The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 751 A Safe Place to Stay

Chapter 751 A Safe Place to Stay

"Patriarch, what are your thoughts? Why do you force the whole clan to fight to the death?" An old man asked angrily.

Taohua directly asked the secret guards to put some secret documents in everyone's hands and circulate them to everyone.

"I don't know if you know it or not. Some clansmen are promoting the resources of the clan below, and they can live better without the clan. Anyway, they are restricted in the clan and they are not free. They have frequent contacts with outside forces. .”

Some elders who found information about their nephews trembled.

"I don't know whether you know or not. There is a popular saying among many parents of the family that they go to the people with other surnames, and the in-laws go forward. The main line and branches of the Chu family have earned the credit."

Some high-ranking officers in the army immediately turned black.

"There are still some guys who preach that it is wrong to kill demons. People have parents, and demons also have parents. Since we can pity and sympathize with people, why can't we pity and sympathize with demons... I want to ask you, who in our family The child is raised so stupidly?"

Quite a number of people who went through the confidential documents and saw the records of their relatives blushed and turned pale.

"What is this, what is this?" Taohua smashed the stack of confidential documents in her hand onto the small table beside her. "It's only been a few years. I really don't know how you guys educate the younger generation?"

Everyone bowed their heads together.

"Is there anyone who advocates that people from the upper world have better hair than us, and even organize a group to join the people from the upper world?"

"Patriarch..." Someone couldn't hold it anymore, and said blushingly, "It was my mistake."

"What's more, I feel that my family has earned enough, and the family property is also there. As long as I lie flat, I can live a comfortable life. What do you mean? There are not so many ancestors in the clan who sacrificed, and there are not so many seniors in the clan who fought against their peers." At the forefront, will they be able to lie flat safely in the back?

Now that the family is struggling, they still want to lie down and lose face? "

The Patriarch's questioning made more people feel that their skin was burning hot.

"This is a test. If you don't want to stay in the family, let them go." Tao Hua said calmly.


Many high-level people bowed and stood up in unison.

If it is said that Chu Shinian has made outstanding achievements, then the patriarch of the Chu family who was brought up by one hand is unrivaled in his achievements.

Years of accumulating prestige made her more feared by the core executives of the Chu family than Chu Shinian.

So as soon as she stepped forward, she could immediately forcibly suppress the dissatisfaction and resentment of various core executives.No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, they finally made a decision to fight to the death.

As soon as they leave, the order of the whole clan to fight to the death will be sent to all directions.

When everyone left, the middle-aged man with a pale face and frail body and Chu Zifei stayed behind.

"Patriarch, although the order to fight to the death has been communicated to all parties, I still feel that your decision is a bit reckless and a little out of date." Said the sickly middle-aged man with a pale face.

"In this world, how can there be so many opportunities for you to choose?" Tao Hua asked him bluntly, "Besides, if the family's hearts are completely broken, even I can't save it."

The sickly middle-aged said, "Actually, we only need to focus more on education, and within ten years we can reunite people's hearts."

"You think beautifully, but how can you gather people's hearts for ten years?" Tao Hua said speechlessly. "If we complete this battle to the death, we can cultivate a sense of family honor and family solidarity at once."

"Many people may be sacrificed." The other party said.

"The Chu family died at the age of 1000, and we have persisted for [-] years. Why don't we even dare to make sacrifices now?" Tao Hua questioned.

The other party's eyes froze immediately.

"Don't expect me to be able to do everything well and completely. I can only try my best to lead the Chu family to struggle and strive to survive. I have already planned to use the smallest sacrifice in exchange for the strength of the Chu family." Peach Blossom sighed. "Actually, whether it's Chu Ziyu or Chu Zifei, you all know in your heart that if the Chu family loses, everyone will not survive. And the end will not be good at all. Rather than dying tragically in the future, it is better to die bravely in battle."

Both of them were silent.

Since the Chu family made up their minds to fight to the death, they immediately began to publicize the hatefulness and despicability of the enemies everywhere.

For recruiting the children and people of the Chu family, see the desperate battle to encircle the Chu family.

The whole family is mobilized, as long as they are young and strong of the right age, they can go to various places to recruit barracks to become a sergeant.

All the cities are linked together, and the recruiting camps are activated one after another. Those with military experience are preferred.

On this day, dozens of 50-[-]-year-olds with missing eyes, hands, and legs walked into the Miryang Barracks.Claiming that they are all former veterans, they all once served in the Black Wolf Guard.He later retired due to disability.

If the Chu family doesn't dislike them, they are willing to contribute their own strength to the Chu family.

In the eyes of those who were present at the time, this was a bit of fantasy.How could the Chu family take in a group of disabled people? These people used to be the most powerful black wolf guards in Song Dynasty.

But what is surprising is that the Chu family really took them in.

Within a few days, people saw that these disabled veterans not only recovered their bodies, but also became monks.

The news spread throughout the Song Dynasty within a few days.

It even spread to neighboring countries.As a result, many disabled retired soldiers secretly contacted their comrades in the army and went to the Chu family to join the army together.

Get a new life for free, even if they die in battle again in the future, they feel that they are worth it.After all, whoever is disabled knows what a hard life it is.

These veterans are crazy.

In fact, this is a show that Taohua deliberately asked Lin Changge to help her.

Relying on a rumor, the Chu family took in 30 elite veterans in less than half a month.

Cultivators are easy to cultivate, but veterans who are proficient in battle formation and have rich experience in large-scale corps operations are scarce resources.With just these 30 veterans, the Chu family's millions of monks corps underwent a radical change in less than a month.

From a group of third-rate corps, they were directly promoted to second-rate.Not only the overall combat power has been greatly enhanced, but even the solemn and murderous spirit has soared a lot.

Coupled with a large number of monster war horses, flying boats, and flying mounts, the Chu family wiped out all the chaotic and rebellious forces on their territory in a short time.

However, a steady stream of sergeants gathered, barracks rose from the ground, and a large amount of supplies were consumed.The granaries that have been stored in many cities for several years are exhausted in just a few months.Some people deliberately spread the news that there was no food in the major cities, which caused great panic among the common people in the Chu family's territory.

Many families have again decided to move with their families.

Now that the Chu family is going to fight, this is no longer the safe place they expected to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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