The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 725 The Chu family will inevitably decline

Chapter 725 The Chu family will inevitably decline
"The Chu family has only dug up some big bones after coming down for so long. Why do you still praise the head of the Chu family?" Another young man who looked like a leader walked over unconvinced.

"Then you don't know the value of the elixir. You can see that they are all big bones. We saw boxes of finished elixirs that can be sold as spirit stones." The middle-aged man said angrily. "How many pills do you have to refine from these fish bones? With Chu's digestion ability, the fish bones that were removed before are probably enough for them to refine various feeding pills and ascending pills for a few years."

Yang Xiao nodded.Although he doesn't understand alchemy, he still has some vision.

"Speaking of which, I also made a small fortune down here. But compared with others like this, it seems stingy." The middle-aged man said again, "Besides, we came back early before, you didn't see it, but I did. Well, the first thing the Chu family found was a treasure trove of black-scaled ichthyosaurs. It would take a long time to carry all kinds of coral storage boxes alone."

Puff, puff.

Both Yang Xiao and the young man were shocked.

Both of them stared at the middle-aged man together.

"I didn't lie to you, it's true." The other party assured.

"This is too awesome. We haven't found anything yet. They took away all the treasure house of fish and dragons?" Yang Xiao felt deeply incredible.

Young people are just as horrified.

Then the middle-aged man said, "Chu family is good at digging treasures. The Chu family is not only good at digging treasures, but also very good at managing treasure lands. My sister married a man from the Chu family and gave birth to a young man." , especially good at reading, and was sent to a certain academy by the family.

After returning from his studies, that kid was thrown to various islands to become the village head.

As a result, within a few months, they took all their parents and relatives to the island.I heard that the construction there is very good.Just by cultivating all kinds of spiritual fish, a large number of spiritual stones can be harvested every year.

The kid took his family over because he wanted his family to enjoy happiness with him. "

"A little village head?" The young man murmured speechlessly.

"What's wrong with the village chief? My nephew is now in charge of three resource areas and two villages. Didn't that city first develop from a small dilapidated village? The famous Xianyang City, wasn't Xiantao Village before? It's developed now Crowded Ziyang, isn't it just a small rundown town? The registered permanent residence is not even comparable to a small rundown village.

Isn't it all developed now?
My nephew said that within a few years, he will be able to build a city there. "

Hearing the middle-aged man's fierce retort, the young man looked fed up and said, "Even if your nephew builds a city there, that still won't change the fact that it's just an overseas desert island?"

"What is an overseas desert island? Now there is a golden waterway there. There are many ships and sea people in the entire Yunzhou and Yun'an mainland, and casual practitioners have rushed to settle. My nephew collected more than 300 seafarers half a year ago and a month ago. Haimin, and then received hundreds to more than 1000 Haimin for several months in a row.

Both of his villages were overcrowded and had no houses to live in. The sea folk would rather squat in the wilderness than stick to the outside of the village.

Because there is a rule in the Chu clan, the newly built houses on the island will only be built when they see themselves, and only people will settle down. "

The Chu family devoured the surrounding seamen and casual practitioners like a glutton on the sea.

Some sea people specially used small boats to secretly take people to escape to Chu's sea islands.

The Chu family doesn't ask the people's origins, as long as they work hard and see that they are not treacherous and evil, they will build houses and settle down.

Although the threshold for settling down is low, the house will be returned and your ancestral land will be cultivated.

But the rules in the Chu clan are also strict. As long as you don't follow the rules and you want to die, the whole family will be cleared out.Anyway, Chu's household registration system is very strict, as long as you are cleared out by one place, other places will not apply for your settlement again.

"I heard that the Chu family can easily recruit people at sea. Obviously the island is often attacked by sea beasts, but there are still an endless stream of people who choose to settle down." Yang Xiao praised.

"It's okay. Many islands and reefs are not large in size, and there are not many places where people can live. Some sea beasts attack the human race on the island every day. But if the village chiefs everywhere develop well, the family will support them Continue to lift the sea to build islands and establish towns and cities.

On the sea route, there is an island close to the mainland of Yunzhou. Because it is the most marginal island of the Chu family, sea dwellers and casual cultivators from Yunzhou have chosen to settle there.So the island over there lifts the seabed three times a year to build a big island, and the area of ​​the island is now more than ten times its original size.But the land is tight and the population is too large. "

The middle-aged people became more and more excited as they talked.

It's just that the face of the young man who was listening became more and more ugly.

"How dare the Chu family raise the sea and build islands in the sea, can the sea monster clans agree?"

As soon as the young man said this, he immediately received four unkind looks.

Both Yang Xiao and the middle-aged man began to resent each other.

"Our human race builds islands in the sea, so what's the matter with their sea monster races? If you are not convinced, then come and do it." The middle-aged man said angrily.

"I just think that the Chu family built the islands in the sea so well and built so many islands. I guess they won't be able to hold them in the end." The young man said irritably.

"Then you don't have to worry about it. The Chu family has a navy of millions, and they defeated the Sea Beast Legion on Jinkui Island, and beat the White Crab Monster Race to compromise and evacuate. How could they not be able to defend some of the small ones they built?" Island?"

The words of the middle-aged man aroused the contempt of the young people.

Who doesn't know that the Chu family has built more than a hundred islands in the sea.It is precisely because there are so many islands that it can accommodate the flow of people gathered from all directions.

Today's sea is not as desolate as it used to be, and ships sail in places where no human habitation has been seen for a long time.On several golden waterways presided over by the Chu family, a bustling island can be seen within a few days of sailing.

Not only can you supply fresh water and fresh food and vegetables, but you can also buy various local farming specialties and various special siren beast materials hunted by hunting teams.

However, the young man still didn't quite believe that the Chu family could withstand the harassment and attacks of sea beasts and sea monsters.In his opinion, the Chu family built so many islands in vain. In the end, what they lost was not only the Chu family's islands, population and property, but also the Chu family's prestige.

At that time, the Chu family, the continent-level force that dominates one side, will inevitably decline.

"Anyway, whether you can defend it or not depends not on your words, but on your strength. How strong the Chu family is, hehe, everyone will know in the future." The young man said sarcastically.

(End of this chapter)

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