The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 706 Glowing Topaz Ginseng

Chapter 706 Glowing Topaz Ginseng

Tao Hua's words shocked Chen Dazhi.

"Thank you, Patriarch, for reminding me that this is indeed my negligence. I will make an emergency plan after I go back."

"It's good if you have this idea. However, any implementation method should not only be implemented on paper, but should be taken into action. It is only serious to do more quick response training." Taohua is unwilling to directly order the other party to do things.After all, it wasn't long before Chen Dazhi joined the Chu family.He is not a direct descendant of the Chu family, and he doesn't have the consciousness to do what he hears.This has to be gradually adjusted and cultivated.

"Okay." Chen Dazhi responded readily.

"How many people have been arranged to explore your place?" Tao Hua asked again.

"About four teams formed, with hundreds of people." Chen Dazhi said honestly.

Taohua took a visual inspection, and the area of ​​the underground space she saw was about 1 mu.With such a large space, there are some tall glowing plants covering it. If you want to survey this area in depth, you need to recruit more people.

"In this way, you go out and ask Chu Shinian to send a team of monks composed of ten thousand people. It is best to have done missions such as exploration. In addition, let the family land master, formation master, craftsman, and craftsman each send a hundred people Squad over here."

With more than 1 people surveying such a large area, Chen Dazhi was speechless when he seemed to kill a pig with a sledgehammer.

What surprised Chen Dazhi even more was that Patriarch Chu only took orders in the morning, and just after noon, the staff arrived and started working.

This speed really surprised him.

Just when Chen Dazhi complained about the Chu family's overkill, he took a look at the members of the Chu family who had been exploring for less than an hour, and brought over two large baskets of various scouting trophies for Taohua and the others.

Because there are so many people, it is almost a carpet-like investigation.

But for all the plants that have never been seen before, a batch must be taken away, including the seeds and the mature body.The underground is the focus of exploration.

"Patriarch, we found a relic of an ancient courtyard in District 4011, and found a white bone and a storage bag in which the white bone was alive. The storage bag has been broken, and the things that fell out of it were either broken or rotten.

Only one strange wooden bead remained intact. "

There are special monks who are responsible for sorting, and then present some strange things to the head of the family.

Qi Tianjian's peach blossom eyes brushed against the wooden beads in an instant.

"This is a small one-acre spiritual field. It has been abandoned for a long time without spiritual energy, but if more spiritual stones and spiritual objects are buried in it in the future, the spiritual field inside should be able to recover."

Taohua squeezed the wooden beads, intentionally made a certificate of identification, and then put them into another large wooden box for things.

"This thing is of little value. Whoever finds it has the priority to exchange it. If the person is not willing to take it, this wooden bead will be stored in the family treasury and wait for the clansmen to exchange it."

"Okay." Someone added a small envelope to the wooden bead.Then put the tree and the small envelope into a small black bag.The contents of the envelope are naturally the firm comments of the head of the family.

Another guard took out other items and reported the history one by one.

Taohua is responsible for appraising items.

Not all the things she identified were valuable.

"Ah, this is a demon transformation pill. After eating it, it can transform into a demon deer within a certain period of time. It's a pity that it has deteriorated, and it can't be eaten after too long. Although it doesn't look bad from the outside."

"Oh, this used to be a special spar with metallic properties. Unfortunately, it has no spiritual energy and has become an empty shell. It is useless. At most, it can be used as a material for low-level refining tools. It is of little value."

"This is a piece of black soul wood, which is used to raise low-level spirit corpses. You can exchange it if you are interested."

"This is a ghost stone, which is used to raise little ghosts. This should be discovered together with the black soul tree, right? It should belong to the same corpse monk, right? The breath is the same, although they are already very faint gone."

"Hey, this is a sword intent stone, which can store specific sword intents for members of the same clan, or for the cultivation of younger generations. The sword intent stored in it is actually quite complete. It's a pity that this sword intent stone is only the size of a fist, and it can be used two or three times at most look." Tao Hua identified another valuable thing, and she was still in a good mood.

But she didn't see the terrified eyes of Chen Dazhi who had been following her all the time.

It's so frightening and frightening that the other party has easily identified all the ancient relics.

This kind of knowledge, this kind of eyes, is simply surprising to the point of being frightened.

"Master, did she help you identify all kinds of exploration items before?" Chen Dazhi asked Yin Ji, a beautiful woman beside him.

"The Patriarch has always been extremely talented, and he has some experience in appraising some ancient relics." Yin Ji would pretend to be mysterious for her Patriarch.

Chen Dazhi twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

This Patriarch of the Chu family is really amazing, it gave him the illusion that he was facing destiny.

At first, Chen Dazhi didn't feel much when he heard that this place might be a medicine garden where some kind of large sect had sunk into the ground.But now he doesn't think so anymore. He has just surveyed how big a place is. The people of the Chu family have found nowhere in the courtyard where the small disciples lived, and found nearly two baskets of ancient relics.

Among them are broken medicine hoes, iron pots, stone mills and other things.

There are also rare items such as wooden beads and sword will stones.

After surveying the entire underground space, the harvest must be very satisfying.Chen Dazhi didn't believe that Patriarch Chu would not give him a share of the rich harvest.Could Patriarch Chu be the kind of careless person?

At this time, Taohua picked up another jade cocoon with a dark gray-green color, and said regretfully, "The kung fu jade cocoon, unfortunately, it has been too long, and the spiritual power stored in it has disappeared. The kung fu is gone immediately." .”

The surrounding monks of the Chu family felt a deep pain in their flesh.

The Chu family's investigation is still going on in an orderly manner. Even at night, everyone just set up tents outside the space to rest in shifts, and more people are still working hard to excavate the remains.

The doctors mobilized another two hundred people, mainly because the luminous plants here are very interesting, and some of them are very valuable to be re-cultivated as spiritual plants in the eyes of some doctors.

In fact, Taohua also saw a kind of interesting luminescent plant.

That kind of plant is the topaz ginseng. This kind of ginseng has evolved a novel species with leaves and stems that emit a faint blue luster under this special circumstance.After Taohua had seen this strange new herbal ginseng, she had already told someone to set aside a part of the plant and seeds for her.

(End of this chapter)

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