The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 703 Zuo Qing and Yin Ji

Chapter 703 Zuo Qing and Yin Ji

"You guys can do whatever you want." The maidservant looked indifferent.

The patriarch Chu Dashan was not there, and he handed over all family affairs to the young girl Chu Taohua, so no matter what Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun had in mind, they still wanted to talk to Taohua.

At this time, they visited four times in a row, but they did not see anyone.Chu Taohua is retreating.

When they visited for the fifth time, Chu Taohua finally left the customs.

Regardless of whether they not only met Chu Taohua this time, but also Chu Shinian who happened to be returning home from a business trip.With the development of the family, Chu Shinian became busier and needed to leave Xianyang frequently.Moreover, Chu Shinian is a person who strives for excellence, it is difficult for him to bear that his work is not perfect.

As for staged success, he doesn't like it.It's best done perfectly once and for all.If it is impossible, it can be completed as early as possible.

Chu Shinian is the kind of high-standard player who carves a top-level collectible even if he carves a radish flower.

Therefore, Chu Xinjia and Chu Ziyan, who were accepted by him to work, were miserable.

Especially the recent work of overtime and overtime really broke Chu Ziyan, so he quickly arrested Zuo Qing and helped him take charge of the security work around the Patriarch.In the past, Chu Ziyan personally supervised this job, but now he is too busy and always has to travel.

This guy was handed over to Zuo Qing, who was the same age as him.

Strictly speaking, Zuo Qing was born in a family.It's the same as Qi's and Ming's.They all belonged to servants belonging to the Chu clan.Although Zuo Qing was born as a servant of the Zuo family, once he was selected as a secret guard, his status and treatment would be equivalent to that of a son of the Chu family.

Moreover, the commanders of the secret guards of the Chu family have actually produced several servants.Back then, Shi Yousan and Ming Daozong were all leaders of the hidden guards, and both were sons of servants.

Chu Ziyan trusted Zuo Qing a lot.

However, Chu Shinian's attitude towards him was always indifferent.It's not that Chu Shinian has a bad impression of Zuo Qing, it's just because Zuo Qing is too stable and rules too much.Such Zuo Qing made Chu Shinian feel less alive, so he favored Chu Ziyan even more, and chose him as his deputy back then.

In fact, Taohua doesn't like Zuo Qing that much, who would like a guy who doesn't talk for a day?Although Zuo Qing is very smart, he is also very rigorous in his work, which makes him trustworthy.However, Tao Hua doesn't expect too much from Zuo Qing beside her, as long as she can finish her job well.

She has Yin Ji to chat with her!

Yin Ji is that beautiful maidservant! !Yin Ji is in charge of protecting her personally.In fact, Taohua has always felt that she does not need protection.But in order to make everyone feel at ease, she still chose to put Yin Ji by her side.

It was also the first time Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun saw Chu Shinian.This is a man who is frightening at first sight.There was a certain powerful aura exuding from his body, making people old-fashioned and ruthless.

Domineering and with a dark coldness.

So even if the other party's appearance is too gorgeous, the first thing he and his wife feel is the amazing pressure that hits their faces.

"I've met the commander in chief." Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun saluted slightly stiffly.

Chu Shinian nodded.Then he said to his wife beside him, "I still have something to do, you should do it first."

"Okay, you go first. When you go out, ask me to bring me a plate of peaches, I want to eat." Taohua said.

"Okay." Chu Shinian smiled slightly.

Once Chu Shinian left, the atmosphere in the house became less oppressive and deep.

Gong Meiyun hurriedly said, "We are here this time, and we still want to discuss the matter of those families."

"Is it a matter of moving out of household registration? I'll let someone do it for you." Taohua said.

"Wait, we actually came this time because some of them didn't want to move out." Gong Meiyun said awkwardly.

"Then how can I come and leave whenever I want?" Taohua asked back.

Gong Meiyun was stunned, "They are also pitiful, and they are all families of ordinary people..."

"It doesn't matter what kind of family they are, since they made a choice at the beginning, they have to bear the price of their own choice. The list you mentioned, I will let people help them move out today. As for whether you Accepting them, that's not my business. I'm only in charge of our tribe. Now that they've moved out, that's their business."

"It's not so good, if they are forcibly moved out, and there is no branch to accept, then they will become retail investors. Retail investors in the family are not doing well." Gong Meiyun said.

"Then what does it matter to me? It's not the matter of moving out that I mentioned." Tao Hua said.

"I think you should think about this issue from the perspective of benevolence..."

"If you are kind, you can accept them all." Tao Hua said again.

Gong Meiyun's expression changed slightly.

The corner of Taohua's mouth twitched slightly.If you want to be a Virgin Mary, do it yourself.It's really interesting to force others to talk about benevolence.

Chu Junyi had a headache when she heard this.Those people are simply a bunch of ruffians who just want to take advantage.Knowing about it has bothered them a lot.

Originally, they wanted to leave those people here.But I didn't expect that people didn't want it.

If they say they don't care now, then it's your slap in the face, this time I really borrowed a hot potato.

"Well, that's it. We will try to move out their household registration in a few days. There are also properties and fields. We also plan to replace them." Chu Junyi said.

"Then replace it with a shop in Dafang City, Yanbo Island. Our family has all the shops over there." Tao Hua said.

"Yes." Chu Junyi said bluntly, he didn't want to be slapped in the face as soon as he got home, he still suffered a bit, accepted those people, and dealt with them when he went back.

After sending Chu Junyi and Gong Meiyun away again, Yin Ji couldn't help but said, "This couple is quite interesting. I heard that they just came back from a study abroad trip."

"Chu's development is so good, they still can't resist not coming back early, but only now, I'm afraid they are not simple people." Taohua laughed.

"The Patriarch is saying that they also have some adventures and contacts outside?" Yin Ji said.


"Then they will bring back a batch of rascals this time, I'm afraid they will cry." Yin Ji laughed.

"It shouldn't be wrong, those people should be small problems for them." Taohua smiled and watched a large plate of spirit peaches being brought up. "Come here for peaches."

"Here we come. Zuo Qing will give you one." Yin Ji took one by herself and threw another one to Zuo Qing.

"Ah, not bad, the taste of the peaches stored in the family has not changed at all, just like the fresh ones." Tao Hua quickly gnawed on one.Nodding very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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