The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 693 Vibration

Chapter 693 Vibration
The dark guard brother was completely speechless.Even if he didn't understand the affairs of the upper class, he knew that if he let it go like this, it was designated to cause an uproar.

"Commander, what are you really going to do?"

The dark guard brother asked anxiously.

"Just tell Chu Xinjia like this, he knows exactly how to do it," Chu Shinian said.

Tao Hua snickered on the sidelines.

Wait until the little brother of the dark guard walks away in a daze.Chu Shinian smiled and asked, "Are you trying to bluff?"

Tao Hua nodded directly, and then smiled and said, "No matter how you look at it, it is a fact that our Chu family is obviously stronger in Yun'an Continent. Some people may have already stood up to us. The reason why we are not moving for the time being is also unclear. False and real, they dare not move. In case their power is defeated by our counterattack, or suffers heavy losses. Then in the next spiritual energy recovery, they will not be able to take advantage of enough. After all, in the lower realm It is not so easy for the aborigines to develop influence. No matter how the aborigines are, they are human beings with the same roots and origins as them. They are not so obedient and listen to them in everything.

Now the indigenous forces in the lower realm listen to them more to gain benefits, such as skills, resources, and the like.It's not that some people are afraid of coming down from the upper realm. "

Chu Shinian nodded.

Peach Blossom's analysis is very good. Although the quality of the monks in the lower realm is not as good as that of the monks in the upper realm, we directly crush you in terms of quantity.There is a possibility that a hundred monks who fight an upper realm monk of the same realm may be killed by others, but a thousand or 1 monks will directly kill an upper realm monk.

Neither of the second results will appear! !
The population base of the lower realm is so large, and there are so many monks at the bottom, even the monks of the altar realm are now appearing frequently in various forces of all sizes.

With Chu's size now, which upper realm force would easily fight them to the death?

Chu's reminder, especially Chu Shinian's words, really exploded like sparks falling into a frying pan.

In the past, the power of monks was not destroyed.In many places, it was treated as a one-time event, and everyone forgot about it after a long time.After all, the power that can destroy the sect must be a powerful monk power.

But it’s no problem for us to destroy ourselves. It’s a big deal for you monks from the upper realm to come down and destroy our gate.

Today you exterminated the Ma family, maybe you will start to exterminate other families at some point.

Who can bear this?

So Fu Luyi, Yang Xianzhi and others suddenly felt that it was difficult to move an inch.

I usually eat and drink as usual, but when I asked to find someone, I immediately said that I couldn't find it.He said it was investigating clues, but immediately said there were no clues.Find a local guide, and half the guide will not be seen for five or six days.

Everyone sat down and inquired, and it turned out that the Chu family had let go.

As soon as their family let go, many family monks, sect monks and casual monks who were originally jealous and dissatisfied with the monks of the upper realm immediately formed a small group, and they no longer worked for them so tamely.Even those subsidiary forces developed by themselves used to be rampant wherever they used to be, but now they are no longer able to do so.Why are you trying to kill our local monks casually?
Who is afraid of who fights?

What Baicao Pavilion, Xiancaotang, Dancaolou, you don't sell us things, don't we go to Longshan or the nearby city Zhongfang City to buy?

This kind of resistance appeared overwhelmingly almost in the blink of an eye.

Shocked Fu Luyi, Yang Xianzhi and others felt cold all over.

One is that they never thought that a mere Chu family would have such a strong influence in the local area.

Well, Peach Blossom and the others didn't even think of it.

The second is that they did not expect that the local monks in the northwest would love to hug each other so much.

Ever since he planned to fight in groups, he would not let his weak family clan and individuals be slaughtered.They quickly huddled together.

What thirteen families, what thirteen forts, eight surnames, five great villages and other messy combinations all appeared.

From villages to towns, from remote mountain forests to bustling plains with many cities.Alliances are everywhere.What is blood alliance, brotherhood, mutual marriage, everyone is busy adding their own to a small alliance, a small organization.Or join a major league organization.

Even the Chu family was frequently invited to join various alliances in the northwest region.

Chu Shinian also often receives visitors, as long as he is powerful to the family, he will not refuse anyone who invites him to join.

The Chu family did this all the time. In fact, people joined forces to form alliances and made efforts everywhere, which made some monks in the upper realm feel astonished.

This time Fu Luyi, Yang Xianzhi and other people from the upper realm gathered together again.

"Everyone is talking, what should we do now? The situation is not optimistic at all. The Northwest of the Song Dynasty is simply a trap, and any weird thing may happen. We haven't done much yet, they are the first to start The alliance is coming. There are so many alliances organized." A big bearded man complained bluntly.

"If it's just a local alliance, it's okay, I'm afraid they will unite with those superpowers in the hinterland of the mainland. Everyone knows that the elite personnel from our upper realm powers are now in the hinterland of the mainland. But their life is not easy. The local aborigines over there are too powerful. We fought against them from the very beginning.

The reintegration of the world is good for us, and it is also good for them. At least those reborn monks took the lead in developing their respective sects well. "Yang Xianzhi said.

"Then is there someone in the Chu family who is reborn, so they can take the lead?" Someone asked.

Yang Xianzhi simply looked at Fu Luyi, he knew that Fu Luyi also paid close attention to this family.It is said that this is a family that has long been fancy.

"The Chu family itself is a lucky family." Fu Luyi asked the maids to pass a document to everyone. "You can see the development path of this family during the previous integration. This time, some people in this family were indeed reborn, and the reborn people were accepted as my disciples. But I was a little reckless, and ended up killing the original head. But this The offshoot of the family immediately elected another Patriarch.

The new Patriarch was not close to the direct line, so he directly killed the obstructive direct line, and broke free from the shackles.On the contrary, the whole family has been developed better.This is the comparison between the past and the past of Chu Shinian, the bright face of the family.

Before the new Patriarch did not succeed, his life was simply not worth mentioning. "

In fact, Fu Luyi's bibliography was completely fabricated according to her own understanding. In many places, she took her guesses as investigation results and wrote them down.

(End of this chapter)

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