The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 708 Planting Thousands of Mu Qingyang Ling Peach

Chapter 708 Planting Thousands of Mu Qingyang Ling Peach
Immediately after Taohua returned, she began to adjust the deployment of the entire family.

The next month will be all about finishing work.

All new jobs are canceled and will start again next month.Then raise all monk legions to wartime status.A large number of new ships, new equipment, pills, magic soldiers, etc. were distributed in batches.

As soon as she moved, even Chu Shinian was alarmed immediately.Quickly ran back.

"Is something serious going on?"

Taohua thought for a while, and said, "Do you know Lingshan?"

"Is that the important spiritual mountain mentioned by the upper bound?" Chu Shinian asked.

Peach nodded.

"Lingshan is the foundation of a sect or a family. I don't know how many families or sects in our mainland are secretly planning to build Lingshan. But our family does have it. It's right under our feet."

Chu Shinian immediately retracted his eyebrows in surprise, suppressing the sharp breath in his eyes.He doesn't need any power in front of his wife.But he was so surprised that there was a spiritual mountain under his own feet, so that his mentality fluctuated.

"Before the third level, Lingshan is actually no different from other ordinary spirit veins." Taohua said. "But after it reaches the third level, it will automatically reveal all kinds of supernatural powers. The third level of supernatural powers is a hurdle."

Chu Shinian immediately understood, "Our Spirit Mountain is about to break through to the third level."

Taohua immediately gave him an understanding look.

"I don't believe that our family's Lingshan Mountain is about to break through to the third level in the entire continent. If you don't talk about anything else, let's talk about the last monk era. It is estimated that someone or a big force has sealed the Lingshan Mountain that has no hope of promotion.

The spiritual energy that has been preserved until now is revived, and then the seal is lifted to continue to make the spiritual mountain develop into a real sixth-order spiritual mountain.

After all, Lingshan below the sixth level is called the prototype of Lingshan.

The reason why no one or force has revealed their own Lingshan until now, I guess everyone wants to hide first, and develop insignificantly.The high probability is that the family has a profound influence and has a treasure that can cover up the aura of Lingshan.

We don't have any treasures to hide the aura of Lingshan, and Lingshan will be promoted to the third level.So you know, after the third level, maybe our Chu family will become the target of public criticism.It is estimated that most of the forces in the upper realm will regard us as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.Moreover, cultivating the prototype of Lingshan to the third level also means that our Chu family has no way out.Either rise up and become a force that even the forces in the upper realm dare not easily overthrow, or the whole family will dissipate. "

"There is no second possibility." Chu Shinian said firmly.

"Then leave it to you. This time we will be attacked by many enemies again." Taohua said.

"Don't worry. I will protect you." Chu Shinian went to his wife's side and hugged her tightly.

The big move of the Chu family made outsiders very terrified.Everyone didn't know what was going to happen, and some timid ones even left the Chu family's jurisdiction ahead of time.The Chu family not only assembled their army on land to prepare for war, but also recruited young and strong mortals and casual monks.

Also recruit mercenaries on the great wasteland.

Not only in the Great Wasteland, but also in the sea and the Beiming Continent, they are actively preparing for battle and recruiting people.

Seeing that the nearby forces are in panic, they don't know what the Chu family is going to do.

At this tense moment, Taohua went to Qingyang again.

The underground space near Qingyang has been completely cleaned up. It really used to be the Zongmen's medicine garden in the last monk era or even a long time ago.There are four to five hundred kinds of degenerate elixir that have been cleaned up.

But basically no fruit trees.All are various herbs.

Everyone is guessing that apart from this large medicine garden, there should be other medicine shops in this sect.

Even Taohua agrees with this guess.

The overturning excavation also cleaned up all kinds of luminous plants in this underground space, and even a lot of soil was dug away, directly digging away nearly a foot of soil.Because the doctor is worried that there are still various degenerate elixir or seeds of elixir alive in the soil.So it was all poached.

According to the survey of the geologists, the spiritual veins and ground veins that used to be underground in the pharmacy have been cut off.

Therefore, it no longer has the value of cultivating elixir here.

The formation masters also reported that the formation opportunities here have been exhausted by time, and basically have no research value.

Other refiners and craftsmen did not find any wild and precious materials at this time, nor did they find any valuable ruins or anything.

So it can be completely given up.

As for the use of Chen Dazhi, Taohua doesn't care.Anyway, she offered to help Chen Dazhi build a large medicine garden of [-] mu outside Qingyang City.Let Chen Dazhi choose what to plant later.

Chen Dazhi was overjoyed after hearing this.

"Really get me a [-]-mu medicine garden?"

"Yes, after all, the first achievement in discovering this underground space this time is to overthrow Chen Chengling." Tao Hua said. "In our Chu family, meritorious service must be rewarded, and great merit must be rewarded greatly." As for the four or five hundred kinds of degenerative elixir, the cultivation and cultivation in the future will definitely bring huge benefits to the family.

Chen Dazhi joined the family not long ago, to be able to bring such huge benefits to the family, there must be a big reward.

"But I heard that the medicine garden is very difficult to take care of." Chen Dazhi was happy and rubbed his hands nervously.

"You can recruit some spirit planters. I will ask someone to help you build the basic spirit-gathering formation of the medicine garden. With the current level of spiritual energy, you can spend a small amount of spirit stones every year to keep the medicine garden going. gone."

Taohua didn't want to add Sutu Lingzhen and Whale Suction Pillar to Chen Dazhi's medicine garden.After all, that is the core secret of Chu's medicine field.

Besides, unless it is a family medicine field and within the scope of the Five Elements Spirit Vein, otherwise, the medicine gardens in other places are all built with the basic spirit-gathering formation.Peach Blossom doesn't know how to make materials and painstaking efforts by herself, and then make wedding dresses for others.

But that was enough to make Chen Dazhi happy. "That kind of seed?"

"The family provides you with what you want to plant, just submit the application to the family, and someone will help you send the seeds over."

"Then can I grow Qingyang spirit peaches here?" Chen Dazhi asked.

"Do you want to introduce Qingyang spirit peaches back? That's fine too. Do you plan to plant Qingyang spirit peaches in [-] mu?" Taohua asked.

"Is it possible?" Chen Dazhi asked a little nervously.

"It's ok. Later, I'll send someone to help you plant the Qingyang Spiritual Peach. But as I said in advance, the Qingyang Spiritual Peach on my side is actually blessed with special treasures, so it grows fast. On your side, It is estimated that it will take several years for a Qingyang spirit peach seedling to grow from a seedling to a mature tree. Flowering and fruiting are even slower. But if you recruit a good spirit planter, this process may be shortened."

(End of this chapter)

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