The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 702 Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun

Chapter 702 Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun

Xianyang City is even more vibrant, full of people's laughter and laughter.

Chu Junyi and his wife rode into the city in a demon horse cart. Along the way, even the big trees on the street responsible for shading were all low-level spiritual plants.In fact, if possible, Taohua would like to replace all the big trees planted in her city with Juling wood.

Unfortunately, there are no saplings.

However, with the help of the Whale Suction Pillar, the spirit cang tree has grown well, and within a month it has grown into a towering tree about ten meters high.This kind of big tree is like a sun umbrella, and in summer, the whole city will not be so hot.

In addition to Lingcang wood, there are also many flower trees and flower beds around the small courtyards in the city.Scattered and unique decorations are in the city.It is very pleasing to watch.

Of course, what Chu Junyi valued was not this, but even the stones outside the decorative flower gardens arranged in the city were engraved with a large number of formation patterns.How far Xianyang City can use the formation method is really eye-opening.

Chu Junyi has also seen a lot of unique scenery outside in the past two years, but after thinking about it carefully, they are still a little bit worse than Xianyang.

No wonder, some people say that the Chu family dominates the West Continent and shines brilliantly.

Compared with other sects and family forces with more profound background, the Chu family, a new upstart, is actually mentioned frequently, and almost all of them are praise words, which is an odd number.

A group of chariots and horses entered the house of Taohua and Chu Shinian.

This is not an office area, but Chu Shinian's residence.However, it is also extraordinary in style, with a brilliant majesty hidden in it.

The young general responsible for leading the way introduced himself as Zuo Qing.Thick eyebrows and slender eyes, not very good-looking, but fierce.

Both Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun were a little surprised why the person in charge of guiding the way in the mansion was actually a young armor-piercing general.

Until a group of people walked into the main hall and saw the young general waving his hand, they let a group of hidden guards disperse around the main hall.It was only when Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun woke up that they were members of the secret guard system.

Surrounded by servants and maids, Peach Blossom came late.

Normally, she doesn't like to be surrounded, but when meeting outsiders, she must maintain a certain level of prestige, otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke for outsiders.

"Both of you, please sit down."

Even though they were used to seeing no one, both Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun had to admit that the appearance of the young woman in front of them was really rare in the world.Beauty is beauty, but the temperament and charm are very special.Let the couple feel an indescribable awkwardness in their hearts.

"We came this time because of the advice of the old man at home. We intend to trouble Madam with some things."

"Please say."

Chu Junyi first mentioned the names of some people, and then said, "These relatives are old with my family, and they plan to move and change their households to our side."

"Okay, you can send someone to come over and go through some formalities later."

This is not at all embarrassing.Chu Junyi was taken aback.It's true that the Chu Taohua in those people's mouths is not consistent.

"Can I ask? Why do they say they can't survive here?"

"Then how do I know? The clan stipulates that if you have no money to eat, you can go to the clan to get money to buy rice." Tao Hua also looked at the two of them suspiciously.

Cough cough cough, Gong Meiyun looked at the speechless husband and quickly took up the conversation. "Is there really no problem for these people to move out of their household registration?"

"Then what's the problem? Our branch has more than 3 people, what's the difference?" Taohua asked in the same speechless manner.

The Peach Blossom branch was not one of the most populous branches in the family at first.On the contrary, they only occupy the middle and upper reaches.However, the family developed rapidly later, and some retail investors came to seek refuge, so the population grew rapidly, resulting in more than [-] people recently.

It can already be regarded as one of the strongest branches with a strong population.

The entire Chu family now has only 60 to [-] people.

Although Chu Junyi's branch has a large population, it is still less than [-].Five thousand against thirty thousand, the difference is not a star and a half.

"Then..." Chu Junyi wanted to continue asking.But he was cut off by his wife. "Then thank you, madam."

Peach Blossom: "Easy to do."

The three exchanged a few pleasantries without embarrassment, and Gong Meiyun pinched her and dragged her husband away.

The beautiful maidservant serving Peach Blossom was very puzzled and asked, "I think they have bad backgrounds, and they looked aggressive and wanted to question, why did they end up anticlimactic and left without saying a few words?"

"Because they see through that I'm not a good scumbag, and I'm a tough guy, whoever cries doesn't know." Taohua laughed.

"Ma'am, what you said is reasonable." The beautiful servant girl said in an obedient manner. "However, those who caused trouble and suffered a lot, madam, why did you let them go out of the clan?"

"Leave if you want. There's no point in making troubles for them. I'm not one of those people who love to make things up and make fools of themselves." Tao Hua said indifferently. "Besides, if they get those people back, who will suffer in the future?"

When the maidservant heard this, she immediately sneered.

"Speaking of which, those of the same race are not young anymore, and their personalities have already been established. It is so difficult to distort their extreme ideas. Someone is willing to take me out, and I am eager to get rid of this burden." Taohua smiled. Said.

"That's right." The maidservant agreed with her.

"I'm likely to retreat for a while recently. If the couple came again just now, and it was because of the relocation of those clansmen, you can just do it. Just say that I agreed a long time ago." Taohua said, she faintly I feel like I am about to awaken my second supernatural power again, and I always feel upset and irritable recently.

Why don't you retreat and make a surprise attack?
So when Gong Meiyun sent someone to inquire about the details of those guys again, and when she learned the truth of the matter, she came to visit Chu Taohua again, but Chu Taohua had already gone to retreat.

"Madam said, just let me handle the move-out for you. Just let me know when it will be done." The maidservant said.

Chu Junyi's face was a little embarrassed again.Who would have thought that the seemingly honest and honest guy would deceive Chu Junyi right under their noses, and even instigate the old man at home to let Chu Junyi stand out for them.

Get out!Now he is not limited to listening to his grandma and moving those people to his branch.

"Ms. Taohua is not here, so we can come back later. Although it's just a small matter of family relocation, it's better to talk to her personally."

Gong Meiyun's words made the maidservant think that the other party didn't think highly of her.It is also because her current status is just a maidservant next to the madam, so she is naturally insignificant.But she didn't care much about it herself.

To be a secret guard, one must first abandon some useless honors and disgraces.

(End of this chapter)

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