Chapter 738
Earth veins are about to change, and as expected, any kind of moth can come out!
Tao Hua remembered that there were some anomalies before and after the change of the earth's veins in the previous life. Some people and creatures from other worlds were moved into this world out of thin air and scattered everywhere.

It's just that there seemed to be a little more people moving over this time. In their small place of Myitkyi Prefecture, hundreds of people actually showed up.

When I first discovered these alien visitors in my previous life, it seemed that there were not so many people!

"What you said makes sense. If they come from another world, then they have to learn our language first." Chu Shinian thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll find someone to arrange for them to speak first."

"Indeed, language is a barrier." Taohua also agreed.The three realms merged, and the creatures from the other two realms grew out of nothing, from small to numerous, and were continuously moved to their world.Other alien creatures are fine, but alien races are in trouble. They cannot understand the language, and it is difficult for them to quickly integrate into the human race of their world.

As for Taohua and the human races in their own world, whether it is the Yun'an Continent, the Yunzhou Continent, or the Beiming Continent, everyone has been speaking a common language since thousands of years ago.

And this common language is also spoken by the human race in the upper realm.

"I don't know how many human races there are in the other world?" Chu Shinian frowned slightly. "If they keep appearing in the future, it will be a big trouble."

"Just treat them as ordinary civilians who have defected here and settle them down. It's just that they are settled together as much as possible, and it is also convenient to find someone to teach them the language of their own world." Taohua said.This may cause some confusion in the outside world, but the Chu family has been arranging refugees for a long time and is proficient in their business.

Chu Shinian nodded.

The couple decided in this way, but no one expected that five or six days later, the number of visitors from other worlds had changed from more than 400 to more than 4000.And the number is still growing.

Chu Shinian simply asked someone to pack up a camp outside Miryang City to house them.

It is lucky that visitors from Myitchi Prefecture are treated like this. In other places, especially Zhangyu Mansion next door, I don’t know who has rumored that these visitors from other worlds are transformed by demons, and they still carry plagues. It was sent to entrap the local human race.

Therefore, many human races from other worlds were killed by local loose cultivators, large and small forces, and some armed civilians.

For a moment, the students were excited, and there was chaos.

Those outsiders were hunted down and slaughtered, fled around, spread the word, and brought chaos everywhere.Except for those who escaped into Chu's territory by accident, the other outsiders were either killed or continued on the road of exile.

Apart from Zhang Yu's Mansion, the other mansions around the Chu Clan were also in chaos. People from other worlds were being slaughtered continuously, and very few survived in the end.

But farther away, the chaos followed one wave after another.

Information about people from other worlds from all over the mainland was continuously collected into Chu Shinian's hands, and the collected information made him ponder for a long time.After Chu Xinjia finished the new subordinate officer assessment and sent in the list of people who needed to be promoted, she saw Chu Shinian sitting in a chair and meditating.

"Commander, what are you thinking?"

When Chu Shinian saw that it was him, he handed him the summary news in his hand.

After Chu Xinjia finished reading, she also frowned.

"This is too nonsense, just because someone drank some water by the river, they said that they polluted the river, and directly killed seventeen or eight people from other worlds, and even the elderly and children were not spared. ?!
And this, just because Ran's parents are a little silly, they think that if they get the plague, they have to be burned to death? "

Chu Shinian said indifferently, "In the final analysis, don't those people from other worlds take root and multiply here, and invade their interests? Don't the newcomers need land to farm or go up to the mountains to hunt wild animals? They do. They not only They can hunt in the mountains and go fishing in the river.

The more people from other worlds come, the less resources the local rich and common people will have.So they all spontaneously organized and frantically killed those people from other worlds. "

Chu Xinjia pursed her lips and remained silent, with a serious expression.Because he knew in his heart that Chu Shinian was telling the truth.

"Forget it, they can do whatever they like." Chu Shinian said coolly.

"However, if this kind of killing continues, I'm afraid those people from other worlds who survived will hate us very much." Chu Xinjia said.

"That can't be helped. We don't understand their language. Even if we have good intentions, they won't accept it. If we force them to arrest us, it will be even more thankless. The key is that we will be in trouble, which is completely unnecessary."

After hearing this, Chu Xinjia also nodded in agreement.

"By the way, is Taohua still recruiting husband Lingzhi to help her plant Lingzhi?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Still planting. The area covered by the third-order spiritual vein is too large. Madam always likes to plant things." Chu Xinjia said innocently.

Chu Shinian rubbed his brows after hearing this, "There are so many barren forests near Xianyang, and Peach Blossom is probably delighted for her."

Pfft, Chu Xinjia burst out laughing.

After the promotion of the third-order spiritual vein, the surrounding mountains have been raised one after another, and the original small hills have become lofty mountains.The originally vast spiritual plants also shrank into a small part of the newly grown mountains.

The fields and forests that were originally near Xianyang may also be pushed out far away with the changes of the mountains, separated by several mountain ridges.

Just like the woodland that Yuan Feihu and the others bought originally, it is now directly moved out of seven or eight mountains.

In this way, almost all the mountains and forests around Xianyang were vacated, and Taohua was thus provoked to the enthusiasm for farming.Constantly recruiting husbands of Lingzhi, frantically opening up wasteland to plant Lingzhi.

Part of the spiritual field where peach blossoms were bloomed was for Chu Dashan's family, and part was for her and Chu Shinian.

The last part is the spiritual field opened up for the main branch of the clan.

Because she drives too much, she provokes a lot of people who hate her with pink eyes.These people seem to have rumored that Taohua relied on her husband's power to occupy the land of Xianyang and the public land of the main line.

"Are those rambunctious people still spreading rumors about her?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"We found the elderly from several families, and they disciplined their families themselves. Recently, those who broke their mouths were either restrained at home or punished."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian didn't say anything, and asked again. "Then how did Dalang of my wife's third uncle's house ruin my father-in-law's reputation in the end?"

"I have handed over the evidence to Madam's uncle," Chu Xinjia said. "The one who happens to be in charge of the family affairs of their branch."

"Come on, let's discuss this list." Chu Shinian was not far away, and recruited Chu Xinjia to get the list.

It's just that Chu Xinjia didn't know why, but she always felt a little tingling in her scalp, and she didn't know if it was his illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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