The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 724 Fluorescent Tree

Chapter 724 Fluorescent Tree

"What are you all looking at? Hurry up and pretend." Tao Hua said to the Chu family who were speechless looking at the piles of coral boxes all over the floor in a daze.

"Hey." A group of sergeants came back to their senses, and cruelly removed the coral boxes one by one.

"How do you know when you go back?" Taohua asked.

"I know, there is a fluorescent tree specially placed by the formation masters in the cave behind you."

After hearing this, Taohua returned to the cave and took a look, and a very green, dazzling tree-shaped underwater lighthouse road was revealed.These fluorescent trees are actually special light-emitting positioning magic-like devices refined according to the tree shape.

Although it is very low-level, it is very adaptable in many underground dark environments, and it is also waterproof and cheap.

I saw half-person-high small trees embedded on the stone wall all the way, winding and extending to the inflection point that was out of sight at the end.

"These fluorescent trees are the new creations of the craftsmen, right? I remember the small waterproof lamps from before, they all looked like small lanterns." Taohua said.

"Yes, but that kind of small lantern has poor windproof, waterproof, and fireproof performance. This is a new and improved model. As for the shape of the lantern, it is said that it is still under study. The refiners over there have decided to refine it. Come up with a road sign lamp that is better than fluorescent trees." A beautiful woman said while guarding Taohua.

"Let them study it. This small lamp is also on sale. I think this kind of small lamp is very practical. When selling it, try to make it cheaper." Taohua said.

"This kind of fluorescent tree costs about ten spirit coins, which is very cheap. Owner, when we sell it, how much is the right price?" the big beauty asked again.

"This kind of fluorescent tree should at least be affordable by ordinary people. Fifty spirit coins will be enough for one tree."

Ah puff! !
The big beauty Yin Ji was shocked immediately.

"Patriarch, didn't you say you want to sell it cheaper? Why don't you sell fifteen or twenty spirit coins instead of fifty spirit coins?"

Taohua immediately gave the other party a foolish look.

"This kind of thing, people who often walk at night, don't need it at all. Real people, who would use it. This kind of small tree will either be placed in the yard of some rich people as decorations in the future, or The hunting team was placed in their own camp.

For those who are willing to buy it, where is the difference between the two money? "

"Then why can't common people buy it?" Yin Ji asked unconvinced.

"Who has an oil lamp at home, and still needs to buy a fluorescent tree? Oil lamps don't use Hualing coins, and candles do too. A pack of candles can be lit for as many nights as they cost a few coppers." Tao Hua said as a matter of course, "Work hard and save money." It's a virtue."

Yin Ji twitched the corner of her mouth directly.

What the hell, Patriarch, which side do you have with hardworking and frugal?
Because someone went out to report in advance, the small team transporting coral boxes and treasures had only gone halfway, and more soldiers came into the water to meet them.

So the boxes were sent out by a small group of sergeants who had just come down, and the rest of the sergeants followed the road signs and came back to carry the treasures.

Anyway, it's a treasure trove of fish, so you don't have to be polite to them.

Soon the place was scrapped.

Taohua and the others also retreated from that passage, and then selected another passage to enter.

This time they found a large number of fish bones.All are huge fish bones, and some shriveled demon pills that have lost all their demon power.

"The huge fish bones in this cave are several meters long, ten meters long, and there are many shriveled demon pills. But these things are useless to us." A small guard said dejectedly.

"Why is it useless? These fish bones can be used as refining materials. Of course, the most important thing is that these fish bones are the bones of the former demon fish. They can be used to refine all kinds of spirit pills and boundary-breakers that help pets improve their realm. The Ascension Pill.

There are also shriveled demon pills, which can be used to refine ascending spirit pills.

This is simply a free business, so it's useless.

You have seen Feedling Pill and Shengling Pill, even if we share it with Baicao Pavilion, these two kinds of pills are still very expensive. "Peach Blossom said with a smile.

"Fish bones, these fish bones are actually the main material for refining the spirit pill?" Some soldiers who looked a little disappointed immediately got excited.

"That's natural. Besides, these are not ordinary demon fish skeletons. These should be at least the skeletons of demon fish of the third rank or higher. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been dead for so long, and they still exude a faint coercion.

All right, hurry up and get to work.If you find that you can't move the fish bones, immediately ask the monks at the altar level to move them.That should be the bone of a monster fish above the fifth rank. "


Yang Xiao and the others searched for treasures in the tunnel all the way, and they really found some water-attribute spiritual plants.

Each of the group dug at least dozens of water-attribute spiritual plants that had grown for many years, and they were in a good mood when they returned.

But as soon as they returned to the largest underground cave, they saw two waves of people standing silently watching.

Yang Xiao and the others walked by and took a look, and immediately found a certain place, where a large number of small trees with bright green colors had been arranged.Glowing little trees illuminate a nearby area.

The sergeants of the Chu family carried huge fish bones back and forth up and down.

"What are they doing? Moving fish bones? These fish bones are useless. If they are used as medicine, there are too many impurities. For refining tools, the texture is not good enough, so they can only be refined into unqualified bone tools or something."

Yang Xiao didn't quite understand and asked a middle-aged man who looked like a team leader beside him.

The middle-aged man looked at him and said, "Those big fish bones are useless if they fall into our hands. But if they fall into the hands of Mrs. Chu, they will soon become tens of thousands of bones for pets." The Feed Spirit Pill and Ascending Spirit Pill."

Pfft, Yang Xiao almost spit on himself, he said in shock, "This thing can actually be used as a spiritual pill and a spiritual pill?"

The other party nodded seriously.

"There are several kinds of pills for feeding pills and ascending pills. The main ingredients of the substitute recipes developed by these people are the bones of high-level monsters." The middle-aged man said, "Oh, now I really envy those He was born in the Chu family since he was a child."

"To put it bluntly, the Chu family has seized the opportunity to recover their spirit energy and had a good Patriarch plan carefully, so they have come to this day." Yang Xiao said with emotion. "A few years ago, we all felt that Patriarch Chu's personality was a bit weird and ruthless, and he didn't even let off his own direct descendants. Now it seems that we still underestimated each other.

The head of the Chu family can no longer be judged by purely personal likes and dislikes.

She has now become an outstanding figure like a milestone in the Chu family.She is fully qualified for future generations to write a book about her. "

Hearing what he said, the other party couldn't help but nod in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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