Chapter 742
Outside the gathering camp of the alien race is the camp of the Chu Clan's monks.Almost in a semi-enclosed form, the wings are outside the huge camp settled by the alien race.

Chu Junxia warmly received Chu Jinhong who had just been dispatched.

The well-behaved captain of the Xianyang Guard was directly dispatched here, and Chu Junxia was originally worried about his emotions.

Who knew that not only did Chu Jinhong have no complaints or emotions, but there was excitement in his eyes.

Chu Junxia exchanged pleasantries with him in surprise, and then told him some specific information about the camp here that he knew.

"There are about two thousand different people here. They don't speak our language, and communication is very difficult. But they are still very enthusiastic about learning our language. While learning our language, they also tell us some about their side of the world.

The world over there is called the Nine Mountains World.It is said that the whole world is divided into different regions by nine very huge mountains.The area they are in is called Gaozhou.There are many human-inhabited areas like their Gaozhou in the entire Nine Mountains world.

Gaozhou is actually not small. According to their description, it is about half the size of our territory in the Song Dynasty.They are also from all over Gaozhou.

There are also quite a few local differences in language.

Those who have been moved here are not many literate, and even fewer are good at learning languages.

Only one of them, Xiao Shen, is very talented in learning our language.He has learned very quickly, and now he can communicate with us in common language.But you can't say too uncommon words. "

Chu Junxia explained to him.

"I was appointed as a teacher since the establishment of the camp here. I am mainly responsible for educating them to learn our local language, familiarize themselves with our life here, and master our common sense here. It is convenient for them to be placed in a suitable place in the future.

By the way, all kinds of materials and accounts here are also temporarily in charge of me.After you come, I plan to hand over the supplies and accounts to you. "

Chu Jinhong immediately waved his hand and said, "No, the commander-in-chief notified me when I came. I'm here to be responsible for the safety of the camp, and I don't care about the rest."

When Chu Junxia heard this, his face darkened immediately.

"I'm in charge of alien education, and I don't want to manage supplies and accounts, that's not my job either."

"Then either you asked the commander-in-chief to find someone for you, or you should do it." Chu Jinhong gave him a move.Chu Jinhong was young, but he had a lot of experience.From Miryang to Xianyang, here, he has participated in the Huhuhu War and experienced the front line of life and death.

The current Chu Jinhong is no longer the Chu Jinhong who just followed his father and brought his clansmen to the old Chu village.He is now a qualified Chu clan soldier officer.To put it bluntly, it is already an old oil.

Mastering materials and finances is indeed lucrative, but it is more prone to accidents.

How free is he to catch that.

"I applied for it earlier, but the commander asked me to do it concurrently." Chu Junxia said dejectedly.

"Then let's do it for the time being." Chu Jinhong said.

"Captain Chu." Chu Junxia gritted his teeth and shouted.

"You said I just came here, and you asked me to take over such a complicated matter, do you think it's appropriate? Besides, I'm a lieutenant colonel, do you think supplies and finances are what I should do? That's not what civilian officials should do Is it?" Chu Jinhong asked, poking his neck.

Chu Junxia: "..."

"In addition to being colleagues, everyone is of the same clan. How can you bully people like this?" Chu Jinhong complained viciously.

Chu Junxia "Where did I bully you?"

"You don't do things properly, and you clearly know that I can't do that job." Chu Jinhong retorted.

Chu Junxia: "..."

"How many people are there in the camp who are responsible for teaching the Common Language of Foreigners?" Chu Jinhong asked again.

"More than 100 people. All of them have experience in teaching Mengtong," Chu Junxia said.

"Recruit some more. You don't have to have teaching experience, have ideas, and you can recruit those who think you can teach and let them try." Chu Jinhong said.

"That's not good?"

"There are more and more aliens now, but we haven't produced any results yet. Don't worry about yourself. Some people in the clan are also anxious. I heard many people talking behind their backs that this camp should not be opened at all.

They felt that these aliens might as well be captured and made slaves, and they could use them however they wanted. "

"What? Slave?" Chu Junxia looked at Chu Jinhong in surprise. "I learned from simple exchanges with them that the civilization of these people is not much worse than ours. And there are actually monks in their world. It's just that monks are very rare because of the thinness of aura.

Besides, their world is said to have a very large population.Not much less than us, and there are many capable people in the human race.If a large number of these aliens appear in our world in the future, I don't think it is a good thing to simply and rudely beat them directly as slaves.

It's better to follow the current route of the Patriarch, and try to see if they can be directly integrated into our world. "

"You civil servants really think too much. If there are a large number of aliens, it is impossible for you to fuse as soon as you want. They won't fight for themselves? Is it possible that you have to be integrated by you when you reach another world?" Chu Jin Hong felt that Chu Junxia, ​​a civil servant, was a little too naive. "Unless you are suppressed by force, you will definitely not be able to fuse. Besides, don't think that the Patriarch is playing fusion.

The head of the family is thinking deeply, how to deal with these strangers in the end, let's follow. "

Chu Junxia gave the other party a blank look without a word.Xin said that this lieutenant colonel, who is said to have never read a book, and even learned to read from his master, did not expect to be a rough but fine.

"I see, I will continue to recruit teachers and speed up the training of common language."

"That's right, we must have results. Only in this way can we not delay the affairs of the Patriarch. Neither of us can procrastinate. Especially you!" Chu Jinhong said.Before Chu Jinhong came, he also asked someone to get to know Chu Junxia.

Chu Junxia is very methodical in doing things.But this guy is just too methodical, so he seems a little grumpy.

Chu Junxia pointed his nose with his finger speechlessly, "You mean me? Where am I procrastinating?"

"You teach adults to learn a common language, not Mongolian children. What do you tell them to study for half a day in the morning every day, and learn a life skill such as weaving as they like in the afternoon. How can you do this?

You should let them study during the day and at night, except when they sleep.If you don't know how to study, you won't be given food, or you won't be able to eat well.Or whipping.

If you don't make strict demands on them, how can they master the common language as quickly as possible? "

Chu Junxia clicked his tongue when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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