The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 750 Fight to the death?

Chapter 750 Fight to the death?
Who can know?

Everyone's faces were pale.

"Back then, what were you thinking?" Someone asked with a frown.

"What can I think? It took countless generations of hard work for the Chu family to come to this point. The Chu family has finally revived. Now the Chu family is everyone's Chu family. If you say that the Chu family does not resist or struggle, I am happy. Give up all the benefits you have now. Then I will leave here with the hidden guards to protect the Patriarch and start a new one.

If you are willing to fight to the end, you will desperately keep my Chu family's foundation.Then I can guarantee that I must be the one who fights to the end, vowing to live and die with the family.

You see if you dare to work hard, dare to fight. "

Many of the high-level people present turned blue and black. "Are you crazy?"

"Could it be that the only solution you can think of at this time is to work hard?"

Everyone asked loudly.

"The only thing I can think of is a fight to the death!! If everyone fights to the death, then the Chu family will not die. If everyone has their own plans and wants to preserve their strength, and wait for the elite of the family to be exhausted, you will even run away in the end. No, do you believe it?" Chu Shinian said bluntly.

His words made the faces of some old guys turn green and red.

"A fight to the death? It is indeed a solution." Chu Zifei interjected at this time.

"Zifei, are you going crazy too?" An old man asked her, "Where's your ingenuity? What about your strategizing? Think about it, how many children of our Chu family are there in total, and you are willing to look at them." die?"

Chu Zifei's eyes were responsible, he looked at Chu Shinian who was sitting on the main seat with a cold face.

At this time, the Chu family seemed to be in a critical situation, but it would be a lie to say that there was no strategy at all.But Chu Shinian was not happy.His only request is to fight to the death for the whole clan! !
Chu Zifei knew the consequences of a deadly battle, and a large number of clan members would die.

Juveniles, youths, and adults will die one after another.It is very likely that one or two generations of outstanding members of the clan will die.

If someone else made this request, Chu Zifei would definitely not agree to him.Because apart from Chu Shinian, Chu Zifei felt that no one could do that.But this person was Chu Shinian, and Chu Zifei knew clearly that he was fine.

"No matter how wise I am, I can't match the rapid rise of our Chu family. The surrounding forces, whether they are humans or monsters, have suffered from pink eye disease. They cannot tolerate the continued development of the Chu family." Chu Zifei thought in his heart. bleeding.He knew what would happen if he cooperated with Chu Shinian.

Chu Zifei's words left everyone speechless.

Everyone knows how jealous the rapid development of the Chu family is, and they have deeply felt the covetousness of other forces.

"Hey, now my Chu family is a big piece of fat." Someone said.

"How about giving up some islands, or operating sea lanes with other forces?" someone asked.

"If they give up, they can let us go? We gave up some islands, maybe they want all the islands." Someone said.

"How about we give up the third-order spiritual vein?"

"Why don't I give up your branch." Chu Shinian sarcastically said to him. "I will drive you out together!"

The other party stopped immediately, and didn't make another sound.

"The power of a deadly battle is too great. It means killing one thousand enemies and harming yourself by eight hundred. I think everyone should be cautious."

Hearing this, Chu Shinian said, "Actually, we don't have much time. Other forces have already joined forces to attack us. If we don't fight to the death now, there is still a slight chance of winning in the future. If the family falls apart, you and I will die in battle."

Anyway, if you choose to give up your family, I won't stick around for you.

I, Chu Shinian, have only been loyal to the head of the family since I became the commander of the dark guard.When the owner is there, the family is there.Once I judge that you can't keep the family, I will leave here with the Patriarch and seek another development. "

"You are shameless."

"Are you crazy?"

"Chu Shinian, you bastard."


Facing the angry scolding of a group of young and old gentlemen of the Chu family, Chu Shinian's face was as calm as a statue.

"Just say fight or not?"

Isn't this forcing everyone to fight to the death?
The core executives of the Chu family all looked ugly at the beginning.Once they collectively agree to fight to the death, the family will mobilize all the young and strong who can fight, until the family is completely annihilated.

"Our Chu family only has hundreds of thousands of people." Someone yelled loudly.

"If everyone can be twisted into a rope, so that all members of the family work hard for the development of the family, then even if there are only a few thousand people, the family can develop rapidly.

If everyone is not united, so what if there are hundreds of thousands of people in the family, if there is a mess, I just want to escape instead of protecting the family members, no matter how many deaths I don’t feel sorry for. "Chu Shinian said indifferently.

The Chu family developed too fast, and the family was too rich.

In less than ten years, many tribesmen have developed a mercenary mindset.Don't think about your family, just think about yourself.If it weren't for the fact that the family's rules were still strict and the secret guards were still monitoring them, what would this group of suddenly rich guys be like?
It's time to ring the alarm bells for them.

This event was a big training session.For those who were not willing to participate, Chu Shinian felt that they should be kicked out.

The family does not raise waste.

"Do you have to take this step?" A frail middle-aged man with a pale face asked solemnly.

"Why don't you have any good ideas?" Chu Shinian asked back.

The other party frowned, and it took a while to arrive, "I can think of several methods, alas, all of them are only suitable for the stable age."

"Me too." Chu Zifei also sighed.

In fact, all the elites present were the elites of the Chu clan, and at worst they were not too stupid.

So many people saw through Chu Shinian's thoughts.But this tactic was too ruthless, directly targeting the real members of the Chu family.

"Okay, let's make a statement, whether to fight or not to fight." Chu Shinian continued to urge.

"I want to see the owner of the house."

"I want to see the Patriarch too. I don't believe that the Patriarch made such a cruel decision."

"Chu Shinian, go and invite the Patriarch. We want to see the Patriarch."

The high-level people present proposed to meet the Patriarch.

"I'm here." Taohua reluctantly walked out of the back hall wearing a mask.If you don't toss her out, these just won't give up.

"The Patriarch doesn't need to come out, I can handle it." Chu Shinian took the initiative to give up the chair to Taohua, and then stood behind her.

"I know, but if it gets too big, everyone will be ashamed. It won't be like that." Tao Hua said. "Come on, let's continue talking, whether we can fight to the death or not."

(End of this chapter)

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