The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 705 Underground Space Overgrown with Glowing Plants

Chapter 705 Underground Space Overgrown with Glowing Plants

Just when the Qingyang underground practice area began to be rebuilt in full swing, Tao Hua was also invited to another underground area by Chen Dazhi.Strictly speaking, this place is not within the jurisdiction of Qingyang.It is located underground among many hills in the northeast near Qingyang City.

This is also an underground cavity area.The rocks are rugged, there are waterways, there are humid air currents, and there are many kinds of strange luminescent plants that grow wildly in this area.

"The luminous plants here are a bit like degenerated species of spiritual plants." Taohua looked at the many luminous plants, and said seriously to Chen Dazhi beside him.

"Yeah, the old doctor we hired to help with the identification also said that he is better at growing various medicinal spiritual plants. He said that the luminescent plants here are likely to be large-scale plants that belonged to an old sect many years ago. Medicine garden."

"How long ago was this discovered?" Taohua asked.She still wouldn't come if it was only because of the completion of the Qingyang training area, but it would be interesting to find such a one after following the underground training area and passing through an underground river with a wide water area.

After all, it has never been discovered here in the previous life.Maybe it was discovered, and the outside world was not known.However, they were so far away from their parent, Yang, but they didn't get any news. It was either that they hadn't been discovered at all, or there was something special here that was strictly blocked later.

"It was discovered just five days ago. Isn't our training area going to be completely completed recently? I was thinking about how to walk from the ground, maybe install a group of more powerful monsters, so even if there are monsters and large carriages, the monks are still there. I am more willing to take the teleportation array.

But if you take the underground air route, I think everyone's going through the underground air route in Longshanfang City is also very smooth.So I came up with the idea of ​​exploring the direction of the nearby underground rivers.

Recently, the reward I announced is to call nearby geologists, monk adventurers, and mortals who are good at water to help me explore the nearby waterways.

It was not smooth at first, and all my people who could explore the nearby waterways have explored.The waterway at the location is full of dangers, and our side sometimes loses several geologists in one day.Fortunately, there is a shortage of earth masters who can be recruited nearby, and they all bring a lot of apprentices.Otherwise, our side will almost not be able to detect it. "

"That shouldn't be easy to survey. When we surveyed the underground waterway that crossed the Wanji Mountains, the water area there was wide enough. Compared with other underground rivers, the dangerous area was less, but it also damaged six earth masters." , there are also dozens of earth masters whom we have hired with a lot of money and talents who have been cultivated with great difficulty by a dozen or so families. It took nearly six years to complete. As for the money, I don't want to think about it at all.

I think it's enough silver to build a small river. "

Chen Dazhi gasped.

He really didn't expect the Chu family to pay such a heavy price in exchange for the current Longshanfang City.

"At that time, the sacrifice was so great, and six great earth masters were sacrificed, and you still persisted?" Chen Dazhi asked in astonishment.

"At the beginning, Longshan opened the square city to adapt to the recovery of spiritual energy. In fact, we were planning to build a dark trading market there. There was a river underground in Longshan leading to the sea. There were rumors about it a long time ago, hundreds of years ago.

Maritime trade is also very profitable.For example, the royal family of the Song Dynasty originally had no port cities in their own country. Later, in order to do maritime trade, they fought for many years to obtain their own narrow outlet to the sea, built seagoing ships, and made a living at sea.

Our Chu family also intentionally opened up the Wanji underground waterway more than 100 years ago.But it is too difficult to open up an underground waterway across the Wanji Mountains.

It took about six generations of hard work to figure out the location of this underground waterway. "

The development of the Chu family in Chu Xi's previous life was not very satisfactory. Except for the elders who were holding back in the family, it also had a lot to do with the fact that the Chu family was only strong at that time, and other branches were suppressed, and their strength was weak.

It is not as good as this life at all. Taohua adjusted the direction of development from the very beginning, instead of developing direct descendants, the whole family developed in an all-round way.

Let the clansmen live a good life, encourage them to give birth and continuously improve their cultivation and treatment.Help them push their way to greater heights.If it weren't for the transformation of the Chu family from the foundation in this way, the Chu family might still be the same as before, with a weak foundation, and it would not be able to develop if it developed to a certain scale.

Chen Dazhi listened to Patriarch Chu's words, and he was deeply moved in his heart. This family's background is really profound, and the key is that the vision is really good.With just one Longshanfang City, it has opened up another world for the family.

As for him, Chen Dazhi and the Chen family, after all, they didn't have as much accumulation and hard work as others.No matter how capable he is, Chen Dazhi has a low starting point, so it is impossible for him to rely on his own strength to create a Longshanfang City as early as when the spiritual energy has just recovered.

And it happened that he had accumulated a lot of experience in the past few days, and he happened to have this talented patriarch in front of him, so he was able to step in and create Longshanfang City.

Longshan is actually the starting point of the Chu family.

"After the recovery of spiritual energy, everyone's cultivation base has improved, and the danger of exploring the underground waterway has also been reduced." Chen Dazhi said.To be honest, if you refer to the original efforts of the Chu family, although it is dangerous for him to explore the underground waterway, he really didn't lose so many people.He hasn't recruited a large earth master yet, and there are only a dozen real earth masters now.

Compared with the more than 100 explorers he recruited, this is not a lot.

After all, although the status of the earth master is valuable, it is worthless if there are too many people.

In fact, a first-level land master can be a teacher in just a few months, and in two or three years for the elders.Not to mention the apprentices of the masters, they just work for the teacher Baigan.It is rare for a teacher to lead seven or eight apprentices.

It is not uncommon for a first-tier land master to lead a dozen or so apprentices, and it is not uncommon for dangerous apprentices to go first.

Of course, there are also special martial arts monks who are responsible for the protection of the master apprentices.Of course, if there is a real danger, even if the teacher follows, the final result will not be much different.The profession of geographer is more technical and prospecting.

"Don't take it lightly. The danger of the underground route is still there. Now that the aura is recovering, some underground routes are likely to link to some dangerous waters, such as strange secret places, strange small worlds, etc."

(End of this chapter)

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