Chapter 694
Fu Luyi's article, in fact, used what she thought to be an exaggerated model throughout the article to describe the power and development history of the Chu family.

She thinks that the Chu family now has at least 500 million monks.All kinds of low-level resources are hoarded like mountains.

In fact, the Chu family only has an official monk army of nearly 300 million.In fact, there are more low-level resources than Fu Luyi described.But Fu Luyi's description alone was enough to shock everyone present.

Even Yang Xianzhi carefully read the entire catalog for the first time.

"The size of this family is already very large, and there is no way to fight against them for the time being. Can you find a way to reduce the various resources they have hoarded?" He asked.

Fu Luyi looked at Yang Xianzhi, and said with a gentle expression, "For the time being, the methods we can use will not have a big impact on them."

"Why?" Yang Xianzhi was puzzled.

"In fact, this family has always been very concerned about the farming and animal husbandry on their own land. Whether it is spiritual plants, spiritual food, or various low-level spiritual beast meat, they have hoarded abundantly. The solid foundation is shocking. Other aspects, Even if we block technology such as refining equipment and alchemy, we can't block anything. The main reason is that they are all low-level monks, and they have their own set of inheritance, and our blockade will not affect them. For resources, temporarily There is only one bodiless pill, which is still a limitation for other forces. But this family, like certain forces in the center of the mainland, can actually refine the bodiless pill by itself."

"What?" The representatives of the surrounding upper realm forces looked at Fu Luyi in shock.

"What's so strange about this is that this world has merged once, and the formula of the Embryo Pill has long been spread. As for the resources, there have been several alternative prescriptions. The resources can't be blocked."

Many people were speechless.

"Who is better for the reintegration of the world?" someone asked.

"The advantages and disadvantages are mixed. The advantages we have gained in the hinterland of the mainland are also obtained by relying on the advantages of the reintegration of the world." Fu Luyi sighed.

Now everyone is silent again.Others don't know why the super-large ruins appeared in advance, but they do know that it is a good thing done by those powerful forces in the upper realm.The profit in it, hehehe, no need to speak.

"Can we use Da Song's royal power to deal with them?"

"Old Li, you just came here. I don't know the situation. Before Baicao Pavilion recruited [-] royal armored troops to clean up the Chu family, but they were killed by the Chu family before they reached the ground. Fairy Fu knew about this matter. Detailed. If you don't believe me, ask her."

Someone who just asked the question immediately shut up.He had already seen Fu Luyi's ugly face.So I just laughed awkwardly.

And the person who said before that the Iron Armored Army from Baicao Pavilion was completely destroyed was actually the representative of Xiancaotang. Like Dancaolou, they didn't deal with Baicao Pavilion very much.

"If not, let's ask for help, find some experts to come over, and directly kill the top management of the Chu family." Another person said.

"No, please, now the real masters have their own places to go, everyone is competing for some special high-level resources, and there is no time to take care of our affairs here. In fact, I still suggest to wait until those masters are free. , naturally we can get rid of this Chu family who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth." Fu Luyi said again.

Since there is no other way for the time being, we can only continue to wait.

In fact, Fu Luyi had long wanted to contact some forces on the Beiming Continent again and ask them to send someone to knock down the Chu family.It's a pity that in order to control the mainland and obtain more benefits for the forces behind their own families, those people also have no time to take care of things here.

Compared to confronting the Chu family head-on, they want to pick up the persimmons and pinch them softly.

When Fu Luyi and the others were planning to deal with the Chu family, Taohua also received a contact signal from an old friend, and then she took Chu Shinian with her.

Black robe, black mask.

The man in front of you is still covering up his whole body tightly, and you won't even see a little bit of skin in his eyes.He also wore thin black gloves on his hands.

Taohua didn't learn from him, she only wore a mask.

Chu Shinian was wearing a blue robe with jade habits, not even a mask.Appear without makeup directly.

"I've always heard people say that Chu Shinian was as beautiful as a banished immortal, but seeing him today is really extraordinary."

"Why did I see you today? You've seen him several times before." Taohua complained speechlessly.

It's not embarrassing at all if the other party doesn't expose it.

"Didn't you always wear a mask when you saw this guy before?" Someone said.

"Ever since he stepped onto the stage, he has never covered his face. Don't say you haven't seen him secretly. I don't believe it." Tao Hua said immediately.

"Ahem, Chuxi, do you really have to embarrass me?"

"Come on, take off your mask and let me see how embarrassed you are?" Taohua retorted.

"Ahem, I'm here for business. We plan to buy a batch of resources from you. Look at this list. What do you have? We use resources and spirit stones to settle the payment. It’s okay. It’s best to settle with resources. We are also very nervous about Lingshi.”

Taohua finished the list in his hand smoothly, and then asked someone to deliver the pen and ink.Without looking at it, he said, "We also have this bodiless pill, and we can sell you [-] pieces."

Ah poof.

The big guy sitting opposite just took a sip of hot tea and almost spit it out.

"I thought you could only sell us a few hundred pieces!"

"We all refine it by ourselves. We have the origin of the materials and the alchemist, so why can't we refine more. But it's useless to refine this bodiless pill too much. Because no one can use it. Our family Here, I’ve taken all the bodiless pills that I can take recently, but there are still a lot left. So I’ll sell you [-] pieces. The key is what resources do you use to trade with us?”

"Ten thousand years of sea sunken wood, how about 50 roots, it's all big stuff." The other party said.

"Wannianhai Shenmu, you really have a connection with Shenhai Palace." Taohua nodded. "It's okay, we just plan to build another batch of seagoing ships recently."

"I suggest that you build fewer ships," said the other party. "You have too many ships, and Shen Hai Palace will not be able to sit still."

Taohua directly shook her head, "Otherwise, we would have had a fight with Shen Haigong. It’s impossible not to fight. I’m afraid that Shen Haigong would have hated us for having several shipping routes. Others don’t know about sea transportation, and you don’t know about it. You know? The most important thing is to make money."

After hearing Tao Hua's words, the other party was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Then you can do whatever you want."

"We also have this special five-element spar. We have our own mine."

Ahhh, this time people really pissed off.

But it didn't spray in the direction of peach blossoms.People plopped on the ground.

"Do you really have special crystal mines? We originally planned to trade some of these special crystals with the Yaozu."

(End of this chapter)

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