The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 754 Level 6 Golden Dew, Jade Fruit and Gold and Silver Fruit Dew

Chapter 754
There was an uproar, an uproar.

Yang Xianzhi and Fu Luyi all stood up from the chairs in the private room.Everyone looked in horror at a half-open wooden box containing two fruits on the display stand below.

"It's impossible, it's impossible." Fu Luyi screamed out of composure.

"Seven thousand spirit stones." Someone shouted impatiently.

"Eight thousand."

"Nine thousand spirit stones."

"Ten thousand spirit stones."

"Eleven thousand spirit stones."

The many monks present shouted one after another.All of a sudden, the atmosphere of the scene was heated up.

Soon the price of Yuye Fruit climbed to [-] spirit stones... But this price did not stop its popularity, and continued to climb.

"It's impossible, the Golden Dew Pill has only been on the market for a few months. And when the worlds merged in the previous life, there was no Jin Chen Yu Ye Pill!!" Fu Luyi said angrily. "What the hell is the Chu family? How did they come up with Jin Chen Yu Ye Pill?"

"Calm down. Don't get angry. We all know that these native humans in the lower realm are essentially no different from the humans in our divine world. When the world merged last time, they imitated many of our elixirs. This time they are still the same. There are many imitations. They have people who are responsible for large-scale research and imitation of our elixir, so it is not surprising that some imitations are produced." Meng Zan said.

"How can it not be strange? They didn't imitate it in the previous world fusion, so why did they imitate it this time? Why? We haven't imitated Jinludan before." Fu Luyi said angrily.

"We actually prevented it from coming out. It's a pity that Jinludan was first invented and refined. As long as that person is still alive, no one can imitate the elixir she loves." Meng Zan said with a wry smile.

Fu Luyi suddenly came over. "I understand. Don't those indigenous humans rely on the fact that they are indigenous and are not under the jurisdiction of the court?"

"Indeed." Meng Zan said with a sigh.

Soon Yuye Fruit was called [-] Lingshi, and there were still people bidding nervously.In the end, this group of ten Yuye fruits was sold for a sky-high price of [-] spirit stones.This time, the Chu family simply made money like crazy.

Four of this group of Yuye fruits were sent to Meng Zan and others soon.

Yang Xianzhi first picked up a Yuye fruit, observed it carefully for a long time and said, "Sure enough, it is different from our Shenting Yuye fruit. There are silver filaments in it. Jinlu fruit is also a crystal fruit like this." , there is a trace of golden filaments inside.

This should be the legendary Jinluyuye fruit that returned to the ancestors, right? "

Meng Zan also deliberately cleaned his hands before grabbing a fruit and inspecting it carefully, and then observing the color and aroma, and finally sliced ​​off a small piece of fruit with a pocket knife.

After tasting it, he sighed and said, "It really is the Jinluyuye fruit that returns to the ancestors."

"What is the ancestral Jinluyuye fruit?" Fu Luyi frowned, obviously she was from Baicao Pavilion, but Yang Xianzhi seemed to understand the fruit in front of him better than her.

"Look at this Yuye fruit, it is actually the same kind of fruit as Jinlu fruit." Meng Zan pointed to the fruit in his hand. "In the early ancient years, before the court of God was broken and torn, the aura was rich and full of inspiration. Jinluyuye fruit is called Yuye fruit when it is below the third level, and silver threads are condensed in each fruit. The fruit above the fourth rank is called Jinlu fruit, and each fruit is condensed with gold threads. The fruit above the sixth rank is called Jinluyuye fruit. At that time, the fruit will contain a kind of heaven and earth spiritual treasure, gold and silver fruit dew. It is very precious.

Later, I don't know what happened, the only remaining fruit of this kind is the golden dew fruit without gold threads, which is the third rank.There is also Yuye fruit, which is not advanced in how to cultivate it, and there is no silver thread. "

After hearing Meng Zan's words, Fu Luyi looked at her little uncle in shock.

"Then we don't even have them, how did they grow?" Fu Luyi asked puzzled.

"Spirit Mountain." Meng Zan said in a heavy tone.

"What? Lingshan, isn't it the sixth level to be a Lingshan?" Fu Luyi was taken aback. "Could it be that they already have a Lingshan now? Impossible?"

"The prototype of Lingshan is also Lingshan. The prototype of third-order Lingshan is enough for some spiritual plants to undergo atavistic mutations."

Meng Zan's tone suddenly made Fu Luyi's head go hot.

"Just the prototype of the third-order Lingshan can make Lingzhi return to its ancestors and mutate?" Fu Luyi's tone was trembling. "Then we have so many spiritual mountains in the Divine Court..."

"The spirits that are born in the Lingshan in the Shenting are limited every year, and they are all taken away by the major forces. They will not be released to cause the ancestral mutation of any spiritual plant. There are too many ideas needed to induce the ancestral mutation of the spirit plant. And it's not bad if one out of ten thousand trees can return to the ancestors. But if ten thousand spiritual plants want to have rent-back mutations, it takes a lot of inspiration.

Do you think that spiritual energy revived in the court? "

Fu Luyi's eyes were resentful: "..."

"Even if there are inspirations in Shenting, they are taken away. It's not like here where inspirations are everywhere, and they are absorbed and collected casually." Yang Xianzhi said with a smile.

"That's right." Meng Zan immediately agreed.If it weren't for the edge of opportunity here, where inspirations are everywhere, why would everyone willingly take the risk of falling and seal their cultivation bases down.

"Then the Chu family is really lucky." Fu Luyi frowned.

Meng Zan didn't speak, but thought to himself, if it wasn't for his luck, how could he be targeted by the big bosses above.But to be honest, the Chu family's luck is too fast, and I don't know what the boss is doing?
We must know that the faster and more Chu's urges the luck, the less the boss will get in the end.

"Now that it has been proved that this Yuye fruit is really returning to the ancestors, then my people will be withdrawn." Yang Xianzhi said suddenly.

"What?" Fu Luyi hadn't reacted yet.Meng Zan's expression changed.

"Mr. Yang is too cautious, isn't he?" Meng Zan said angrily.

"The Chu family now owns tens of millions of ginseng plants, but they only sell a dozen ginseng seeds in each auction. Although I don't know how many blood spirit flowers they plant, I know that they sell ginseng seeds every time they auction. Will also only sell a few blood spirit dew.

Now they only sell one set of Yuye fruit. To be honest, I am very worried about my people.I am afraid that their entire army will be wiped out. "Yang Xianzhi said.

"Impossible. Yuye fruit is not so easy to grow, and it is impossible to have so many third-level Yuye fruits at once. You must know that from no entry, to mutation into first-level, and then to second-level, third-level, That's one hundred thousand, one or two trees out of a million is not bad.

Even with the help of the prototype of Lingshan, how many Yuye fruit trees can they return to their ancestors? "

(End of this chapter)

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