Chapter 716
"Impossible, just an indigenous family, let alone them...they..." Fu Luyi's face turned pale and ugly in an instant.

Guo Zan and Dong Ce are counselors specially hired by the Yang family for Yang Xianzhi. Naturally, they also know some small things about the plotting of an aboriginal family in the lower realm.The one who even brought the ancestor of that family out of that world became a male favorite.

The problem is that you have Zhang Liangji, and people have wall ladders.

Great luck is great luck, and what the world favors is what the world favors.People's genealogy and sacrifices can play tricks.Also played out, one bright and one dark two genealogy.

"What about the natives, as long as luck is good, nothing is impossible. Besides, I don't believe that person didn't tell you. If something unexpected happens, you must tell her as soon as possible." Yang Xianzhi said suddenly. "In the lower realm, no matter how good we think in advance, the will of this world is not willing and cannot be fulfilled."

These words are particularly easy to resonate, and the surrounding upper realm monks have never felt this way.

Do they want resources, do they want Lingbao?
Think about it, but all the opportunities in this world have been wholesaled to the local aborigines by the will of the world.

They can only get some leftovers through various tricks and tricks.The relatives and friends of the Zongmen in the upper realm urged themselves to wait for others to work harder. The question is, how can they work harder?

They also saw a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, and just when they saw it, and were almost ready to fly a hundred feet to dig it out, a demon bird suddenly came, grabbed the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum they found, and pulled it away with its claws.

What else can they do?
Can only stare blankly.

Similar situations are simply endless.

"After I go back, I will spread the news immediately." Fu Luyi said.

Yang Xianzhi nodded.They are monks from the upper realm, so they naturally hope that the monks from the upper realm will get what they want.And with Chu Xi gone, the Chu family would never be in his eyes.It's not a matter of being cold-blooded or not, it's just that everyone has a different standpoint.

However, apart from the monks from the upper realm, there were quite a few local aborigines present, and everyone nodded in agreement when the monks from the upper realm spoke, as if everything the masters said was right.

Makes people laugh.

But Yang Xianzhi knew that these people were just thinking of following them first to reap the benefits, and when the time came to life and death, they would still stand on the side of the native monks.

At least there will be no less small tricks in the dark.

Those who would really risk their lives to follow them were either the families that had been promised to be brought back to the upper realm, or they were fools.

In fact, if you are really promised to be taken back to the upper realm, you may not necessarily follow them and trust them without risking your life.The typical one is the Chu family.See how they responded to the promise of the one who would bring their family up.

He directly killed the direct descendant who accepted the promise at the beginning.

Yang Xianzhi sneered in his heart, one by one was better at acting.

Anyway, his whole family would not promise to take them back.


In the southwest of the Great Song Dynasty, within the gate of the Qingxu Sword Sect.

Under Yang Xiao's support, Chu Shiluo was earnestly completing the final condensing.

A shiny silver ball covered with strange patterns was rolling in the fire.While mixing, it also absorbs a large amount of aura released by high-purity spirit stones of water attribute and wood attribute.

Chu Shiluo threw one spirit stone after another into the stove.

Just like the little Taotie, Jian Wan couldn't get enough to eat, waiting to be fed.

Yang Xiao got a headache from watching it.

"Why don't you leave it like this, and feed it with spirit stones in the future."

"It's not good, didn't the master say that if you refine your own natal sword, you must let it be completely condensed into a sword shape before it can be considered as a solid foundation?" Chu Shiluo threw several more spirit stones before turning his head to ask himself. road.

"But you used the best materials in the early stage of refining this natal sword. It is easy to use the high-level material star sand that almost didn't melt. You have been refining this little sword for more than a year, and it has not yet formed. It has a lot to do with your expecting too much and investing too much. Now it is like this, no matter how many spirit stones you feed it, it is not enough.

It might as well be a sword pill.In the future, I will have the opportunity to re-refining for the second time. "

"Master, you don't need to say, when I feel that this natal sword is not enough, I will refine it a second time. But that is already the second time. If I make its foundation thicker, the second time When reconnecting for the second time, wouldn't it be able to upgrade more? Make my little sword even more powerful?"

"But the question is, what do you do now? How many spirit stones have you thrown in? Is there a hundred thousand?"

"13." Chu Shiluo said with a toothache.

"It hasn't taken shape yet, so what do you think? Throw another few hundred thousand spirit stones?" Yang Xiao rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Chu Shiluo thought about it thoughtfully.Then he said, "That's not necessary." He gritted his teeth and took out a small box from his storage ring, and opened the box.The little thing in the stove immediately dinged and bumped the stove cover.

It turned out that as soon as the box was opened, countless brilliance flashed inside.

They are all special crystals of water attribute and wood attribute.

Even Yang Xiao was dumbfounded.

"Your Chu family sent you this kind of thing. Oh my God, this kind of special spar is not sold in the world. How did you get it? Longshanfang City still sells this?"

"Master, what are you talking about? If Longshanfang City had it, I would have brought it long ago. I still have to wait until now. This is my sister who heard that my little sword always refuses to take shape, so someone specially sent it to me. Just such a box is said to be quite expensive.”

Yang Xiao hurriedly ran over, and then stretched out his hand to pinch a crystal-clear, shining wood-like spar that was as big as a palm. "Great, and it's so big, it contains a huge amount of special wood attribute energy. Oh, why are you using this kind of treasure to make swords? You should give it to me. Yours is just like that, hey... ..."

Chu Shiluo directly snatched the spar in his hand, and then poured the whole box into the furnace frantically.

ding ding ding...

The little silver ball in the stove jingled back and forth with joy.A gesture of praising Chu Shiluo as a real father is really awesome.

"Prodigal son, waste everything!!" Yang Xiao beat his chest angrily.

Chu Shiluo didn't stop him.

Continue to practice the sword diligently.

Three days later, a small clear blue sword finally took shape.The little guy knows how to fly around Chu Shiluo lively and cute as soon as he takes shape.For a while it stuck to his face, for a while it got into his clothes, and for a while it suddenly flew into his body.Full of spirituality.

Yang Xiao looked at it very greedily, and wanted to go up and touch it.Knowing that the little guy held grudges, it was because this guy didn't let his father eat more spirit stones and spar stones for him, so when Yang Xiao stretched out his hand, it released a sharp sword light and pierced him.

(End of this chapter)

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