The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 723 Coral Box

Chapter 723 Coral Box
"How to break the seeds?" Yang Xiao asked puzzled.

"After the recovery of spiritual energy, many mortal species have also changed, and similar to Baicao Pavilion, Dancao Building, Xiancaotang and so on will also sell some low-level spiritual food seeds. Even potatoes, sweet potatoes and other coarse grains have new seeds for sale, or New mutant seeds appear.

As long as these new seeds are used, the food grown is almost all spiritual food.

But if you still use those broken seeds that are still difficult to absorb the spiritual energy no matter what kind of spiritual energy environment they are raised in, wouldn't the food that grows be ordinary food?

In addition, using new and improved varieties, the yield is also large when harvested.One mu of land can produce hundreds of catties of grain.

After you go back, let the common people change the seeds.This is good for everyone.You also have spiritual food to eat, and they don't have to worry about food and clothing anymore. "

"But who will pay for the seed money?" Yang Xiao said in a nasty voice.

"Of course whoever eats the spiritual food last will produce the seeds. Our family is the one that produces the seeds." Taohua said speechlessly.My heart said that your sect collects spiritual food, so why can't you give some spiritual food seeds?
Yang Xiao immediately smiled wryly.

"It is probably possible for our sect to come up with this seed money. Unless they are starving." Chu Shiluo said for the master.

"Why is Qingxu Sword Sect so poor?" Tao Hua was astonished.

"The poorer our sect is, the poorer it is, the poorer it is." Chu Shiluo revealed the secret to his sister.

Ahhhh, Yang Qi gave his junior a blank look speechlessly. "It's saving, saving, not picking."

Chu Shiluo said that I don't believe it, who doesn't know who.It's not that he hasn't stayed in the teacher's gate.

Yang Qi: "..."

Gu Jianting simply burst out laughing.

Junior sister Lu Mei also let out a muffled laugh.

"Okay, the sect master and the elders are still in charge of the sect's affairs. Let's take down the entire ruins first. Taohua, how much information do you know about this ruins?" Yang Xiao asked humbly.

"This relic is not us humans, it is a relic of the water palace called black scale dragon fish. It should look a little dangerous inside. But we are still continuing to kill the remaining monster formations around the relic." Taohua said.

"The demon clan will also form formations?" Lu Mei asked in surprise.

"The monster race has been mixing with humans all year round. It is not surprising to learn how to set up formations. The formations they arrange are also quite unique. The formation masters in my clan like their set of forbidden formations. While killing it, you can also in research.

In fact, several other forces could have broken this restriction long ago.It has not been revealed until now because the formation masters of my Chu family are studying this demon formation.In about two or three days, they will be able to conduct preliminary research on this demon formation and copy it down. "

Everyone looked at Taohua in surprise.Unexpectedly, the ruins have not been opened until now, and it turns out that the formation masters of the Chu family are still studying the demon formation.

"What's so good about the formation of the monster race, isn't it just to imitate the formation of the human race?" Lu Mei was puzzled.

"Not all of them are imitations, the formations of the Yaozu have also stepped out of their own characteristics." Taohua said without wanting to say more.

"Then we can enter the ruins after two or three days?" Gu Jianting changed the topic perfectly.

"Yes, very soon." Taohua nodded.

Really fast.After about a little more than a day, Taohua sent someone to tell them that the underwater ruins were fine, and they could enter in less than half a day.

Yang Xiao and the others hurriedly packed up and followed Chu's soldiers into the water.

Underwater, multiple layers of large nets have already been deployed near the ruins.

There are also many soldiers of the Chu family standing inside and outside the big net, as if they are guarding against something.

"Taohua, what are you guarding against?" Chu Shiluo asked curiously.

"Catch the dragon fish. I have investigated their branch, and they are actually dragon fish with thin blood. But all dragon fish, no matter how thin their blood is, can improve the qualifications of monks. So wait for this When the ruins are opened, dragon fish may rush out. Not to mention too many, I can catch as many as possible." Taohua laughed.

Chu Shiluo clicked his tongue immediately.

With a loud bang, the ruins were finally knocked open.Woohoo, a group of half-meter-long black-scaled fish rushed out like crazy.

Almost the moment they rushed out, all the humans outside the ruins were ready to catch the dragon fish.

One after another, densely packed black-scaled dragon fish were captured by the monks outside the ruins, and then sealed into jade boxes and put them in their pockets.They caught them one by one, but the Chu family caught them one after another.Much faster than them.

Among them, the fastest one caught a dozen or so fish, and hundreds of fish over there had already entered the net.

The rushing fish were finally dragged by the net to the boat on the water, and the three boats carried the arowanas away quietly.

When the school of fish dissipated, everyone became uncertain whether any dragon fish escaped through the net.

After all, almost all of the Chu family's downloads are Juehuwang, and they can kill big and small.

After the school of fish disappeared, what remained was the entrance of the cave's deep ruins.

After discussing with everyone, the order of entering the ruins was arranged.The last one is the Chu family. For the rest of the forces, whichever is the weakest and has the least number of people will go in first.So Yang Xiao and the others walked in the first place, followed by other teams, and finally Chu's expedition team.

Because the human-shaped treasure hunter in his clan was not at home, Taohua came here.Just entering the ruins, you can see a huge underwater cave full of waterproof murals.A group of guys who are half fish and half human are fighting other monster clans, and there are also murals such as sacrifices, treasure hunting, and learning the characters of monster clans.

The one that appears the most in the murals is a tall black-scaled murloc.This murloc is already very human-like, if not for the fish scales on his cheeks and forehead, he is basically no different from a human.

He is a fish tail, he is a human leg.The appearance is also very coercive and ancient, with sword eyebrows and big eyes, and the eyes are deep and terrifying.

The big cave is like a big square in the entire ruins, and there are many huge caves around it leading to nowhere.The people who dealt with their Chu family, there is no one in the big crypt, and they probably all walked into a certain cave around them.

Taohua walked around all the caves, then pointed to a cave that was not very eye-catching, and could not be noticed by accident, and said, "Go here."

Without saying a word, the altar-level masters in the family walked past Tao Hua and walked into the burrow.

The ruins are filled with water everywhere.We swam for a long time before seeing the faint light at the entrance of the cave in the distance.

As soon as you swim into the cave, you can see a large number of aquatic spirit mines, special spars of various water attributes and ice attributes, as well as aquatic spiritual creatures, spiritual materials, and various aquatic spiritual plants, etc., all of which are preserved by various coral boxes. saved in it.

(End of this chapter)

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