The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 760 Pregnancy

Chapter 760 Pregnancy

In fact, the refining equipment must first have a powerful refining furnace. Without a furnace, what else can you refine?
But the Chu family's refining furnace, the highest mass production is only the second-rank top grade.

There is no one batch three-stage furnace.

Chu Anguo and the others are also intensely studying at this time.They also bought some refining furnaces from the market.Some have been handed down from the upper realm, and there are also relics excavated from certain ruins in this realm.

Firstly, the various formations they have mastered are not comprehensive, and secondly, the materials are flawed.Every time the furnace is refined, it is not a serious third-grade furnace.At a critical moment, either the temperature is not enough, or the fryer.

Or the quality of the refined products is not good, not as good as the quality of other people's refined products.

The third-stage refining furnaces on the market today all have various problems of one kind or another.There is no problem with the refining furnace from the upper realm. You can't disassemble it at will, and the formation in the furnace will be damaged if you dismantle it.People are also on guard against you.

Let’s talk about materials. Occasionally you can get some high-quality materials to make a similar stove. The problem is that you can’t mass-produce them with just such a few materials.

So Chu Anguo and the others felt bitter, they were all in tears.

This time, the two groups of people were put together, and many formation masters were added to them.If it doesn't work, Taohua will continue to help them cheat.In fact, when the world merged last time, the locals did not imitate the serious third-tier and fourth-tier refining furnaces.

The stoves flowed down from the upper realm, so the craftsman's job was very controlled by the upper realm, and many aggrieved craftsmen changed their careers.

It was not until 60 years after the spiritual energy recovered that a genius refiner in this world invented a very good third-stage refiner.But that craftsman was soon recruited by a big family in the Upper Realm.So the stove is gone.

After another month or so, the refining workshop that had been relocated from the Upper Realm really started to work this time.A large number of refining products spread all over the continent.The various refining products sold by their family have been greatly reduced in profit.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the talisman paper. Now the first-order talisman paper can only buy 150 spirit coins for a thousand feet.

If it weren't for the Chu family's own production of various raw materials, the talisman paper alone would have cost them their pants.

However, as the refining workshops in the upper realm further purchase mountains and forests, the advantages of the Chu family's own raw materials will gradually be offset.

In the end, many poorly managed refining workshops went bankrupt directly.

On the side of the Chu family, in terms of pills, all kinds of triumphant advances.However, refining products and workshops are gradually declining.Business is dwindling.

Many people were in a hurry, and many people kept writing letters to the Patriarch to express their worries.What's the use of worrying about it? Don't you have to find a way to change the status quo?Chu Shinian withheld all these useless worry letters.

Not for anything else, mainly because Taohua is pregnant.

Although the days are still young, Chu Shinian treasures his wife, he is busy with all kinds of things, and he doesn't want her to know anything bad.

Because when the month gets older, the baby alone will be enough to distract her.

So Taohua simply wrote to her elder brother to ask him to come back and manage the family affairs quickly, and take over the old man's stall.Then he used Qi Tianjian to draw out the internal formation drawings of several third-tier low-grade, middle-grade and high-grade refining furnaces that he had collected in the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

After drawing the blueprints, Chu Shinian gave them to Chu Anguo and the others.

With these complete blueprints, Chu Anguo and the others should be able to save a lot of research time.

She can help them cheat on blueprints, but not on materials.Do it yourself, if it doesn't work, she will lose for a few years, the Chu family can still bear it.After all, there are pills that are still sweeping money crazily.

After another two months, without knowing whose handwriting it was, the crafting workshops in the Upper Realm unexpectedly united to cut prices.

A thousand sheets of first-order talisman papers are sold for only 60 Yuan Lingcoins.

This is crazy, and the cost is not enough.Shout out at a loss!
Taohua immediately took the similar items from her family off the shelves and stopped producing them.Even if the artisans belonging to the family have no work, they are supported by the family.The other craftsmen were miserable. The workshops without business went bankrupt one after another, and the craftsmen lost their jobs.

But there is no need to worry about this, because as long as they are capable, the Chu family is still employing various craftsmen.

It's just that as the Chu family recruited more and more craftsmen, the pressure on the Chu family itself became greater and greater.

Many people knew the plight of the Chu family's crafting workshop, and suggested that the family give up this line, or give up some unprofitable workshops and craftsmen.

But Taohua didn't do that. If she gives up now, if she wants to get back in the future, she will have to spend several times, dozens of times the price.Although the burden is a bit heavier now, this small amount of money is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of rearranging similar workshops and recruiting craftsmen in the future.

And Chu Anguo and other refiners were even more worried.

The pressure was too great, and they were all mentally weak.Fortunately, the head of the family was at the forefront, which allowed them to continue to study the third-tier refining furnace.They don't expect any fourth-order now.Just get the third order out first.

However, there is really a big gap between the third-tier refining furnace and the second-tier refining furnace, especially when it comes to mass production.

If they just refine a furnace at any cost, then they have already made a third-tier low-grade and a third-tier middle-grade.

Taohua even sent over some ores produced in the Jinxing Underground Palace in the Five Elements Underground Palace.But still can not solve a problem, mass production.

In addition to the matter of the Tier [-] refining furnace, the redeveloping small world that was originally sealed in the leylines in Yanbo is also about to emerge.Originally, according to Taohua's prediction, it should be sealed in the earth veins and raised for five or six years.

But now it feels that it can be born.

What a shame!
Taohua is just pregnant, and she doesn't want to worry about these messy things at all.

But there is no way, the solution still has to be solved.

Taohua recalled the terrain map of mountains and rivers in the entire northwest region.Then he called Chu Shinian back.She took out a huge blueprint of various areas around her property.Then a small flag was inserted on it. "You take this place for me."

Chu Shinian frowned silently, "The whole place is a bit far from our territory."

"Get it done, there should be suitable materials for refining the furnace." Tao Hua tried hard to think about it before saying.

"Okay, then leave this place to me. You go back and lie down first, and if you can't lie down, go for a walk in the garden." Chu Shinian said to Taohua with concern.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Tao Hua said reassuringly.

(End of this chapter)

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