The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 722 The Spiritual Flower That Increases Spiritual Power

Chapter 722 The Spiritual Flower That Increases Spiritual Power
Chu Shiluo knew Taohua's car very well, after all, it was his own Chifengmu.

In the West Flower Hall, the maids had already placed all kinds of spiritual fruits and vases of spiritual flowers in conspicuous positions around them.Those faint floral fragrances inhaled into the lungs can immediately make people feel refreshed, and their mental strength has been faintly improved.

"All the spiritual flowers in this room can improve spiritual power?" The second senior brother Gu Jianting's eyes were full of light.The last time he accompanied his master to the Chu family, he did not receive such treatment.It seems that after Chu Shiluo's sister married Chu Shinian, the current leader of the Chu family, things are really different.

"Well, what are the four corners, the water demon orchid, the golden marrow flower and so on, all of which are spiritual flowers that can enhance spiritual power. However, few people in our clan plant spiritual flowers. The main reason is that the income is slightly less. It’s from outsiders. We purchased it ourselves.”

Chu Shiluo's words immediately aroused the envy and hatred of Yang Qi and others.

What's more, it is difficult for them to support even the low-income spirit flowers. The Chu family's Lingzhi husband actually dislikes the low-income spirit flowers and is not willing to plant them.

"How many husbands does the Chu family have now?" Yang Xiao asked curiously.

"There are only a few thousand Lingzhi husbands in our own clan, less than 1. If there are registered Lingzhi husbands under his command, there are about 6 people." Taohua came in at this time, just in time to hear Yang Xiao question, just said it casually.

"Ah puff."

"my God."



Yang Xiao's disciples were stunned by the shock.

Who would have so many Ling Zhifu?
There are only a dozen or so serious Lingzhi husbands in their sect.

Thanks to the crazy training of Taohua's family, they have never been out of gear, and they have been expanding their enrollment.So there are so many Lingzhi husbands in the Chu family.Later, almost no city had a dedicated training school for Ling Zhifu's apprentices.

Together with craftsmen, alchemists, physicians, and formation masters, they became the five most popular private schools for apprentices in the Chu family, and almost every city had similar private schools.Chu Shiluo and the others saw that after the alchemist apprentice assessment, the apprentices would first go to private schools to learn basic knowledge.After the end of their studies, they will be assigned to places where they are needed, and then continue to study while doing things.

Only after learning to a certain level of depth and being valued by the masters above can it be possible to further learn from a master.But at that time, ordinary apprentices were no longer apprentices, but formal teachers.

In fact, the Chu family's earth masters are also very famous, but it is too difficult to train earth masters. Every year, they recruit apprentices from the whole family, but only a few dozen people can be recruited.

A private school can accommodate it.Now the newly opened private school is in Xianyang City.

Because of the lack of new recruits, Chu's geologists have always been mainly recruited from outside.The Chu family really has a relationship with several geologist sects secretly, through which they recruit free rogue geologists from all over the world and accept elites from their sects to join the Chu family as external geologists.

Outsiders think that the Chu family was developed by relying on earth masters, but no one knows that the head of the Chu family is an unknown earth master and array mage himself.

Many large buildings in the Chu family were designed by Taohua himself.

Lifting Haisheng Island, a large-scale formation that combines strong ground veins, spiritual veins and formations, was first designed by her, and then spread.Of course, the Chu family is the best at lifting the sea to the island.

Because some geologists only came to work temporarily and left after building the island, this excellent technology was spread.

Many geologists in the family have mentioned to Taohua that in the future similar projects will no longer recruit foreign geographers to work temporarily.Tao Hua felt that it was unnecessary.

Although this large formation is the result of her years of research.But not every force can do it.Besides, this technology is actually useful for the entire human race.In case, in case something happens to her in the future, this technology can also be used by other human forces in this world.

Taohua never dared to conclude that she would be able to live forever, after all, the world is impermanent.

"Your family has cultivated so many Lingzhi husbands?" Yang Xiao was taken aback.

"Our family has a lot of land and a lot of people. If we don't train Ling Zhifu, we can't even eat and drink." Tao Hua said speechlessly.

After Yang Xiao heard what she said, he didn't know why and felt it was some kind of showing off.Who the hell has a small population on the site? "We have a larger population in the southwest." The northwest of the Great Song Dynasty is next to the Great Northwest Wilderness and the Wanji Mountains.The southwest is bordered by the Wildfire Plains.

What is the wild fire plain? It is a desolate and arid plain.The dry season is much longer than the rainy season.In the dry season, people die from drought, and in the rainy season, there are either strong winds or heavy rains.Great floods rush across the Great Plains almost every day.

There is no native species in the Great Plains that is not good at swimming.

In such a broken place, there is actually a country called Gaohe Country whose territory is not inferior to that of Song Dynasty.

The people in Gaohe country fight and kill every day for a bite to eat.It really confirms the saying that troublemakers come from poor mountains and bad waters.However, if you win a battle, you lose it. In order to survive, citizens who lose a lot will usually come to the Northwest to live.

Especially after the recovery of spiritual energy, the internal struggle in Gaohe country became more intense, causing more citizens to abandon their country and throw them into the southwestern territory of Song Dynasty.Originally, the southwest of the Song Dynasty was very chaotic, and all kinds of refugee armies cleaned up and came out like weeds, and then cleaned up and came out again.

Donglin Wang Jiangchan is still alive and kicking around, jumping around.The suppression of the Zhang family who has a deep relationship with Jiang Chan in the southwestern area of ​​the Huangtinghui also has many obstacles.The key is that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, Zhang has completely let himself go.

So now the entire southwest region is chaotic, like a pot of porridge.

Not to mention cultivating talents, it is difficult for everyone to survive.

So when Yang Xiao heard that the Chu family had cultivated so many Ling Zhihus on his own territory, he thought of the many young girls he saw when he and others first entered Jiangyang City came to participate in the alchemist apprentice assessment. Things, that sourness in my heart.

He secretly thought in his heart, if the Qingxu Sword Sect did not make any changes, it might be completely left behind by the Chu family in less than 20 years.

"I heard that the grain you produce today, no matter whether it is fine grain or coarse grain, is spiritual food?" Yang Xiao asked again.

"Now there is so much spiritual energy in the land and air, it's impossible to grow anything that isn't spiritual food." Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"Then why can't the food grown by the common people outside our sect not detect the aura inside, just like ordinary food?" Yang Xiao asked puzzled.

After Taohua heard this, her eyes widened in astonishment, "What kind of seeds are you using? This kind of tattered seed that can't absorb spiritual energy at all should be thrown away."

(End of this chapter)

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