Chapter 721

"Going home to work, where are the ruins interesting?" Chu Shiluo said very seriously.

Peach Blossom: "..."

"I'm tired, I'm tired, Xiaoyao, when my brother goes back, I will make up for you a lot." Chu Shiluo said playfully.

Taohua: I never thought you were such a big brother! !
"Okay, if you don't want to come back, just travel outside for the time being. But you have to pay attention in the future, the monster race has already shown signs of appearing. If you see it outside, fight if you can. If you can't fight, remember to run away. "Peach Blossom has not forgotten that her little uncle Chu Changhua said that her eldest brother seemed to have been killed by a demon in his previous life.

"Understood, when have I been careless?" Chu Shiluo said with a smile.

Tao Hua immediately rolled her eyes, the ghost knows if you are really cautious when strolling outside.

Chu Shiluo greeted his sister, and took Xiaoyao to meet his master.Taohua has a good impression of Yang Xiao. Although he is suspicious of his own planting ability, he can be regarded as teaching his elder brother all he can.

She knows the ways of some big sects, accepting a registered disciple is like getting a certificate of accepting someone's property.If you want this today, you want that tomorrow, you don’t want any face, you want your whole family’s property.

But Yang Xiao is not, he is still very strong in protecting his disciples.At least the Qingxu Sword Sect didn't really reach out to the Chu family.

Of course, this should have something to do with Chu's huge size and too fast growth.

However, Taohua greeted Yang Xiao and the others very warmly.

Chu's building boat can be called a palace on the water.The interior decoration is really how to live comfortably and how to decorate.In particular, Taohua's building boat is not made of sunken wood at all.It is a good boat made of red phoenix wood cultivated by oneself.

Compared with the durable, corrosion-resistant sea sunken wood, which has almost no cost.The cost of large ships made from red phoenix wood can be at least ten times more expensive.But there is a reason why you are expensive.This building ship is a flying French ship that can sail in the sky for a long time.

Not only can it fly into the air, but it also has the attribute of fire prevention. Not only can it be fireproof, but it can also increase the attack effectiveness of the weapons on the French ship.What blasting giant crossbow bolts, the attack effect is stronger than the attack effect of many ship-planted shells.

What an arrow and a big hole! !
Because after refining the finished product, the effect is too good.As a result, the craftsmen of the family's shipbuilding have all set their sights on the red phoenix wood of the Taohua family.

It's a pity that there are too few red phoenix trees that can build ships.Larger materials must be used in shipbuilding. The bigger the ship, the thicker the wood.

There are quite a lot of small trees.But can the peach blossoms make them build boats with small trees?
Impossible at all.So they have to continue to build ships with sunken wood that they don't even think much of now.

Yang Xiao himself has lived in a building boat before, so he naturally knows how comfortable it is to live in the Chu family's building boat.However, Taohua, a building boat, is excellent both in terms of its decoration and the actual services it provides.

"Peach Blossom, does your Fa Chuan deliver food?" Yang Xiao couldn't help asking as he left the room between himself and his disciples.

"Hai Shenmu's French boats are for delivery. But they are relatively small. They are only about 30 meters long. But they are enough for a small team of 30 people." Taohua was stunned for a moment and said.

Normally, the Chu family doesn't sell French boats very often.But who doesn't have a special relationship.So the boat is still bought.Just very few.

There are only five or six ships a year.

It is mainly the large materials of sea sunken wood, and small materials are rarely mixed.It is not cost-effective to directly use aniseed materials to make boats, so craftsmen hate making boats the most.

"Twenty-thirty meters long is already very big. It is enough for us to use. However, this kind of French boat is not expensive. If it is too expensive, I will not buy it. If it is not too expensive, I want to buy one." Yang Xiao is very honest. Said.

"Mr. Yang, if you want to get a car yourself, just give me a cost price. A small dharma boat like that is also in the shape of a building boat, with seven thousand spirit stones. This is equipped with weapons and equipment. If The ship alone doesn’t need any weapons and equipment, just the basic functions and facilities are enough. Four thousand spirit stones are enough.”

"Okay, then give me one. I want to bring weapons and equipment."

"I'll get someone to take it for you later on," Tao Hua said.Just a small boat.She remembered that there were still a couple of small boats in the secret library.

"Is seven thousand spirit stones a bit expensive?" Chu Shiluo asked from the side.

"It's not expensive, it's already very cheap. Why don't you pay the money and give it to Master Yang directly. Then you'll lose your monthly routine for a year." Tao Hua said.

Chu Shiluo looked at his little sister speechlessly. "Row."

"Master Yang, Chu Shiluo said that he will give you a Dharma boat." Taohua hurriedly smiled at Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao hurriedly said, "No, no, I still have seven thousand spirit stones."

"Master, it's good to be able to save some money. Anyway, Shi Luo doesn't have a monthly schedule, so you can go home and work." Yang Qi smiled maliciously.

Chu Shiluo glared at him, he didn't expect a big brother like you.

A joke is a joke, after the French boat arrived, Yang Xiao still paid for the seven thousand spirit stones himself.This little French boat is really well built.Perfect, it really fits the appearance of the French ship in his mind.

In fact, the Chu family's French boats are more sturdy, fully functional, good at speed and long-distance sailing.

Not a French ship of the proper combat class.

But who usually drives the French boat just to fight.Most of them are for long-distance travel and doing a safe sea camp outside.Besides, the Chu family's building boats are not incapable of fighting.

Yang Xiao watched the palm-sized miniature boat, and Yang Qi and the others snatched it for a long time. If Yang Xiao didn't urge them, they would all plan to take the boat away.In the end, it was Yang Xiao who forcibly took away the Fa boat and put it in his own storage ring.

Only such a small boat was bought by Yang Xiao, and the Chu family gave the cost price.For takeaway, such a small boat would cost at least [-] spirit stones.

It can be seen that the Chu family's French boat delivery business is very profitable.

That's the problem, the Chu family doesn't like to take out French boats either.The main reason is that the Chu family's French boats are not enough for themselves, and all places are still frantically applying for French boats.In order to get the French boat that he applied for in advance, the leaders of the Chu family did not hesitate to show their arms, roll up their sleeves and break their heads.

Anyway, if you can't quarrel, you can go straight to the fight.

Especially when you go to the secret storehouse to get the things you need, you have to bring enough people, and you have to fight with momentum.

In the afternoon, after washing up and having lunch, everyone gathered in the West Flower Hall of the Taohualou Boat.

"The building of your house is made of special wood, I think it is different from the color of the surrounding buildings and boats." Yang Qi said.

"Of course, other buildings are made of sunken sea wood, and they are all black. Only this building boat is made of red phoenix wood, and it is red."

(End of this chapter)

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