Chapter 726
In fact, Yang Xiao also thought so in his heart, there are too many uncertainties in the sea.Don't look at how big the Chu family is now, and they have built more than 100 islands by themselves, but what if the sea beasts and sea monsters really fight with them.

That family can withstand so many attacks.As the saying goes, a tiger can't stand a pack of wolves!
Of course, it is not certain who is the tiger.

In short, the current development of the Chu family gives people a weird feeling of walking a tightrope on a cliff.Everyone is really envious of their family's use of sea routes, building islands, and emigrating.However, if the island cannot be kept and the survivors are completely lost, then the blow to the Chu family will be too heavy.

Maybe even the family can't keep it.

After the last bones were carried away, Taohua led the people all the way back.As they walked along, there were sergeants behind them who put away the fluorescent trees that had been inserted into the surrounding stone walls.

"The other passages in this area have been investigated. There are eighteen main passages and the crypt leading to it. We found two. The other sixteen were all taken by others. Those people probably gained a lot.

But it's certainly impossible to compare with our treasures and fish bones. "Yin Ji walked beside Tao Hua while reporting to her.

"Is there any news about the spiritual vein?" Taohua asked.

"Yes, I found a second-order medium-sized spirit vein. It should be a higher-level spirit vein that has experienced years of consumption and decline. The foundation looks good, do I need to extract it?" Yin Ji asked.

"Necessary, wait for the Earth Master and Array Master to come, and then take away the spiritual veins here." Tao Hua said.

"Take it away now, why don't you keep it here?" Yin Ji asked.

"It's cheaper to keep the aquatic monsters here," Tao Hua said. "The Tianshui River itself is vast and vast, and there are as many aquatic monsters as a cow's hair. Its own water aura is no less than a large spiritual vein. If it is allowed to grow a large number of spiritual veins at the bottom of the river, won't it add bricks and tiles to the Tianshui River monsters? "

Tao Hua's words stunned Yin Ji, "But the Tianshui River doesn't have many main river sections and branch river sections under our control. Even if we prevent the birth of water spirit veins at the bottom of the river, what about other river sections?"

"Spiritual veins are an important resource, and who would dislike them? We can all extract water spiritual veins within our jurisdiction, and others will not be able to do so? If it is not protected by the relics, if this spiritual vein is exposed to the outside world, The designation has already been taken away by some force." Taohua said. "Almost the entire basin of the Tianshui River flows in the territory of humans. The monks of the human race will never allow the monsters in the Tianshui River to be too rampant. The Tianshui River cannot breed monsters."

This kind of tacit understanding has been tacitly understood by everyone in the previous life.

"That is to say, if you find one in the future, you will take one away?" Yin Ji twitched her mouth speechlessly.

"Well, that's it." Taohua said.

"Shuihe was so pitiful that day." Yin Ji pouted.

"If there is no Tianshui River, all kinds of goods in our family can only be transported by the teleportation array, how expensive it will be." Taohua asked back.

Yin Ji looked at Tao Hua with innocent eyes that I don't understand what you are talking about.

"In short, the Tianshui River must be safe, and there will be no monsters to make trouble. Whoever finds the existence of the monsters can call the surrounding forces to join forces to strangle the monsters and kill them all. Tianshui River is a waterway that must be guaranteed."

"Then what if there are people who obstruct the navigation of the Tianshui River and cut off the route?"

"If that's the case, there's no need for that force to continue to exist." Tao Hua said very calmly.

Yin Ji was startled.

She has been following the Patriarch recently, and her words are a little out of focus.Although the Patriarch looks kind and sweet, the Patriarch is the Patriarch after all.

When Taohua and the others returned to the boat, the other families had already left.Only Yang Xiao was left waiting for them.The main thing is to wait for their boat to take Yang Xiao and the others away.There was no danger in exploring the ruins this time, and many black-scaled dragon fish were caught.

I didn't even move things back and forth in the ruins, and it was over in just seven days.It was also because the Chu family took a little longer to transport the fish bones.

As soon as Taohua came back, Chu Shiluo came.

"We came up ahead of time. This time we got a lot of aquatic spiritual plants. Many of them are not needed by everyone. We plan to sell them to the Chu family. There are also some demon clan's skills and miscellaneous notes. It's useless, and they also Planning to sell it to the Chu family.

Do you charge? "

"Take it, if you don't need it, you can sell it to me." Tao Hua said with a smile.

Chu Shiluo was relieved when he heard this.

He ran back again to sort out the things that his seniors were going to sell to the Chu family, and then brought him to find Taohua for an estimate.Besides him, senior brother Yang Qi and second senior brother Gu Jianting also came along.

Taohua quickly estimated everything.Except for Yang Qi and Gu Jianting who felt that a few pieces of fish-scale jade pieces with demon skills were too low in value.Everything else was sold to Taohua.

Taohua has the knowledge of two generations, and the exercises recorded in the jade pieces of Yaozu's exercises are all relatively common Aquarium exercises.The Yaozu themselves are very well-preserved, so they sell them by themselves, unless they are sold to people who don't know the goods, otherwise, they will not be able to sell at a price.

But Taohua didn't tell them, and said that her family had too many monster skills.So when you get it, the price is low.This is also true.In Longshan, there are hundreds or even thousands of various monster clan exercises that have been circulated.

Although there are not as many exercises as the human race, they are also very common.

Although it is a demon clan's exercise, many human races bought it back as a reference for their own research on the exercise.

In fact, the monster race also hoards the skills of the human race.

Yang Xiao planned to leave after selling his things.But it just happened to hit the annual big Lingyu flood.The huge blue-backed fish with an average body length of more than three meters migrated in groups towards the source of the Tianshui River.

The Tianshui River originates from the Heiman Mountains.

The source is nothing but a spring that flows all year round. Passing through the mountains and streams on both sides, the rushing river becomes more and more vast. It crosses a corner of the Northwest Wilderness and rushes into the Northwest Region.Then it turned and flowed into Dasong.

Taohua and the others diverted the passing Tianshui River again, guiding it to flow a large branch into the other side of the Northwest Wilderness, and finally flowed into the Wanji Mountains through Longshanfang City.

After the main trunk of the Tianshui River rushed out of the northwest, it rushed towards the central hinterland of the mainland, and finally rushed across the entire continent, rushing into the sea.

The big Lingyu migrates to the huge lake in the hinterland of Heiman Shangmai every year to spawn.Then protect the cubs to grow to a foot long, and then start to take the cubs to travel long distances back to the sea.

During the long-distance migration, the weak and bad cubs were all eliminated, and the rest were lively and powerful cubs.Only such cubs can live better in the fiercely competitive sea.

(End of this chapter)

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