The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 766 Spicy Eyes

Chapter 766 Spicy Eyes

In her previous life, Tao Hua was also brought up by a nanny when she was a child. Although her mother was very kind to her, she was almost weak.It's not as loving and comfortable as she was after she was reborn as Little Peach Blossom.

She loves her own baby, she is doing well, and naturally hopes that her baby will be the same as herself.

What happened to Chu Shinian learning how to take care of the baby?
"Mom, my sister didn't say anything, when will you bring the baby back to see us?" Tao Hua looked at Chu Qi's guiding Chu Shinian, and asked with a smile while watching.

"She said she was busy and didn't have time, and she asked you to go and see her when you have time." Chu Qi was speechless when he thought of his troubled eldest daughter.

"That's fine, I'll go there when I have time later." Tao Hua smiled.

"Thanks to your good temper, your sister is really smart, but she really doesn't care much about the world. If this happens to sisters and sisters-in-law who are sensitive and thoughtful, can you offend them to death?" After hearing this, Chu Qi said with emotion.

"Mother, when you married my brothers, you were always picky and cheerful." Tao Hua laughed happily.

"Ha" Chu Qi said angrily, "Then you can do it? It's not your mother, I will marry a daughter-in-law, you must be liked by your brothers, otherwise, if you force him, he will not bow his head to marry you. Satisfied daughter-in-law."

"What's the matter? Which of my older brothers has a crush on someone, so why don't you fall in love with me?" Tao Hua asked thoughtfully.

"It's not from our family." Chu Qi said. "It's the eldest brother of your uncle's family. She wants to marry someone your uncle doesn't like. That girl is so delicate and she likes to pretend to be sick. Is she a person who can live in peace? Your uncle always You're going to be so angry that you're holding your elder brother to your death to prevent him from marrying. Your elder brother actually wants to live in a separate family when you're together."

"It's not like my elder brother has no hands or feet. If he wants to marry, let him marry. There's nothing wrong with living in separate households. My uncle and sister-in-law don't want to be the servants of my sister-in-law." Taohua said sincerely.The direct lineage of the Chu Qi family is gone.Parents passed away early, and there is no real brother. This eldest brother belongs to the uncle's family.It can be regarded as the closest blood relationship in her family, and she usually walks around as a serious relative.

"Then how can I do it? Knowing that such a person is not suitable for your elder brother, how can you let him marry? Isn't that going to delay your son's life?" Chu Qi said worriedly.

"It's really my uncle's idea. Mom, believe it or not, my elder brother definitely doesn't think so. Whether it is suitable or not, it must be suitable if he likes it."

"Peach Blossom." Chu Qi scolded his daughter speechlessly.

"Mother, whether it's good or bad, the big brother lives with others, not the big aunt." Tao Huakai said to his mother. "Tell my aunt too, she doesn't have only one son. She likes any son, and she also likes her daughter-in-law, and she is willing to serve them and the old couple.

Why keep staring at big brother.It's not that the family doesn't have money, so they have to rely on their big brother to fight to survive? "

"What are you talking about?" Chu Qi slapped his daughter angrily, slapping her little hands.

As a result, she had just finished the beating when Chu Shinian pulled away her daughter's little hand, and even applied ointment on her in distress.

She, Chu Qi, swears that her daughter's skin is not even red.

This little son-in-law is so hot for the old lady...

She couldn't take it anymore, and she would go back to her old man tonight.

Taohua stared at Chu Shinian speechlessly, and pulled his hand away from her own.It's too embarrassing for her, her mother is still here! !

Chu Shinian: "..." If it wasn't for my mother-in-law who beat him, how could I just stare at him?
Chu Qi, who came back to her home at night, thought about it. What her little girl said was right. It's not that the family can't afford a little daughter-in-law. Why bother to divorce her son because she doesn't like her?

Not just one son.

Chu Qi simply wrote a letter to his sister-in-law and asked the servants at home to send it out.

Because of the short distance, the sister-in-law of the Qi family received a letter from her sister-in-law in the next room early the next morning.When she received the letter, she was arguing with her son.Her son almost didn't say that he wanted a daughter-in-law if he didn't want his father and mother, and then broke the door and left.

Fortunately, her husband is still a little sensible, so he can live well, and directly separated the eldest son from the old wife.

But the son was also angry, and the old wife was also angry.He was also depressed.After reading the letter, Mrs. Qi Qian thought for a long time before going directly to the eldest son. "You can marry whoever you want. I will separate the family in advance and separate you.

Your parents will give you everything you should have when you get married.Your wife is not someone your mother can look up to.If you still have a little bit of filial piety, you can live a good life with her and come to see me less, so that you can't see me, and I don't have to see you embarrassing. "

Qi Dalang's face was surprisingly ugly. "mother."

He doesn't understand, why is it so difficult to get along with?As for?Do you have to make things difficult for them?
But Qi Qian had heard of her son's liking a long time ago, and she always felt that the little lady was not a good thing.But being stubborn is also being stubborn, anyway, she couldn't be more stubborn than her son in the end.Then let them be fulfilled, and let them go away by the way.Don't stand in the way of your eyes.After all, with the constant support of her sister-in-law, her life is no worse than that of the Ming family.

They are all in-laws, although the Ming family has a prosperous business in mining.But their workshops and fields are not too small.

The [-] acres of the family are full of various medicinal materials.From common to rare, from short growing cycle to long growing cycle, everything that one expects to find.

"The family's medicine field will definitely not be distributed to you. Whoever raises our two elders will leave the field to whom." Qi Qian said.

"Mother, I'm the eldest son. If I don't raise my parents, who will let them grow old?" Qi Dalang asked speechlessly.

"Don't let me stop that little lady of yours. Aren't you determined to marry? You even said that you don't want your parents to marry her." Qi Qian asked in a very calm mood.

Qi Dalang: "..."

"You can live without your parents, and we dare to let you take care of your old age. There are six shops in the family. We have seven brothers and sisters in our family. You are a big man, so you can share one. Later, your father and I will try to earn money. One shop, then you brothers and sisters will be enough." After Qi Qian said this, her heart felt unprecedentedly peaceful.She fought with her son for more than a year, but still lost.

But if you lose, you lose, she doesn't want to fight anyway.Like what a villain she is.

"You have your own private house, so you can keep it for your family's expenses in the future. Your parents will give you the money for your marriage. The yard will give you a house. It's in Ziyang City. You can choose any of the four houses over there. set."

(End of this chapter)

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