The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 707 Lingshan with accelerated evolution

Chapter 707 Lingshan with accelerated evolution
Qi Tianjian leisurely brushed the mutated plants in front of him.For the special variant topaz ginseng, the maturity period is shortened by half, and the seed variation increases by three times.

Common topaz ginseng has about seven to twelve seeds.There are 21 to 36 seeds of mutated grass ginseng.

This is a bit powerful.

I just don't know if these glowing mutated grass ginseng can adapt to the bad environment of the outside world. If they are cultivated in the spiritual land outside, will they mutate again?

The excavation of the underground space will continue for a few more days.After all, they searched carefully, and when all the space was roughly collected, they would rework and plow the ground three feet again, digging deeply again.

So Tao Hua simply went directly to Xianyang City with the grass ginseng seeds and grass ginseng.

Xianyang has become a second-level spiritual land now.

Taohua chose a small area and planted the mutated topaz ginseng.

After thinking and thinking, she must try her second supernatural power.The newly awakened Yuehuabaoye.This supernatural power allows her to accumulate three drops of Yue Hua Treasure Liquid while practicing daily.To practice the Taiyin scriptures for an hour is to condense three drops of precious liquid, and then you will still have three drops no matter how much you practice.When you are practicing the next night, you can still condense three drops.

Anyway, three drops a day.

Taohua took out a drop of precious liquid from her body, and turned it into water mist, covering the ten ginseng plants she transplanted.The ten grass ginseng mutated into a spiritual ginseng at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then advanced to a second-order spiritual ginseng at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, it blossomed and bear fruit, and the fruit matured and fell in the blink of an eye.

Taohua quickly put away the fallen seeds.

Then the second-order spiritual ginseng is still absorbing the spiritual mist, slowly advancing, blossoming and bearing fruit, and the seeds fall.

Taohua received five seeds in a row, and the last time the second-order spiritual ginseng had quietly broken through to the third-order spiritual ginseng.The second-order spirit grounds were obviously not suitable for their growth. These third-order topaz spirit ginseng trembled a few times, and finally fell silent.

If you don't adapt, at most you will grow slowly. Although you can escape from the earth, but you escape from this vast spiritual land, there may not even be a spiritual land outside.The third-level spiritual ginseng has gradually developed the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

And these mutated spiritual ginseng will still glow.But in the daytime this light becomes a twilight.Well, at night, she will have to wait for Ye Wang to come over to take a look.

After telling Mrs. Lingzhi nearby to tidy up the small open space here and plant all the mutated topaz ginseng, Taohua left.The third-order topaz spirit ginseng, after the Lingzhi husbands know about it, they will give special care.

Besides, there are only ten trees, so it won't take too much of Xiaopang's spiritual power.

But as soon as Xiaopang was mentioned, Xiaopang took the initiative to call her.

Walking into the peach forest of Qingyang Lingtao, Xiaopang and his little friend Xiaochunlong are standing leisurely on a low peach tree branch, wagging their little tails, it is obvious that the two little Guy is in a good mood.

Since the Five Elements Underground Palace began to exert its strength, Taohua has not paid special attention to the development of the five elements' spiritual veins for a long time.

Looking carefully now, it has actually developed to the peak of the second-order spiritual vein.

Even Xiaopang himself doesn't know what he ate recently. He has grown thick several times, and his small body is round and chubby, looking particularly sensual.

"Fat, have you eaten too much recently?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"What is eating too much? How can I eat too much?" Xiaopang retorted unwillingly. "By the way, I called you here this time to tell you in advance that I'm going to be promoted to the third rank."

"Wait, wait. Even if you are at the peak of the second level, the third level is a big hurdle. If someone wants to advance to the third level, who hasn't squatted at the peak of the second level for many years and has accumulated enough aura to be promoted How did you get promoted so fast?
It's only been a few years since you were promoted to the second rank! "Peach Blossom asked in disbelief.

"Why did I get promoted so fast? You don't have any points in your heart." Xiaopang immediately rolled his pair of small mung bean eyes towards Taohua.

"What's going on, does it still have something to do with me?" Tao Hua was puzzled.The most important thing is that she remembers the two large water spirit veins near her home in her previous life, but it took nearly 20 years to get promoted, okay?

But Xiaopang actually told her that within ten years after the spiritual energy recovered, it would be promoted to a large spiritual vein.

It's amazing. Is there wood?
"Have you forgotten what you have done? You have arranged a layer of earth spirit array in my spiritual veins. Can I tell you its purpose? Its scope has been expanding in the past ten years. Keep accumulating aura in me.”

Tao Hua felt a little embarrassed when she heard this.

"In order to balance the five elements, you also got me a five-element underground palace. Can you tell me about their functions? What's even more annoying is that you not only have an eight-direction water-gathering array in the water-shaped underground palace, but also give the Qianyuan water-gathering pot to you. Suppressed at the eyes of the formation.

Fortunately, you also know how to make the other underground palaces well, otherwise my water skills will be too big. "Xiao Pang said with shame. To be honest, as it grows up day by day, it has learned more and more memories of inheritance recently.

Recalling Peach Blossom's generosity, it also trembles with fear.

According to the inheritance memory, if Peach Blossom misses for a while, the Five Elements Spirit Vein may be destroyed, and it will be finished by then.

"Furthermore, your five-element underground palace is very good. With their acceleration, I will reach the peak of the second order in a short time. Now I have accumulated for a long time, and I feel that I can do it. So I plan to promote to the third order in half a month. Lingmai.

I have been promoted to the third-order spiritual vein, so I must evolve with you, and you have to prepare well. "

Peach Blossom is speechless.

"If you really want to be promoted now, how about a few years later?" Taohua asked.

"Little Fatty shook his head directly. When I am promoted to the third level, I can connect all the spiritual lands you choose. And through the great circulation of spiritual energy, it may also help you promote other spiritual lands. I have a feeling that the earth veins in this world The Great Swing will usher in the first great change.

The sooner I get promoted, the more I can benefit from the great changes in the future. "

Tao Hua was taken aback.

"Do you even dare to take advantage of the mutation of the Great Swing? The will of the world will not punish us for making too many small moves?"

"Probably not, it adjusts its own, and we stabilize ours. We just adapt to its big loop variation and communicate with our small loop."

But once this small cycle is communicated, the growth potential and speed of Xiaopang will be further accelerated.

The existence of Lingshan is so strong, if not, why would the forces of the upper realm desperately develop Lingshan?

Of course, the collapse of either side of Lingshan also represents a serious injury or the end of a big force.

"That's all right, I'll prepare well." Taohua made careful preparations before deciding to be promoted.

(End of this chapter)

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