The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 717 Encouraging

Chapter 717 Encouraging
"Oh, this little thing is too angry." Didn't it just want the apprentice to feed it less special crystals.Look at this little temper tantrum, and he knows how to stab him! !
The thumb-sized miniature sword trembled and trembled, looking eager to try and stab someone.

Chu Shiluo took it away with a slap and pressed it in the palm of his hand.

"Be good, and I'll give you some more crystals to eat later."

Xiaojian immediately stopped struggling, and lay quietly in the palm of his own father.Say it earlier, if you had said earlier and would give me back the spar, I wouldn't even prick that annoying guy.

Chu Shiluo: "..."

Puchi, Yang Xiao burst out laughing.

"By the way, I heard that your sister recently sent a letter urging you to go back to the housekeeper?" Yang Xiao asked gloatingly.

Chu Shiluo said speechlessly, "No way, my parents will be able to go back within this year. My second sister is going to have a baby, and they are all watching over there. But I don't plan to go back. Little things at home, little It can be handled."

Chu Shiluo thought very unscrupulously, he should practice more outside while he is young.A good swordsman needs to be sharpened a lot.

Ever since he withdrew from White Crab Island, Yang Xiao returned to the sect with a few of his disciples and the rest of the same sect.At the beginning, the Zongmen urged them to get them out of White Crab Island.As a result, the Chu family climbed down the monsters and transformed the white crab island, which was full of monsters, into a beautiful golden sunflower island.

At the request of the head of the family, the Lingzhi husbands of the Chu family had already ripened part of the golden sunflower wood and golden sunflower fruit to study their application value.

Golden sunflower wood is not only a tree species that purifies evil spirits, but also a spirit wood with great economic value. It is very suitable for building ships and refining large-scale attack-like spirit crossbows.Golden sunflower fruit can also improve the vitality and aptitude of ordinary people, and the output is still large.The golden sunflower is somewhat similar to a coconut, but it is the size of two or three coconuts.The light green juice and pulp inside can refine a large amount of golden sunflower spirit milk.

Even ordinary mortal children can take Golden Sunflower Essence Milk to strengthen their bodies and improve their qualifications.

Because of the huge potential value in the future, the Chu family is also very strict in taking care of Jinkui Island.

From White Crab Island to Jinkui Island, the Chu family has gained a lot. You must know that the real Jinkui Island is as big as three Samsung Islands.It can also rely on each other with Samsung Island to gain a firm foothold.

After Jinkui Island was completely built, the number of monsters who dared to come here to find trouble was much rarer.

Of course, it is not completely absent.

It is impossible to say that Yang Xiao is not depressed and not jealous that the Chu family has occupied Jinkui Island.

After all, he has led the sect disciples to fight on White Crab Island for many years.

In the end, if he hadn't been summoned back strongly by the sect, his success would not have been in vain.

"It's meaningless to say that since I returned to the sect, I moved around the sect like an idler all day long, and there are still few offerings." When Yang Xiao said this, he deliberately went to see Chu Shiluo.

Chu Shiluo looked back at his master speechlessly, "Master, if you have something to say, just say it."

"Ahem, cough, look, now our lineage is really the most idle in the entire sect. Yesterday your master called me over and gave us two choices. One is to find a place by yourself and bring The disciples go to practice. The other is to go to the super ruins in the middle of the mainland. You think that is better."

"Why don't you go to the super ruins in the middle of the mainland?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"Where can there be any good things, they are almost scooped up by everyone." Yang Xiao immediately said dissatisfied.

"Where do you want to go, Master?" Chu Shiluo asked back.

"I heard that your family has a waterway leading to the Beiming Continent?" Yang Xiao asked with a few coughs.

"Yes, there are, but the family does not recommend that the direct descendants of each house and branch go there. It is said that the forces in the upper realm over there are a bit strange, and they seem to be all monks of the magic way."

"My generation of sword cultivators, what kind of demon monks are we afraid of?" Yang Xiao immediately said excitedly.

"But they all carry weird instruments and treasures. If we catch us, it will not be a matter of leaking family secrets. It is very likely that they will use my body and soul to steal the family's luck.

As direct descendants, we are not only responsible for the safety of our own lives, but also the responsibility of not causing unnecessary trouble to the clan. "

When Chu Shiluo said this, it was not easy for Yang Xiao to tell Chu Shiluo to go.

Because Chu Shiluo is not only the direct descendant of the Chu family, but also the first heir of an important branch.

If something really happened, then their Qingxu Sword Sect would really fight Chu's to the death.

Not worth it at all.

"You drag too much with your whole body. I'm afraid you won't be able to reach the peak in the way of swordsmanship." Yang Xiao frowned.

"Master, I knew it from the beginning. I dragged my family and wanted to stand up for the family, how to cut the pure way of the sword. However, my learning of the way of the sword is entirely a personal hobby, and it is also to increase some self-protection power for myself. I don't have any hope in the future. I must embark on the road of sword cultivation.

After all, I thought, my father would not agree either. "

Kendo seeks purity, but he was a person with a lot of distracting thoughts from the beginning.

So what!

Yang Xiao didn't expect Chu Shiluo to position himself so unpromising, and he was speechless.

"Do you not want to be the inner disciple of Qingxu Sword Sect?" Yang Xiao asked directly.

"Master, look at Jianzong's current situation, it really doesn't suit me. My family is too rich." Chu Shiluo said speechlessly.Except for his own master, members of the Emotional Sword Sect went up to the suzerain and went down to ordinary fellow sects, and one or the other would treat him as a bully and slaughter him.

For the same kind of spiritual copper ore, others buy it for three spirit stones per catty, but when he sells it, it becomes 13 yuan per catty of spirit stones.

He didn't want to talk about similar things.

He didn't want his sister and his family to know that he secretly went to Longshanfang City to purchase all kinds of spiritual materials for refining the natal sword.

Although he is rich, everyone can't play him as a fool.

Let's talk about going to Beiming Continent.

Before, some brothers and sisters came to ask him to go with him.He unequivocally refused.They actually knew how to use roundabout tactics, and they persuaded the master to lobby him.It's a pity that he will never go, because the main line of the Chu family has a ban.The children of their direct line are not allowed to go to the Northern Ming Continent without permission.

Demonic monks are good at plundering and making strange sacrifices, and the various worries of the mainline bosses are definitely not delusions.

"Then where are we going to earn as much as we can on White Crab Island?" Yang Xiao asked melancholy.

"There must be a place." Chu Shiluo thought for a while, and then took the initiative to attack.

"Where is it?" Yang Xiao immediately asked.

"Tianshui River." Chu Shiluo said.

"Although the Tianshui River is spacious and there are many aquatic monsters in it, it's not worth staying there for a long time." Yang Xiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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