The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 768 Investing in the Maritime Fleet

Chapter 768 Investing in the Maritime Fleet
A few days after Qi Dalang's visit, his own father Qi Sheng came to see Chu Dashan.

"I heard that Da Lang came to look for Shi Luo?" Qi Sheng also regarded himself as an outsider, and immediately asked Chu Dashan straight to the point.

"Yeah, I taught Shi Luo a lesson, and he can't speak. He made his cousin feel wronged." Chu Dashan complained to his son first.

Qi Sheng shook his head directly, "Don't I know about my own son? Ten years ago, when the spiritual energy just recovered, my Dalang was only 12 years old. In the past ten years, our family has made a lot of money because of your brother-in-law's care.

Life is also looking better.Ordinarily, I am also a person who knows how to repay my kindness, and I educate my sons in this way.But the strange thing is that Dalang didn't inherit this from me at all.Of my five sons, he is the one with the most wonderful temperament.Petty, vindictive, and selfish.

The most terrible thing is that he is still soft-hearted, and he has promised his mother to marry someone else.As a result, Du Xiaoniang came to the door to cry and cry a few times, looking for death and life.He believed it was true, and insisted on going all out with his mother, and would rather give up his parents and run away to marry that Du Xiaoniang. "

Chu Dashan was speechless and widened his eyes, really surprised.

He didn't even know that Qi Dalang had such a disposition.He also went to Qi's house to visit relatives, and the Qi Dalang he met at that time was also a child who accepted gifts honestly.

Emma, ​​you missed it.

Seeing Chu Dashan's surprised eyes, Qi Sheng also said helplessly, "Let's not talk about you, if it weren't for Du Xiaoniang, our old couple would at most think that the eldest son is stingy, loves to hold grudges, and loves to compete with his brothers. This time because of Du Xiaoniang, he really exposed his details.

Alas, back then, my sister-in-law and I secretly laughed at Brother Ming's inability to educate our son about Brother Ming's family Minglou.Well, these hit the face directly.Qi Mingzhi is not a thing either. "Qi Mingzhi is the name of Qi Jia Dalang.

"When I talked about Minglou's departure, I also complained a little to Brother Li. He was unfair to the children, and Minglou went out independently. I heard what Brother Li said. I regretted it recently. I always wanted to follow My son is easing the relationship." Chu Dashan knew a lot about Minglou.

Now there are five workshops and two caravans under Minglou's name.Seriously well done.

"Speaking of which, Minglou's kid is really powerful. I heard that he recently took a stake in a sea fleet. Now, do you know that the sea fleet makes money?" Qi Sheng said.

"Yeah, the boat business is the most profitable right now. If you are interested, Brother Sheng, I will ask Shiluo to help you contact a fleet as well, just as a shareholder. Don't worry about other things, and wait for the money to be distributed at the end of the year." Chu Dashan said .

"Wait, Shi Luo can still do this?" Qi Sheng looked at Chu Dashan in astonishment and asked.

"Actually, Taohua did this. She has a lot of fleets. Shiluo turned out to be quite wealthy, and he had accumulated a lot of spiritual stones. He didn't need them, so his sister lent them to them. Taohua not only borrowed He also borrowed all the remaining money from Saburo Shiro and Goro. By the way, he also borrowed our family property from his mother, and they all went to the sea fleet."

Qi Sheng was startled, "What about saving too much?"

"It happened many years ago. The spiritual stones that our family earns every year are all used by Taohua to invest here and there. There is basically nothing left." Chu Dashan said as a matter of course.

"Then you dote on your daughter too much, aren't you afraid that she will pay you?" Qi Sheng asked in horror.

"Where can I pay for it? If I can pay for it, can the Taohua brothers and sisters put all the money in her hands? My Taohua was very smart and good at managing money when she was a child. Her mother thought she was very good at the beginning, but she ended up doing it within two years. Throw all the wealth of the family to Taohua, and let her play with it by herself.

I don't know how much my family earns every year.It's all about my wife and Taohua. "

"Then how can Shiluo help me participate in the fleet? Is he also helping Taohua invest in the formation of the fleet?" Qi Sheng asked.

"Didn't Taohua get pregnant recently, so she temporarily handed over the affairs of the fleet to Shiluo to take care of it. I heard that Taohua has recently formed six fleets, each with six newest large-scale ships. Able to fight and be a business, there are more than 40 businessmen interested in investing in it. However, Taohua only accepts [-]% of foreign shares when building a fleet.

At most a dozen merchants can be selected, and if you are interested, you can just occupy a spot. "

"How many spirit stones are there?"

"A share of [-] spirit stones." Chu Dashan said. "Our Peach Blossom's big sea ships are all capable of flying at low altitudes. They are also capable of traveling through storms, and can withstand lightning strikes. They are also capable of carrying risks. When encountering difficult deep-sea monsters, the ship can fly away."

When Qi Sheng heard this, his heart skipped a beat. "I'll add a share too."

"Okay, let Shiluo find you a fleet later. You can choose whichever you like to invest in. I will let Shiluo handle the procedures for you." Chu Dashan said.

Qi Sheng immediately said happily, "Okay. Forty thousand spirit stones, I will send them to you later."

Although the [-] spirit stones emptied his and his wife's savings for many years, once the fleet started to sail, the spirit stones could be earned back in a few months.Who doesn't know now, if Longshanfang City is a fixed gold mountain that continues to increase in value, then the golden sea channel is a flowing gold river.

Qi Sheng walked out of Chu Dashan's mansion, he didn't plan to go back now, he planned to stay here for a few days.Besides, he hasn't finished his stock investment business yet, that kid Shi Luo is so busy that he won't be able to see him until evening.

Dashan was also taken away by Chu Dachuan for a meeting, so he simply went out for a walk by himself.

In the end, before he had walked a few streets, he bumped into the young couple Qi Mingzhi who were also stranded in Xianyang.

"Father, why did you come to Xianyang?" Qi Mingzhi's face changed drastically when he saw his own father.

Qi Sheng was speechless, and said in his heart that I didn't see any of your faces change drastically, why did you change?

"What's wrong? Xianyang is so big, why can't I come and walk around?"

Qi Mingzhi thought for a while, then walked over and grabbed his father firmly and dragged him to a secluded place. "Father, did you hear that I came to Chu Shiluo to ask him to find me a good job?"

"Yeah, so what?" Qi Sheng sneered. "It didn't work out."

Qi Mingzhi changed his face again, and asked angrily, "Father, did you tell Chu Shiluo not to arrange an errand for me? Was it you?"

"Yes, that's right, it's me." Qi Sheng said coldly.

"Why? Why are you doing this, dad? How did I offend you?" Qi Mingzhi yelled in dismay.

"Why didn't you offend me? You quarreled with your mother in front of me. You wouldn't think that you were playing around, and after bullying your mother, you can leave like a normal person, right?"

After hearing this, Qi Mingzhi looked at his own father in shock.

"You protect and hug the sweetheart you like. Isn't your father the same as you? Why are you shocked?" Qi Sheng complained angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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