate my master, what are you congratulating me for?" the little fat man said speechlessly.

"There is no master here, so why don't you accept my congratulations instead of your master?"

"Okay, okay, I can't stand you."

"Then let me congratulate you too." Another boy with a white face also joined in the fun.

"Okay, okay, I'll treat you two to drink spirit wine later." Xiaopang said with a smile.

"You can have this." Babyface said.

"By the way, I heard that a few days ago someone was found out and stole the spar from the underground palace?" the white-faced boy suddenly asked.

"In the future, don't inquire about such things. Since we can be sent in, it means that we have passed the test and inspection of the family. When those guys reach out, they not only lose their own face, but also lose their master's life. All the famous names are lost.

In the end, he didn't settle well, and was taken away by the family's hidden guards. What good life would there be if he was taken away by the hidden guards? Xiaopang said to the other two with a serious face. "You two should also be vigilant. We are all formation masters with great prospects, and the masters and ancestors are high in the family.

Everyone, don't lose your reputation and your master's reputation with a sudden brain twitch.It's not worth taking just a few crystals. "

The other two nodded in unison.They are not stupid.

"We won't make that kind of mistake." Babyface said first. "Before, I just had nothing to complain about when I was idle."

"I'm also curious about the fate of those people. It is said that it is not so easy for us array masters to be cultivated by the family. Not only do we have to be talented, we have to work hard for many years, and we need the family to advance so much for us in the early stage. Resources can be cultivated.

I was shocked when I heard that someone dared to touch the spar here. " said the white-faced boy.

The teacher said that among the three people in front of him, he has an ordinary background, and he has achieved today's grades and status entirely because of his hard work and perseverance.But because of his ordinary background, he doesn't know many secrets in the family.

Like a dark guard, he felt very mysterious and terrifying.That's why he was very interested in the guys who were caught and taken away to steal spar.

"If we talk about those people, they are a little short-sighted. Even if all of us array mages are talented and worth a lot of money, it is inevitable that there will be some black sheep with short-sightedness inside.

No matter how many times I warn you, what should I do if I can't walk after seeing the spar? "Xiao Pang also reluctantly restored his master's original words.

(End of this chapter)

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