The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 761 Chu Zixian

Chapter 761 Chu Zixian

After the Chu family stabilized themselves and defeated the hostile forces from all over the place, they hadn't been quiet for a few months when they suddenly hit Zhang Yu's mansion like a convulsion.Just tear off half of Zhang Yufu.

In less than half a month, the entire western part of Zhang Yu was occupied.Only the eastern half of Zhang Yu was left to Fan Zeng, the Chancellor of Zhang Yu's Mansion.

Fan Zeng sent someone to negotiate with Chu Shinian with harsh words many times, but Chu Shinian ignored him.

"Head, Fan Zeng has been asking why we have to seize half of his Zhang Yufu?" Chu Ziyan smiled at Chu Shinian holding an official document in a ruffian manner.

The area of ​​Zhangyu is much larger than that of Myitkyifu.There are only seven cities in Myitkyi Province.And Zhang Yufu has ten cities.This is still the original jurisdiction.

Now the Chu family has Xifeng City, Changyang, Miryang, Fengyang, Yuyang, Chengyang, Jiangyang, Xianyang, Ziyang and Qingyang, as well as Tishan and Fushui, a total of twelve cities.

And Zhangyu also has ten cities, namely Lingshan in the west, Caoyang, Jiangyang, Guangyin and Hanqiu, and Pengcheng.And Zhangyu, Guangxing, Rongqing and Yugu in the east.

Jiangyang returned to the Chu family early on, and now there are still nine ancient cities left in Zhangyu Mansion.The Chu family directly sent troops to occupy Lingshan, Caoyang, Guangyin, Hanqiu and Pengcheng powerfully.Zhang Yu gave birth to Sicheng, and Fan Zeng's lungs were about to explode.

Although he knew that Chu Shinian would not give up on Zhang Yu and would not let him go.But when he really saw Chu Shinian sending troops to occupy the land without showing any shame, he almost died of anger.

He couldn't beat him again and again, so Fan Zeng kept writing to disgust Chu Shinian.

They kept slandering him, making Chu Shinian's reputation as a traitor and traitor resound throughout the Song Dynasty.

"What's the reason? Zhang Yu is the flesh around our mouths." Chu Shinian raised his head slightly, pulling his eyes out of the official document.

Ahhh, Chu Xinjia almost burst out laughing.Chu Shinian glanced at him lightly again, and the guy quickly lowered his head to review the official document.

"Then why don't we occupy the entire Zhang Yu Mansion?" Chu Ziyan asked in confusion.

"I can't take it." Chu Shiyou frowned, his color bright.

"Why can't we take it? Our Chu family is not empty." Chu Ziyan said unconvinced.

"No one can take it," Chu Shinian said.

"Huh?" Chu Ziyan was even more puzzled, why couldn't he take it?

Chu Xinjia raised her head from the official document again, and said to Chu Ziyan amusedly, "Your brain is not as fast as Pei Zigong's. Can't you imagine why our Chu family can't occupy the other four cities and the eastern part of Zhangyu?"

Although Chu Ziyan was not annoyed that Chu Xinjia said that he was not as quick as Pei Zigong, he was still quite curious about why the family didn't occupy the entire Zhang Yu, so he asked obediently, "Why is that?"

"Because there are too many people and the city is too old to accommodate so many people. That's why we slowed down and didn't occupy the whole territory of Zhangyu. If we don't occupy the whole territory of Zhangyu, we have to continue to work for us anyway, and we still don't pay wages. "Chu Xinjia laughed.

"The city is too old?" Chu Ziyan was even more puzzled after hearing this.

Hahaha, Chu Xinjia laughed out loud.

"Zixian, you come and tell him."

Chu Zixian, like Pei Zigong and Chu Ziyan, were the secret guards of the previous generation.However, before Chu Zixian had a mission and left the Chu family, he just came back after the mission was completed.As soon as he came back, Chu Shinian promoted him to Captain Youxianwei Zuo, who was directly subordinate to the Patriarch.

This is an official position that Chu Shinian had just established.

The Chu family's elite legion on land were all incorporated into You Xianwei.There are quite a few lieutenants in charge of each legion, but the only lieutenant directly above them is Chu Zixian, who was newly promoted by airborne.

The sea legion is still reorganizing and clearing the sea beast tribe.When they are reorganized, they will be renamed Sea Guards.

With the increasing number of the Chu family's legion, the family management is becoming more and more unsmooth, and reorganization is imperative.In fact, the captains of the major legions in the family have already known it in their hearts.

After the reorganization, the able will go up and the mediocre will go down.

Some people will be bleak in the future, but some people will skyrocket.

Chu Zixian smiled, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, he was also handsome and elegant, and his big eyes were full of affection.His whole person's style is the demeanor of a sage outside the world, even his voice is particularly magnetic and soft.

"Chu Zixian, I've said enough, who are you going to seduce here?" Chu Ziyan shouted dissatisfied.When Chu Zixian was back then, the women in Anwei Zhuangzi liked him no matter their age.It's crazy! !
When Chu Zixian heard his words, his smile became even more coquettish.

The beauty of the prosperous age is the big killer in his hands, and it's useless for that kid Chu Ziyan to be jealous.

"You, you, you can't even see this." He really deserved to be the best thug candidate.Chu Zixian said in his heart.

When Chu Shinian finally left Chu Ziyan behind, everyone was still unconvinced at first, but after thinking about it carefully, they figured it out.Chu Shinian really had sharp eyes, and he could see right away that Chu Ziyan was a good knife.Where to kill where.

Chu Xinjia is a veteran again, so it is inevitable that they will lose the election.

The task arranged for him by the Biguo family is also very good. This time he completed the task, and originally planned to stay there to develop secretly.It's a pity that the family is too short of people, so he can only give up his good foundation there and return to the family to be a document reviewer.

But if you give up, just give up. The hidden piles over there have already risen at home. Although the thrilling life is far away from me, it feels good to be in power.

"What's the secret, tell me quickly." Chu Ziyan urged her.

Chu Zixian said with a smile, "Zhangyu, or the many cities in the northwest, were not built more than 1000 years ago before the Song Dynasty was established, or were built later when the Song Dynasty was at its peak. The youngest city is also 80 years old. up.

They are all very old.Many facilities simply cannot keep up with the population growth.Besides, after the recovery of spiritual energy, the terrain often changes greatly, and the walls of various old cities crack and collapse.

Many city walls are patched and patched.Some walls simply cannot be mended.Just give up and become big holes.

But as the monsters and beasts on the mainland became more and more active, mortals gathered towards the major cities, and the villages and towns were abandoned by them.Therefore, the population of cities all over the world has exceeded the normal capacity of the city.This also makes these cities dirty and smelly.

It is better to build a new city directly. "

After hearing this, Chu Ziyan realized, "But building a city requires money, as well as manpower and material resources. It is very troublesome. The most important thing is that the population of the original city must be resettled first, so we will occupy a few cities for the time being." ? To lighten the burden on the family?"

(End of this chapter)

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