Chapter 692

"Although Li Xinyan is also a descendant of our family, she has been separated for a long time. She grew up in Qi State, so don't trust her too much." Chu Shinian reminded Taohua.

After hearing Chu Shinian's words, Tao Hua thought about it again. "Okay, I'll let her go back first. After all, she has to finish all the things she cares about. She really doesn't want to come back. If she wants to be the princess, then do it."

Anyway, that guy, the Empress, has done it before. Even if her feelings are frustrated, she probably can bear it.

"Well, that's good. You have to let go when it's time to let go." Chu Shinian's sense of Li Xinyan is very weak, and he doesn't care much about whether she is good or bad.As for the state of Qi, why do you care about a small mortal country in a precarious state?
The two continued to walk, and along the way, they saw that many mountains and forests had been converted into medicine fields, and the plains and valleys had also been converted into dry fields and paddy fields.The water system near Bibo Lake is developed, and there are streams and ponds everywhere.There are more coarse grains grown in the public fields of the Chu family.There are also a lot of fine grains.In the private fields of the people of the tribe, more fine grains are planted.

Among the fertile fields of the same level, the seedlings in the public fields are denser and grow more, and the yield is larger than that of ordinary private fields.Of course, there are enough fertilizers in the public fields.

The Chu family branch in Xianyang started with farming and animal husbandry. Every year, they spend a lot of spiritual stones to sprinkle the ashes of various monsters in the spiritual fields to increase their fertility.

There are also all kinds of seabed silt, island bird and animal droppings and so on.

There are also various refining residues and so on.

They are all buried in the spiritual land.

"The rouge yellow millet has actually grown to the second level. It's really amazing." Taohua said in surprise while looking at the surrounding Lingtian.

"Hanling rye is still first-class, and it seems that the future potential is limited." Chu Shinian also silently compared.

"The production of upland rice black pearls is large, but there is almost no potential to break through in the future. It's still the same." Taohua said.

"As long as the variety is good and the output is large, it doesn't matter if the rank is broken or not," Chu Shinian said. "In the final analysis, there are still many ordinary people and low-level monks in the family. For them, the large-yield low-level spiritual rice is enough for them to lay the foundation."

"You make sense. With the restoration of spiritual energy, low-grade spiritual rice with high yield is no longer suitable to be planted here. You have people gradually move them towards the island." Taohua said.

After hearing this, Chu Shinian said in a daze, "Why did you move to the island? For our family, the monster race on the sea doesn't seem to be much easier to deal with than the human race on land."

"No, the human race on land is more troublesome. The low-level spiritual food planted by the human race is rarely seen by the demon race. Even if they see it a lot, they don't take it seriously. To them, it is weeds. Only the human race will seriously investigate and calculate the food in the opponent's hands, because it is an opponent's war potential.

Our Chu family's reputation on land is enough, there is no need to keep adding it. "

"Do you think any danger is coming?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Recently, there seem to be more and more people in the Upper Realm."

Chu Shinian still had doubts in his eyes.

"I mean, the Great Perfection of the Divine Platform may be changing." Taohua nodded with her fingers.

Chu Shinian's eyes froze, and suddenly he was taken aback. "You mean, the world has restrictions on the cultivation level and number of monks in the upper realm."

Taohua nodded. "You are about to reach the Great Consummation of the Divine Platform Realm now. When you reach the Great Consummation of the Divine Platform Realm, you will probably feel it too. I am only at the late stage of the Divine Platform Realm, and I already feel it."

Chu Shinian wasn't jealous of Tao Hua's sensitivity. He pondered for a moment and said, "We need to let some people break through to the altar realm. Embryo Pill, do more."

"It will be discovered." Taohua frowned.

"If you find it, you will find it. It's just a bodiless pill. It doesn't matter if it's discovered. Besides, we don't even have enough supply for ourselves now, so they don't have to worry about our supply to the outside world. It's just a Chu family, even if it will be squeezed out by them, it is better than nothing number, but not as strong as fighting against the enemy."

"Then you have to prepare in advance, and the suppression will follow. We may be listed as one of the objects that must be eradicated by the monks in the upper realm."

"Don't worry, as long as there are enough legions, they won't be able to deal with us. At least temporarily." Chu Shinian said confidently.

Taohua nodded in agreement.

At least Chu Shinian thought it was okay, so it meant that the family army could do it.

In fact, the Chu family has developed to this extent, no matter how much they struggle, they will not be able to achieve any good results.Only by showing your fangs and making people fearful can you continue to survive.

Just when the two of them arrived at Bibo Lake and not long after they started fishing, a secret guard came up to Chu Shinian and reported in a low voice, "The Ma family of the Northwest Anxi Prefecture was wiped out overnight. I heard that Lian Gang was not born enough. Babies who lived for a hundred days did not escape, all of them were killed at home."

"Do you know why?" Chu Shinian asked.

"I heard that it is to track down some heavy treasure Cong Yindi."

After Taohua heard this, she immediately squeezed the fishing rod in her hand lightly.

"A certain force in the upper world did it?" she asked.

The hidden guard froze for a moment, and felt his commander's eyes sharpen.Quickly said obediently, "Yes, I heard that a person named Yang Xianzhi took the lead in doing it."

Taohua: Isn't that guy?But this is quite like that guy's style.

"Have you found the Cong Yindi?" Tao Hua asked.

"No. I heard that someone ran away, and they don't know whether the owner of Chongbao Congyindi is a man or a woman."

"Not from the Ma family?" Taohua asked again.

"I heard that it was rescued by a young lady from the Ma family and hid in the family, which caused the disaster of destroying the family." The brother of the dark guard said.

"It's so arrogant, killing people and seizing treasures all went to other people's homes." Tao Hua complained speechlessly. "Immediately use the name of Chu Shinian to remind all the families in the Northwest to be more cautious. Don't save everyone, and they will all be killed if they don't look at it."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Chu Shinian also had an obvious smile on his face at this time.

What is this? Just to remind you, this is obviously a matter of doing something.

If the leader of their family let this go, wouldn't it be beating the many families in the northwest, so that you always take refuge in other people's upper realm forces, and see if they just destroy a family without leaving a clean child.It's someone else now, maybe one day it will be your turn.Only when your brain is broken, you turn to the forces of the upper realm! ! !

"Great Commander...I..."

"Go and tell Chu Xinjia, let him just let the word go out like this. Just say that I will remind everyone. Let everyone pay attention, be careful in words and deeds, and don't make trouble until the last child is left behind."

(End of this chapter)

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