The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 709 Cuiyun Mountain and Sky Poison Palace

Chapter 709 Cuiyun Mountain and Sky Poison Palace

Since her own Qingyang Spirit Peach has become a climate, Taohua has also planted some Qingyang Spirit Peach in other places with strong aura in the family.But there is no five-element spirit vein, no bonuses from Spring Dragon's Bones and Immortal Roots.

The Qingyang spiritual peach trees in these places grow very slowly.

It has been five or six years since the spiritual peach forest on Yanbo Island where Qingyang spiritual peach trees were first planted.It just started to bear fruit last year.Although the spirit peach hasn't grown much, cough, cough, but the size of the fruit is several times smaller than that of the original peach tree in Xianyang.

The quality has not dropped much, and the taste is similar, that is, the content of spiritual energy is only one-third of that of the original peach tree fruit.

But these peach blossoms seem to be pretty good.

First of all, the spiritual land over there is not good.This is a genuine second-tier spiritual land.

Even the first-order spiritual land is barely there.

The second is that there are no other plug-in bonuses over there, and it can be planted like this, thanks to the good seeds of Qingyang Lingtao.

"I will definitely recruit a few more capable Lingzhi husbands to take care of the Qingyang Lingtao tree." Chen Dazhi said happily.He has eaten the Qingyang spirit peach, and seen the peach tree, it is really good.And this spiritual root came from his Qingyang.

Long after he knew the existence of this spirit peach tree, he was drooling with envy.

Now he can raise the Qingyang Lingtao, so the Patriarch of the Chu family is magnificent.[-] mu of peach trees, [-] trees, this is a living gold mountain, and his two grandsons will have everything in the future.

Seeing Chen Dazhi's beaming joy, Tao Hua was also speechless.Although she seems to have given Chen Dazhi a great reward, Chen Dazhi's contribution to the family is even greater this time.

The seeds of the degenerate elixir discovered this time are not found in many Baicao Pavilion and other upper realm forces.

If it weren't for Qi Tianjian, Taohua herself might not be able to recognize it.Among the four or five hundred kinds of herbs, there are only fifty or sixty kinds that have been planted by their family and have seeds.In addition, I have heard of, never seen, and more than 200 kinds without seeds.

In the last 100 kinds, I have never heard of it, and there are no upper realm forces such as Baicao Pavilion.

These are out-of-print seeds.

Haven't you seen the doctor's side already jubilant?
Recently, every day at Mingyue Palace is like a festival.Physicians big and small are frantically doing more research on those degenerative seeds.The most important thing is that the Qianyuan juke is over there.Others think that the Qianyuan water jug ​​gathers water from all directions, but in fact it can also condense the water of vitality and good fortune.

As long as it is not a dead seed, it can be planted alive.

As far as the hidden effect of the Qianyuan juke pot is concerned, it is actually similar to the skeleton of the spring dragon.It doesn't even have the death power of the Spring Dragon's Bone.There is only pure vitality.

This pot alone is a big treasure.

Even if the spirit plant husband over there is poor in craftsmanship, it will not affect the planting of various medicinal materials, spiritual fruit trees, and spiritual food.

To be honest, she is still wondering, which force in her previous life waited for these degenerate elixir?

"It's all been cleared away? This Chu family has scraped off three feet of dirt?" An old woman in sackcloth frowned depressed.

"Really." Another middle-aged woman sighed weakly. "It's only half a step away."

"We have just found clues to this medicine garden in Cuiyun Mountain. How come they are so lucky?" the old woman in sackcloth said angrily.

"Who knows? This Cuiyun Mountain is also immoral. They themselves have wiped out their sect. Why do they have to sink all the medicine gardens of their sect into the ground?" The middle-aged woman had a look of resentment.

"You and I ask, who should I ask?" The old woman in sackcloth was also troubled. "For the time being, we have found two medicinal gardens in Cuiyun Mountain. One is the broken underground medicinal medicinal garden that we have mastered. The other is here.

This medicine garden is well preserved. I thought it would become the foundation of our sect's future development.In the end, he was cut off by a Chu family. "The old woman in sackcloth said bitterly, "If it weren't for the fact that the Chu family has too many monks today.Hmph, I've already taken care of them. "

Middle-aged women know that old women are not soft-hearted.

In fact, if a small and medium-sized family finds out, she can send them all to the ground with a handful of poison without the old woman taking action.Save trouble.Unfortunately, it was the Chu family who found this place.

"It's all that Chen Dazhi. If it wasn't for him, how would the Chu family find this place." The woman said with hatred.

"Give him some medicine." The old woman said coldly.

"it is good."


Taohua was quite surprised when he heard that Chen Dazhi was suddenly poisoned and passed out.Why was it so sudden, when she went over in person and saw him with black spots and sores all over his face.Immediately his face darkened.

"What do the doctors say?"

"My life has been saved for the time being. However, I still need to find a few prescriptions for detoxification."

"This should be the mixed live poison of the Sky Poison Palace. It is highly contagious. You tell the doctors to be careful not to accidentally injure yourself when they develop the antidote." Tao Hua said.

"Sky Poison Palace?" An old doctor walked in. "sure?"

"Definitely, it's their style to use this kind of live poison."

The old doctor immediately said, "Then they attacked Chen Dazhi because it was the batch of degenerate elixir?"

"It must be. There is no separation between medicine and poison. Those seeds were either originally from Tiandu Palace, or some remnant medicine garden that Tiandu Palace has been chasing. It turned out that we discovered it in advance, and they couldn't deal with our entire family. , then attack the person who discovered it, Chen Dazhi." Tao Hua said solemnly.

"These guys are so self-righteous. Why do they think that batch of degenerative elixir is something they have in their pockets?" The old doctor was angry.He has a white-haired childlike face, with an imposing manner that is not angry but majestic.

"Patriarch, don't worry, this Chen Dazhi is entrusted to me. I can not only detoxify him, but also heal his internal injuries. Maybe after he fully recovers, his cultivation can be improved to a higher level."

"Thank you, old man." Tao Hua said solemnly.

The old men in the doctor's office have accumulated profound knowledge one by one, and after breaking through the restriction of life span, they all soared into the sky one by one.Especially in terms of medicine, it is far from what the newly grown juniors can match.

Chen Dazhi woke up in the afternoon. He was murdered yesterday, and a doctor took over to stabilize his life while he was in a coma. After more than a day of treatment, he finally regained consciousness.

His housekeeper guarded his bedside with a nervous expression on his face. "Master, how are you?"

"I want to bring me some water to drink, and some food." Chen Dazhi said dryly.

"Yeah." The butler hurried out to get food and drink for his master.

After his master had finished eating and drinking, he said, "This is an empty courtyard in Qingyang. Madam didn't know about your poisoning yesterday, so I didn't dare to tell her."

(End of this chapter)

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