The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 753 Jinlu Dan and Jinchen Yuye Dan

Chapter 753 Jinlu Dan and Jinchen Yuye Dan

Chu Qiu's wife Li Lanniang served as one of the hosts of the auction.She has to be there early.

"Okay, okay, here we come." Chu Qiu hurriedly got the maids out of the way, signaling them to stop.The last corner jade plaque was hung for him by his wife Li Lanniang.

"All these protective jade tokens will be activated for me in a while, do you know?" Li Lanniang urged him.

"Don't worry, I'm awake." The two have been married for more than 20 years, and the oldest grandson is nine years old.But the relationship between husband and wife is still very good.Chu Qiu smiled at his wife and said, "Didn't Sanlang and Shiro cry when they left home?"

"Why are you crying?" Lan Niang gave her husband a blank look. "Although Sanlang and Shiro have been raised a bit delicate since they were young, they are still very sensible. It won't be long before they join the army to fight and fight. You can see that they are appointed to be independent."

In fact, both the husband and wife knew that the children were going to join the army this time, and it was very difficult for them to come back alive.But they sent the child out anyway.

Not for anything else, just because the Chu family is their home.If you can't even keep your own home, where can you escape to live?
"I've made up my mind. After completing this auction task, I plan to go to the front line."

"I plan to go too." Lan Niang said seriously after hearing what her husband said. “You can’t just send kids to war.”

"You stay at home, the family can't do without a backbone. If you leave too, the daughters-in-law will be completely panicked. Then what about our grandchildren? Who cares about them?" Chu Qiu obviously disagreed. .

"...Let's talk about it when the time comes. I heard that Uncle Seven's family has been driven away?" Lan Niang asked again.

"Uncle Qi's family insists on letting everyone know about Chu Chengqian, who will he deal with if the main line is not dealt with?" Chu Qiu said very speechlessly. "I don't know what else he's thinking about. It's not good to go to anyone. He has to go to Chu Chengqian. I heard that the people who went to him at the beginning are not very happy now."

"Isn't Baicao Pavilion secretly supporting Chu Chengqian and the others? Giving pills, all kinds of Lingshi spar resources and so on." Lan Niang said in surprise.

"Baicao Pavilion is to give them resources, but for a while, not for a while. I heard that Baicao Pavilion's support for Chu Chengqian and the others has not been very stable. Chu Chengqian's own family property is not enough for their daily consumption. Yes. If Baicao Pavilion fails to send resources, or the resources are delivered late, they will have to go guest robbers to rob some resources for their own cultivation."

Lan Niang's eyes widened, "Can it still be like this?"

"How about it? They say it's a split Xiaozong. But the Xiaozong branches of our family are actually self-sufficient. They can't even support themselves, and they have to rely on robbery to make ends meet.

What's the difference between this and those casual cultivators outside?
It's a pity that the brothers and children of Uncle Qi's family were all innocently implicated. "Chu Qiu finally let out a long sigh.

Lan Niang wanted to say, there is no other way, even though Uncle Qi is not clear-headed, he preached that Chu Chengqian is good, but he got caught? !
"Did they confiscate their property after they were driven away?" Lan Niang asked.

"Yeah, in the last few months, we have confiscated about a dozen houses in Longshan alone. They are all surnamed Chu or have some relationship with the Chu family." Chu Qiu looked a little sad.

"I really think it would be beneficial to pick out these black apples." Lan Niang felt that her ears had become much cleaner recently.

"Let's go quickly. Don't be late." Chu Qiu checked the time, and still pulled his wife to go out quickly.


The scene of the Jizhen Auction was very lively. Before the official start, life was full of excitement, and everyone was discussing the last few finale items enthusiastically.

Chu Qiu is in charge of overall field control.

The first one to preside over the opening was the most experienced auctioneer in the original Chu's auction, Mr. Gu Yegu.

The old man is in his sixties, full of energy, with a flushed face.

Although he is not a mortal with spiritual roots, he is in the Chu family and there is no shortage of various pills that can prolong life and increase strength, vitality and blood.So the old man was blushing after eating.

"Thank you very much for coming to my Chu family's rare auction. My name is Gu Ye. I have been in the auction industry for decades. We are not talking nonsense this year. The first item to be auctioned is the third-order spiritual fruit Bauhinia As a result, there are a total of ten pieces in one group. The starting price is [-] spirit stones, and each increase in price shall not be less than [-] spirit stones."

"1000 Yuan Lingshi."

"One thousand and five."

"One thousand and eight."

"Two thousand."

"Two thousand three..."

Soon this group of ten Bauhinia fruits of the third-order spiritual fruit climbed to [-] spiritual stones, and finally sold at [-] spiritual stones.

Gu Ye asked someone to take away the lot in his hand, and took out another set of crystal fruits.

"Third-rank Bauhinia fruit is still a low-grade third-rank fruit. Although it looks a bit ordinary, it only sold [-] spirit stones in the end. To be honest, it's a bit small. It seems that a group of ten spirit stones in a third-rank fruit can only be sold for [-]. What's the price of the spirit stone?" Gu Ye said boldly.

There were boos from the audience.

"Okay, okay, the value of Bauhinia fruit is indeed a bit low. The group I took out now is Yuye fruit, the third-rank low-grade. Everyone knows that Yuye fruit is the main material of Jinchen Yuye pill. This Jinchen Yuye pill You may not have heard of it before. But I am talking about its other name, and everyone knows it. Everyone knows that if you want to increase the breakthrough rate and safety rate, you need to use the bodiless Dan.

Then what kind of medicine is needed to break through from the Divine Stage Realm to the Purple Mansion Realm?

That is the golden lodan.

Swallow the golden dew, condense the purple mansion, that's what it says.

This Jinludan is called Jinludan in the upper world, and here we have an imitation product called Jinchenyuyedan. "


The entire auction site was like a frying pan.

Not to mention the foreigners from the upper realm, even the native forces in this realm are terrified. Oh my God, Jin Ludan has just been released not long ago.After this great change in the terrestrial veins, the world relaxed its restrictions, and the monks could break through the Purple Mansion Realm and cultivate to the Purple Mansion Realm Dzogchen.

The Chu family has already started to openly auction the imitation of Jinludan, Jinchenyuyedan.

how come?
too suddenly……

If the Chu family had mastered the Jinchen Yuye Pill, wouldn't they already have a group of cultivators in the Purple Mansion Realm?

Why did the more I thought about it, the more terrifying it became?

Many people from the hostile forces of the Chu family began to turn blue and black.

"Even if this kind of jade fruit is not refined into Jinchen Yuye Pill, it still has [-]% of the effect of assisting breakthroughs. And there is no erysipelas, and it can be used in combination. You can eat two if one is not enough, and three if you don't want one." .

The starting price for this group of Yuye fruits is [-] spirit stones.Each price increase should not be less than three hundred spirit stones. "

(End of this chapter)

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