The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 767 Amusement

Chapter 767 Amusement
"There are three houses around Qizhuang Town. Except for our old house, the other two houses are slightly smaller than you. I plan to leave those two houses to your two sisters. When you finish your marriage Your father and I are still in our prime, and we can earn a few more years and a few more houses. We will try to give each of you brothers and sisters a yard in the end.

That's all, the rest is my and your father's pension money, so you don't have to worry about it.Whoever supports us in the end will get the money. "

The corners of Qi Dalang's mouth twitched for a while, and he said dejectedly, "Okay, mother, I will follow your orders."

"As long as you are satisfied." Qi Qian said seriously.Anyway, she raised her son, and she gave everything that should be given.The rest they want and don't have.Whoever takes care of the old couple in the end gets those things, this is the fairness they can give as parents, that's all.

"Mom, what I said yesterday was all angry words. In fact, I just said that when I was in a hurry. I didn't mean not to support you." Qi Dalang explained.

"I know." Qi Qian smiled faintly, just like that. "Go over and discuss with your father, who will get the workshop and yard."

After Qi Qian said this, he felt extremely tired, and when he returned home, he was so tired that he fell asleep on the bed.When she woke up in the middle of the night, her husband Lang Qisheng asked with concern, "How is it? Do you feel uncomfortable? When I came back at noon, I found that you had a fever. Fortunately, there is still a Guyuan Pill at home."

When Qi Qian heard this, his flesh ached immediately, "That pill of Gu Yuan costs five or six spirit stones. Why don't you just go out and get some medicinal materials to fry for me?"

"You were always trying to be brave when you were young, and you are still the same now. Why can't our family afford the Guyuan Pill? How can you bring so many spirit stones into the tomb?" Qi Sheng complained angrily. "Besides, what are you arguing with Da Lang? You see, I don't care about him. Marry whoever you like! He is your son, not your man. You care so much about him. He is an adult, and we will raise him up enough. It's okay, he will support his own wife and children in the future, so we don't need to take care of him.

Whether it is good or bad is their own business, why are you so upset? "

In fact, when Qi Sheng strongly asked for the second time to go to the little lady of Du's house, Qi Sheng knew what Da Lang was thinking.Knowing a son is like a father, he can't see what his son is thinking.In fact, my own wife can also see it, but she just refuses to admit defeat.

In the end, I almost got angry, so why bother?

"Da Lang has his own ideas. We have five sons, so what if we don't live with him? Why do you seem to be obsessed with his retirement? You insist on getting involved in everything he does. You want to give him everything The best thing is that you are used to being selfish and only thinking about yourself.

If you don't let him marry the young lady of the Du family, he thinks that you ruined his good deed.You said you..."

"Can you stop talking. I've already fulfilled him." Qi Qian said angrily. "Besides, he is your son. You can't control him as a father. You still rely on me to spoil him too much?"

"Hey, you still want my sister to learn more. You see, their children Xiao Er and Xiao Liu are both born, and the other is going to have a baby next year. You see how smooth the marriage is. "Qi Sheng quickly changed the subject.

Qi Qian's heart hurts, she said to her heart, you think I don't know that my sister-in-law's family still doesn't want to get married? !
Forget it, children are debts.

Within a few days, the Chu Qi family received a letter from their eldest brother, inviting their whole family to attend their eldest son's wedding in half a month.

Half a month later, Tao Hua, Chu Shinian, and Chu Shiluo all accompanied Chu Qi's and Chu Dashan's couples to the Qi family to attend the wedding in a low-key manner.Qi Dalang's wedding was quite lively.It was Taohua who took a look at the bride and felt that she looked a little familiar.By the time she remembered who that lady was, Chu Shinian had already brought her back to Miyang City.She remembered that the little lady seemed to have seen her beside the original Changyang Ling Zhu Ting.

Qizhuang Town is very close to Miryang City, Chu Dashan and his wife, Chu Shiluo and Taohua all chose to live in Miryang after their wedding.Anyway, there are houses in their city to live in.

When she arrived at the residence, she asked someone to go out to investigate that Du Xiaoniang, and received a reply the next day. It turned out that Du Xiaoniang used to be Zhu Ting's concubine. Later, Zhu Ting dismissed some concubines that she no longer liked. was sent out.

After returning home, she devoted herself to marrying a suitable family, and finally chose her uncle's eldest cousin.

As long as she didn't have any bad intentions, Tao Hua didn't plan to bother.Anyway, she saw that her eldest cousin seemed to like him quite a lot.

Who knew that every few days, the young couple would come to find their elder brother.

"My mother has always been prejudiced against my wife, and the family has a workshop that cannot be maintained. We really have no way out, so we come to my brother for help." Dalang Qi begged Chu Shiluo pitifully.

Chu Shiluo cursed in his heart: If my mother hadn't told me about your family in advance, I would have believed your evil.

"Then how do you want me to help you?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"Can I enter your workshop to be a manager or something?" Qi Jia Dalang asked.

"You can only start as an apprentice." Chu Shiluo shook his head.The other party has no experience at all, and they just go up and do things, which would break the rules of the workshop.

"Then where can I be a steward?" Qi Jia Dalang asked.

"Why don't you start as an apprentice first, and I'll promote you when you're done?" Chu Shiluo discussed with Qi Dalang.

"I'm your cousin, can't I even be a steward?"

"What kind of workshop did your family use before?" Chu Shiluo asked in embarrassment.

"Fish processing."

"That's all right. My family also has a fish processing workshop. I'll find someone to take care of it. But you have to work hard. If you do something wrong, I will fire you."

Qi Dalang's face instantly became very ugly.He immediately stood up. "Do you just don't want to help me? Is it so difficult for you to support my family? My parents still say that your family is rich."

Chu Shiluo looked at him speechlessly, "Cousin, you are not young, you should be more sensible."

Qi Dalang gave Chu Shiluo a hard look angrily, and then dragged Du Xiaoniang away who was not at all willing to leave.

Chu Shiluo was amused by this big cousin.

"Why can't you start from the bottom, just because you are my cousin, as long as you perform a little bit, I can also promote you to be a manager or even a workshop leader. How can I treat you badly?"

Brother Xiong, the boy next to Chu Shiluo, said, "I think that guy has to work and get paid."

"Talk less."

(End of this chapter)

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