The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 701 Chu Changfeng is going to reclaim wasteland to be the village chief

Chapter 701 Chu Changfeng is going to reclaim wasteland to be the village chief
Chu Changfeng actually knew it well, if it was said that the head of the family used to care about the face of the direct line, taking care of and arranging for the branch clan members had to be done in secret.Since the collapse of the direct line, various government orders of the Patriarch have directly stepped up to the stage, and no one has any privileges, so they can do whatever they want.

In this way, the clansmen have been continuously shunted since childhood, and those who are capable and talented have been sent away one after another.Those who have no ability or talent are left directly.An Sheng followed the family to make money to support the family and have children.

Just looking at the current living conditions of the same clan in Ziyang, Xintang, Xianyang, and Taoyang, you can see the epitome of the various government orders of the patriarch.

Anyway, the family does not support idlers. As long as you have the ability and are willing to contribute to the family, no matter you are from the original Chu Chu, a branch, or a member of the Sanmai clan, we will arrange suitable training places for you.That's right, it's all about experience. If you want to live a good life, there is no such thing.What kind of hard work, what kind of land to open up wasteland, you can choose whatever you want.

The rest are really not good, or those who have no place to resettle temporarily will be thrown at home, and everyone can make money to have children.Didn't you see that all the families who caused trouble during the reconstruction of Xintang Town were of this type?
For example, if the children in the family are capable, the four sons and three daughters of Chu Changfeng's family have their own errands to do.

The eldest son is in Xianyang, the youngest son joined the army and left, the second son is in Ziyang, the third son is in Taoyang, and several daughters are also in office with their husbands.None of them squatted at home.

As for those families who were tricked into making troubles, the whole family was thrown away one by one.

Chu Changfeng consciously saw the current situation of the family clearly, and he was not willing to be tossed about by them.

"It's really not possible. I'm not too old at this age. Why don't we go to Xianyu Island to open up wasteland and become the village head."

Ahhh, his wife looked at him in shock and was speechless for a moment.

"You are also surprised. I think I helped Dashan manage the old Chuzhuang back then." Chu Changfeng said.

"But will it be difficult to lead a complete new village?" His wife asked hesitantly.

"No matter how difficult it is, our surname is Chu, what are we afraid of?" Chu Changfeng had long heard that those villages who opened up wasteland had benefited a lot from being the village chiefs.He is not seventy or eighty years old, and he is still cultivated, and his body is still strong.It's a bit unreasonable not to open up wasteland.

"Besides, look how well Dashan is doing now." Chu Changfeng said enviously. "They are all descendants of the Chu family. There is no reason why he can do what I can."

"Can this work?" His wife was still hesitant.

"It can be done. Several of my wine-making disciples have a place to go now, and they are all flourishing as winemakers in the family. When I become the head of the wasteland village, I can continue to teach my apprentices how to make wine. Directly turn the new village into a wine raw material production area. Then brew all kinds of spirit wine and sell them back to the clan, without us having to operate and sell all kinds of spirit wine. It saves time and effort."

Although he himself is only good at making wine, not selling spirit wine.But there are some capable people in the clan, he just needs to sell the spirit wine to the clan at a lower price.Why don't the various workshops opened by the clansman do this now?

My lord has brewed wine for a lifetime, and his craftsmanship is still good.Not to mention that he is a big player in the industry, but he can also be called a veteran in the wine industry.

The demand for spirit wine is huge. If we take this spirit wine as the main body and build a chain of workshops centered around wine making, maybe we can really achieve a great career in the future.

"Then why did you choose Xianyu Island?" Chu Changfeng's wife asked in confusion.

"I didn't hear Shiro say that Xianyu Island has recruited a lot of land reclamation village heads this time, and the range of villages to be broadcast this time is also large." Chu Changfeng said.

"Okay then, if you decide, then let's go."

"Lady, pack up your things, we will set off at dawn, I will be scared by them."

As a result, when someone came to Chu Changfeng early in the morning of the second day, he found that the couple had run away, ahem, to become the head of the wasteland reclamation village.

As soon as Chu Changfeng ran away, those troublemakers immediately messed up.

Chu Dachuan always vented his anger with his younger brother Chu Dashan. Chu Dashan always supported whatever Chu Dashan and his little girl said.If Chu Changfeng left, the whole branch of the Chu family would never speak to them again.

They didn't want Chu Changfeng to leave at all.

But Chu Changfeng ran too fast, and by the time they found out, it was too late, and Chu Changfeng's family had disappeared.

Beating their chests and stamping their feet is not enough to express their vomiting blood and depression! ! !

Why are you leaving! ! ~
The Lingzhi branch of the Chu family actually has a registered population of more than 1.However, less than [-] people actually live in the nearby cities.Everyone else is busy.As for the [-] people who stayed in the local area, a large part of them were children.

There are not many young men and women.Otherwise, it wouldn't be just the seventy or eighty households making trouble.

The mainstream of the population in the territory under Chu's jurisdiction is casual cultivators and mortals, young and strong.So as long as your surname is Chu and you don't think about being a monster all day long, you can do well.

The problem is that the hearts of the people are not enough to swallow the elephant. There are some members of the Chu clan who don't have much ability of their own, but they want to develop a big business. The person is unknown, and his eyes are too blind.If the Patriarch doesn't give me a chance to take advantage, it means that the Patriarch is harsh and unforgiving.

For such guys, Taohua never spoiled them in her previous life.

Just thinking about the relocation and reconstruction this time, well, she actually wanted to target some people.

But some people are not willing to sit still, they have also learned to seek foreign aid, and pull famous clansmen from other branches to seek justice for them.

So Taohua received another visit post from a clan brother.

Come on, come on, who is afraid of whom?
Peach Blossom made an appointment for a nice spring afternoon in the future.It was the spring of the 12th year of Yuanwu.

Chu Junyi didn't expect that the other party would accept her post so quickly.

After careful consideration, he brought his wife Gong Meiyun to the door.

The outside of Xianyang City is still the same, and there are a lot of young adults and Lingzhi husbands planning, maintaining the spiritual fields, and then plowing the land for spiritual food.People climbed up and down the mountain like little ants, and the treasure trees of spiritual plants full of spiritual energy leisurely waited for the service and manipulation of the spiritual planters.

Especially some spiritual trees and elixir with unattractive or too dense branches. Every spring, there will be a special spiritual plant husband who will be responsible for their beauty and pruning.Don't think that Lingzhi doesn't pursue beauty. In order to pursue beauty, they take the initiative to hook Lingzhi's clothes.

If you don't build branches for me, I won't let you go.

(End of this chapter)

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