The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 729 Red Carp

Chapter 729 Red Carp
"You go, you go, you go quickly. I won't keep you here." Yang Xiao said immediately.

"No, no, I have to stay. I want to see how much Lingshi you earn in a day."

"I said, Senior Brother Wang, stay on the front line, so we can meet each other in the future." Yang Xiao said immediately.

"I said, what are you hiding? The river is full of people. If I ask around casually, I will know how many spirit stones you have earned. What do you think people can't see?" Old Wang Said angrily.

Yang Xiao saw that Old Wang didn't intend to leave.Then he said angrily, "Okay, let me tell you."

"What we choose to catch are sea beasts and special big fish. We are divided into eight groups, each group is led by one person, and they fish separately. We can catch a few big fish and two or three sea beasts in one trip. More than one day A few nets can indeed bring back a few spirit stones. But it’s not much. We don’t earn much by ourselves, if you come again, what else will we earn?”

As soon as Lao Wang heard this, he immediately thought in his mind, one net is almost one spirit stone, why wait for the next ten nets that day, isn't it just a dozen spirit stones.Yang Xiao brought back eight disciples by himself. The disciples should at least half of their filial piety to their master if they earn spirit stones, right?

Then Yang Xiao can earn at least 100 yuan of spirit stones a day.Three thousand spirit stones a month is not much to say.

This number is not too small.At least Lao Wang can accept it in his heart.

"Then who did you sell the fish to?"

"What do you mean, it's not good for Senior Brother Wang to dig the roots?" Yang Xiao immediately said angrily.

"I'm not fishing with you? There are so many fish in the big river, so I'll pick somewhere downstream. Besides, the section we're guarding is already the last section of the big Lingyu's migration. I can’t believe that no one fishes like us.”

Yang Xiao, who was a little annoyed at first, said after hearing this, "That's fine, you stay away from us."

"Then who do I sell the fish to?"

"When you bring the fish back later, I'll find someone to give you an estimate." Yang Xiao said.

"Okay." Lao Wang left immediately after saying this.

"Hey, hey, are you leaving like this?" Yang Xiao was puzzled.

"If I don't leave, why are you willing to raise me for nothing? Besides, I heard that this fish season lasts for a month. I count every second." Old Wang said.

Yang Xiao was speechless.

In the early morning of the second day, Pharaoh personally brought the big fish from the two boats over.

"You... you you you, why did you come here so early?"

Yang Xiao, who just got up and planned to have breakfast, saw the weather-beaten Lao Wang waiting for him with his disciples.

"Selling fish!" Old Wang said as a matter of course.

Yang Xiao was speechless and nearly choked.

Due to Lao Wang's constant urging, Yang Xiao didn't wait too long, and asked Chu Shiluo to contact the Chu family to collect the fish.

The one who came was the little steward, fifteen or sixteen years old.With a round baby face, she speaks sharply and quickly.

When estimating, the value of the fish is estimated quickly almost as soon as you get started.Since the fish Lao Wang and the others caught were super-sized guys, the estimated value was far higher than Lao Wang's expected value.

"This sharp-toothed fish is enough for a nine hundred spirit coin. In this kind of big black fish with fins, it is said that there is a certain chance to dig out a supernatural bone on the wing bone. This kind of supernatural bone is called light body." Supernatural power. After obtaining it, you will be light and healthy, and you will get twice the result with half the effort to practice various identities. So don't look at them because they are slightly smaller, but the price is not cheap, one with three spirit stones.

The production rate of that supernatural bone is about [-]/[-], so the price of this kind of fish is the same, and it will not be more expensive.

Of course, if you dug out the supernatural power bone yourself, you can also sell it to us. One supernatural power bone costs 130 spirit stones. "

When Lao Wang heard this, it would be a good deal to dig the bones himself.One is waste of time, and two is the production rate of three thousandths, he haha.One thousand big black fish with wings, that's three thousand spirit stones.Why should he compete with supernatural powers.

Of course, this large black fish with wings is not easy to catch. This kind of fish can fly in the air for a short time.When encountering a fishing net in the water, it can easily bounce out of the water and cross the fishing net.Where is it so easy to do?
They came to catch a dozen or so this time, and they all caught their luck.

However, these two boat fish actually sold 480 spirit stones in just one night.No, he went back and let his disciples and nephews work hard to get it.Work overtime, don't even sleep except for the necessary practice, let him go out to catch fish.

The person who sent away the Chu family to collect the fish and Lao Wang and the others, Yang Xiao felt a deep shudder for some reason, and he didn't know that something bad was going to happen again.Especially the parting glance from Lao Wang.He looked cold in his heart.

In a few days, Yang Xiao knew that his worries were not unreasonable. When Lao Wang first came, he brought his disciples and nephews, a total of more than 20 people. Called twenty people over.

A total of fifty people fished for him together.

After hearing the news that he and himself had made a lot of money, the Zongmen decided to come over to help them catch fish regardless of the madness on their faces.

What the hell, does he need help?

As time goes by, more and more people catch fish on the Tianshui River. Ordinary martial artists catch big Lingyu, monks catch all kinds of special large fish and sea beasts.Everyone worked together to skin the fish once they saw them.

As January passed, the number of fish in the big river decreased day by day, but within five or six days there was nothing to catch.

It will be spring next year, when the big fish bring the small fish back to the sea.But at that time, there were a lot of small fish, and almost all the fish caught in the net were small fish, which could not be sold at a price, and it was easy to wipe out the fish, so people generally did not plan to catch them.It is still more suitable for the big fish at this time of year.

Yang Xiao and the others made a lot of money in the end. Yang Xiao alone earned more than 1 Lingshi.

It's only been a month, which is pretty good.

Yang Xiao decided to simply sell a set of yards in Jiangyang, so that he could come to fish every year in the future.But it's a bit embarrassing to buy a house just to fish for fish.Knowing Yang Xiao's thoughts, Chu Shiluo said, "Master, you should buy a house. Although there is only one fish season every year. But there is also a kind of red carp in Tianshui River. I don't know where it came from, little fish." Eggs are laid in May and June, and they can grow to more than one meter long in November and February. The growth is very fast.

In the two months at the end of each year, we fish for red carp, and the master will bring his brothers over with us to earn another fortune. "

"What's so special about this red carp?" Yang Qi asked. "Is there a big Lingyu worth it?"

"Yes, red carps are usually caught at the end of the year, November and December. Because at this time, the small fish have grown enough to be served on the table. Red carps above the second level will be born in the brain. A water-proof bead.

One water avoiding pearl can sell one spirit stone. "

(End of this chapter)

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