Chapter 728
In fact, with the revival of spiritual energy year after year, the reunion of big Lingyu is a little different every year. They become larger in groups and their numbers continue to increase.The vitality in the water is getting stronger and stronger!
The speed of swimming is also getting faster and faster, and it is becoming more and more difficult to catch.

This is very scary. You must know that the big Lingyu is just a cannon fodder in the sea, and the population has raised a large number of deep-sea hunters.

As a result, despite being eaten so much, the population is still growing every year! !
However, there are too many big Lingyu. For Yang Xiao and other monks, using magic weapon fishing nets to catch big Lingfish is just a little extra effort.

When they were fishing for the big Lingyu, they also caught the hunters, special large fish and sea beasts who followed the big Lingyu all the way from the ocean to the Tianshui River.

Taking advantage of Chu's big boat coming to collect fish, Yang Xiao and others sold those special large fish and sea beasts to Chu's, and it turned out...

"What is this kind of gray-striped swordfish, one of which costs 500 yuan of spirit coins, which is more than 100 times the price of the big Lingyu." The purchase price of a big Lingyu is only one to five spirit coins.Lu Mei said in astonishment.

"There is this kind, this should be some kind of large tiger fish, and there are seven hundred spirit coins?" Yang Qi also looked in surprise at the steward of the Chu family who came to collect the fish for the price.

"That's right, we all have a unified price. Now the family buys these sea monsters at the same price." The especially young steward said very seriously.

"But I remember that during the battle on White Crab Island, this kind of tiger fish was only seventy or eighty spirit coins a piece." Yang Qi asked puzzled.

"Well, that time was that time. During the battle on White Crab Island, sea beasts rushed to White Crab Island as if they were not afraid of death, and rushed to the knife edge of human monks. Not anymore, now they are hunting these deep sea monsters near the waterway Beast is difficult.

They run very fast in the water.Especially dodge ships and human monks, if you don't set traps, you can't catch them at all.

The family has no choice.It is impossible for all the sea beasts that swim near the waterway to be hunted by the family monks.But assigning missions to the casual repair hunting team must make them cost-effective, and they must not make them lose money. "

So your family must have a brave man under a heavy reward, right?It's really smooth to play! !
Yang Qi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Then if we catch more of these sea beasts in the future, will you continue to collect them?" Yang Qi asked again.

"Take it. Take as much as you have. The materials on the sea beast god have their own functions, and the demon soul can also be refined into a weapon spirit. The flesh and blood that are really worthless can be sold at a low price to low-level casual cultivators and those who practice martial arts. Ordinary people eat it. The bones can also be made into various feeds, feeding pills, and so on."

Hearing what the little steward who was only fifteen or sixteen years old said, everyone felt a chill.This is really a clear arrangement for the monsters.

No wonder the monsters in the waterway of the Chu family immediately turned around and ran away when they saw the human monk.

It would be strange if he didn't run away! !
But after processing these harvests, everyone shared the spirit stones, and the desire to fight came again.Just keep fishing.

So from the second day, Yang Xiao continued to lead his disciples to fish for a fraction of the time.

As a result, it was not until the early morning of the fifth day that Yang Xiao saw his fellow disciples running over with a few disciples.

"Brother Wang, why are you here?"

"I heard that you make a lot of money fishing here, and you can earn thousands of spirit stones a day?" A certain king looked at his junior brother with a heartbroken look and said, "You make so much money, and you actually know to call your senior brother me? We Isn't family the best brother?"

Yang Xiao pouted speechlessly.I thought to myself that you said the same thing back then, and cheated away a large amount of alchemy resources given by the master.That is, I believed you when I was young and ignorant.

Yang Xiao and his senior brother Wang are actually great monks who were reincarnated by the sect after they were dispatched from the army.The last small world spiritual veins preserved by their sect could not protect so many high-level disciples.

People like him and Senior Brother Wang who have excellent aptitude but are not top-notch are arranged to be reincarnated.

It was also after he was six years old in this life that he saw the mystery of the broken fetus and knew who he was before he was reintroduced and returned to the sect to practice.

Brother Wang actually came back three years later than him.

It's a pity that senior brother Wang in the previous life worshiped under the seat of master earlier than him.So both of them came back, and he was still a senior brother.snort!

However, reincarnation is also very risky. Ten of the master's disciples were reincarnated, and only seven of them returned.There is no news about the other three.I don't know when I can come back, or never come back.

His master was not considered the most unlucky, only one of the eight most unlucky disciples came back.

Of course, some people in his master's generation also chose to reincarnate and returned.However, his master chose to stick to the sect and delayed his cultivation all these years.But fortunately, Zongmen compensated his master with a lot of natural and earthly treasures to extend his life.

"Thousands of spirit stones are definitely not available. You can earn so many spirit stones by fishing. I have already called people from the whole sect to fish." Yang Xiao said speechlessly.

"How many spirit stones are there?" Old Wang asked.

"There are thousands of spirit coins." Yang Xiao said.

"It's so little, you brought your disciples here for a day, and you can earn thousands of spirit coins?" Old Wang asked in disbelief.

"I mean myself." Yang Xiao said.

"Then you still bring seven or eight disciples and only earn one spirit stone a day? Why do I not believe it?" Old Wang complained.

"What's wrong with one spirit stone a day? In Zongmen, we still can't earn one spirit stone a day." Yang Xiao said.

"You've got it, who doesn't know that your disciple gave you a house and a shop in Taoyang City, Yanbo Island. You still have cheap rented land over there to grow low-level elixir. Our sect came back Among these old brothers, you earn the most wealth." Lao Wang said enviously.By the way, why was he so stupid earlier? It would be great if he also accepted some disciples like Chu Shiluo.

With a disciple like Chu Shiluo, will he still worry about Lingshi in the future?
It's a pity that the Chu family seldom allows their disciples to worship the hidden sect.

No, there is no other hidden sect other than Chu Shi Luo Chu.

Lao Wang's idea is still somewhat different from the Chu family's situation. It's not that the Chu family has no other hermit sect except Chu Shiluo.There are still some disciples who worship.It's just that the Chu family doesn't publicize it themselves, and few outsiders know about it.

"Anyway, I don't earn much, that's all." Yang Xiao said shruggingly.

Lao Wang sneered.Ghosts believe you. "Well, anyway, I have nothing to do, and I have been bothering my junior for the past few days. I will live on your boat."

Yang Xiao immediately stared, "What?"

(End of this chapter)

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