The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 741 The Common Language of Torment

Chapter 741 The Common Language of Torment

"Don't want to get up?" Tao Hua asked in a daze just after waking up.

She was sure that Chu Shinian was already awake.

"I just want to watch over you every day. I don't want to go out anymore." Chu Shinian said shamelessly.

"If there is something urgent, you should do it quickly. If it is not urgent, you can stay and compensate me." Taohua decided to continue sleeping, anyway, it is still early.

Chu Shinian looked at his wife sleeping late in silence, so he had to gently let her go and struggled to get off the bed.He really has urgent matters to deal with today.

Chu Shinian took people out of the mansion, and happened to use the teleportation array to go to another place.A secret guard sent a secret document, saying that Dalang, who was loved by Taohua's third uncle, finally woke up.

In the beginning, Chu Shinian didn't intend to take his life directly, but the death penalty was the face of death, and the living crime was hard to forgive.

That guy's suffering is yet to come.The corner of Chu Shinian's mouth curled into a smile rippling with icy scum.

Chu Shinian led the people all the way towards the teleportation array. Pedestrians on the roadside street greeted each other, and the voices of whispered conversations were heard continuously.Sure enough, after he punished the favorite big grasshoppers, some rumors that specifically smeared his wife disappeared.

There are a lot of remarks to smear peach blossoms, some of which are peach blossoms can be indulged, and he doesn't care about such rumors.But there are some spades that are specially shot by someone, and he absolutely can't bear it.


Miryang, inside the alien camp.

Many human beings who have been moved over also form small groups.

One of the small groups was led by a young man with short gray hair.In the meantime, he was in a hurry and a dozen people sat around him.Facing everyone, he took the initiative to say, "We have been here for more than ten days, and those with strong learning ability have already learned the language here.

I also exchanged some news with people. The force that placed us in this big camp is a family force called the Chu family.It's big and strong.There are many clansmen.

The controllers of the Chu family are called Patriarchs.

He is said to be a very wise man.It was he who took the initiative to let the tribe teach us the local language and put us here together.After I fail to learn the language, we will probably be separated and resettled in different places for land reclamation. "

"Brother Xiaoshen, are we really unable to go back?" A big boy named Xiao asked.

"I'm afraid it is. I heard that we were transported to this world out of thin air because of the fusion of the three realms, and the change of the earth's veins probably suddenly opened a cross-boundary channel. Except for us, probably the human race and other spirits in our world are all to be moved here.

Of course, not all of the news we have learned is necessarily true. " said the gray-haired young man.

"Brother Xiaoshen, what should we do?" Another person asked anxiously.

"We must first let ourselves survive. We learned the local language here, and then tried our best to settle here. I heard that apart from the Chu family's chassis, other visitors from other worlds were hunted down, and life was very good. Hard."

Xiao Shen's words won everyone's approval, and everyone nodded.

"The other one is to try to have a good relationship with the people of the Chu family, or it would be better if you can join the Chu family. I roughly inquired, and the proportion of people here who become monks is very high. On average, there can be three or four out of ten people. And there is no resource blockade. Everyone who can practice will be given the opportunity to practice. We don't have to wait in line for a quota, and we don't have to try to obtain resources by any means.

In short, since we are here, everyone should give it a try. If some of us really become monks, if we can take care of them in the future, please take care of our fellow countrymen. "

Everyone nodded again.

"Actually, I think this Chu family is quite good. The sergeants in charge of patrolling the camp are all from a small world. I think they look different from the local people we met earlier. Also, I heard A patrol sergeant brother said that there are many colleagues from other continents in the army.

They also look a little different from the locals.The skin of the people from the Beiming Continent is dark and dry.The people on the mainland of Yunzhou are relatively short and fat.The human race on the local Yun'an Continent is on the thin side.

Although everyone's parents are different, no one here discriminates against or excludes anyone.We all had a good life together.Stronger than our side. Another young man took the initiative to speak. He was standing beside the gray-haired brother Shen. He said with a happy expression. He is a man with red hair and green eyes.

Brother Xiaoshen has blue eyes and gray hair.

There is a huge gap with the local black-haired and black-smoky human race.

In their original world, if the races were quite different, mutual exclusion and wars would happen from time to time.

"I know how to make clothes. I heard that there is such a craft. As long as the clothes are not badly made, it is not difficult to support a family." An older young man said happily.

"I still plan to do my old job. I heard that I used to be a farmer. The civil servant who taught us to learn the local language immediately declared me farming and settled down. It is said that after I leave here, I can go to a village. , and then open up wasteland there, you can also get a certain amount of leased land.

It's okay to live and live in the future. "Another old middle-aged man who looked like a farmer said.

"What should I do if I don't know anything?" A young man asked anxiously.

"I don't know how to learn. Didn't we learn the local language? They have many schools here, which are said to impart a lot of knowledge. We will also find a way to go in and learn it when the time comes." Xiaoshen, a boy who will send out, said longingly .

"Well, after all, I still have to learn Continental Mandarin. Their local language, Continental Mandarin, is really too difficult to learn. It took me ten days to learn it before I could even have a simple conversation. Mastered more than 100 words."

"You're not bad, okay. I'm completely new to it, and I can't remember any vocabulary at all."

"Me too."

"I am illiterate in our world."

"I can't do it at all, I can't learn it!!"

When it comes to language learning, everyone starts to scramble to complain.It is too difficult to learn the common language of the mainland here.

The Huifa boy rolled his eyes angrily. In fact, he didn't find it difficult to learn at all. He learned a general idea in a few days. These days, the camp is full of people looking for people to practice his common language.

"Okay, let's say goodbye, everyone. If you want to gain a foothold in this world, you must learn the language here. And it's not enough just to be able to speak, you have to be able to read and write. So everyone, work hard."

Hearing this, everyone looked at him dejectedly: This is standing up and talking without back pain, that broken language is simply used to torture people, whoever learns it will be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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