The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 737 People

Chapter 737 People

Chu Shiluo frowned. He had experienced a lot outside, so he naturally knew how the little ladies in the aristocratic families outside served his husband.Even when they get along in private, they are respectful.

But look at his peach blossoms.

Chu Shiluo wanted to cover his face again, hoping that Chu Shinian could hold on longer, and if he didn't want to be his brother-in-law, he could settle peacefully with his sister.

Up to Chu Shinian, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Peach Blossom at all. He saw his eyebrows crooked, and a soft and beautiful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. With Peach Blossom's help, he took off his armor step by step. That face of enjoyment and joy , let Chu Shiluo deeply feel that this guy will be possessed by his sister?

Chu Shinian really liked his current life.

Even if he was busy, as long as he thought that his beloved wife was waiting for him at home, Chu Shinian would be able to cheer up again, full of will to overcome obstacles.

Although it is interesting to run the Chu family, it is not indispensable, but this family is Peach Blossom's ideal, so he will bear all the burdens for Peach Blossom.

Not long after, Chu Shiluo felt that he really couldn't bear the warm and tacit atmosphere between those two people, and he really couldn't accept the weird smile on Chu Shinian's face.Say goodbye quickly.

Tao Hua asked someone to prepare food for Chu Shinian, while complaining about her husband, saying, "Look, I scared the big brother away."

Chu Shinian simply and quickly kissed his wife on the cheek, then took a change of clothes and went to take a bath.

Everyone else is back, so it's better to leave as soon as the uncle who is an eyesore or something.

When Chu Shinian came back from the military camp this time, he could rest for a few days.

In the past few days, he wanted to be by Taohua's side, and he didn't want to be disturbed at all.

But Chu Ziyan urged him out again early in the morning the next day.Chu Shinian looked unhappy, and today he was going to take his wife out for a walk.

"Just a little work, it won't take you long. It's an urgent matter. It must not be delayed." Chu Ziyan said quickly while pleading.

Chu Shinian rolled up his sleeves, then come on.Hurry up and finish the work, maybe the couple can go out for a delicious lunch at noon.

During Chu Shinian's crumbling high-speed review, Chu Ziyan walked out carrying a large stack of official documents in torment.Then Chu Shinian happily went to visit his wife.

In fact, Taohua also likes to go out for a walk, but unfortunately there is no suitable person to accompany her.

It happened that Chu Shinian had some spare time, so the couple simply changed their clothes and went for a walk in Xianyang City.

Chu Zifei had just returned from his foreign affairs, handed in the task, and when it was noon, he took his nephew out for a meal.

As a result, not long after eating, he saw his chief commander Chu Shinian walking in with his little wife.Then he didn't even enter the private room, he directly found a small table with a wide career, and sat down.

There are seven or eight tables, two screens and some bamboo curtains between Chu Zifei and the others.

His nephew Chu Yushen twitched his mouth speechlessly. "Those two are really interested."

"They have a good relationship between husband and wife." Chu Zifei chuckled lightly.

In fact, at such a short distance, Chu Shinian would definitely be able to see them and hear what they said clearly.But people just ignored them.The two uncles and nephews would not walk over at this time, just to make fun of themselves.

Didn't you see the walks that people changed out of?

In the lobby, where there are many small tables, two young men are talking.

"I heard people say that Chu Dashan is capable, but he is not filial. His own father was raised in a poor village as if imprisoned by him, but his family is well-clothed and well-fed."

"I said, are you out of your mind? Chu Dashan is the father-in-law of the great commander of the Chu family. Why are you talking nonsense? Who knows if it is true or not. If it is false, they will not settle accounts with you No wonder."

"I don't want to talk nonsense. Dalang from Chu Dashan's third younger brother's family told me this himself. That kid is also in his teens. How could he casually say such lies to corrupt his second uncle?"

Tao Hua ate with chopsticks when she heard this.

"I'll ask someone to find out what's going on when I get back." Chu Shinian gave her another piece of fish with chopsticks.

"Okay." Taohua nodded.Chu San and Chu Si have a house and land, even if they are not too rich, they are enough to eat and wear.I don't know what else I want to make trouble with?

The two couples ate lunch happily, walked around the market happily, and finally strolled home leisurely.Because there are people around, even time flies fast, and it gets dark in a blink of an eye.

"When are we going to have a child?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Let's wait a while, I've been busy these days." Taohua replied to him.

"Okay. Actually, it doesn't matter if it's later." Chu Shinian said thoughtfully.Taohua smiled and took his arm.Chu Shinian is not young anymore, and the current monks are not like the monks of the previous aura era, nor are they like the monks of the future.At this moment, the aura has just recovered. Ordinary people marry early and have children early. Even monks, everyone's ideas have not been completely changed. Even Chu Shinian is thinking about having children.

Taohua herself doesn't object.However, it is necessary to stagger the period of time when the leylines change.

Thinking that he was about to become a father, Chu Shinian felt even better.

"By the way, there have been quite a few ordinary people in strange costumes appearing in our jurisdiction recently." Thinking of the news he received today, Chu Shinian said to his wife.

"Can't speak our local language, and can't understand it. And the dress is completely different from ours?" Taohua asked immediately after hearing this.

"Yes, they didn't eat or drink, so they went to hunt wild animals in the mountains, and some people died. Where they didn't live, they went to the corners of other villages and nested in dilapidated houses. After the villages and towns found them, Let the young and strong in the village gather them and send them to various government offices."

Peach Blossom "Are there many people?"

"It's quite a lot. There are four to five hundred people. It's only been a few days, less than five days." Chu Shinian said with a frown.

"Probably related to the recent changes in the leylines, they should be people who were moved from another world." Taohua guessed.

"The changes in the earth's veins can still involve them?" Chu Shinian was shocked.

Peach Blossom Road: "Maybe it has some influence. People in the upper realm always say that the recovery of our spiritual energy here is due to the fusion of the three realms, so those weird people may have been transported from other worlds.

Just like Miryang was moved to the edge of Bibo Lake. "

"Is it possible that they are human races that were moved from other continents?"

"That's because you didn't realize it. In fact, whether it's the Secret Realm, Small World, or Yunzhou, Yun'an, or Beiming Continent. Although our accent is a bit strange, everyone can understand the language basically. They are all learned. Common language.

Even the people from the upper realm are the same.

But as you said, they can't speak our local dialect, nor can they understand it. "

(End of this chapter)

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